Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1356 Supervision of food and participation in politics

"Your Majesty, Wu Aheng has seen you!" As soon as Wu Aheng, who had been traveling all the way, arrived in Xinzhou, he went to see Zhang Shun in despair, without bothering to wash away the wind and dust.

"Okay, Long Wei, you're just in time!" Zhang Shun saw that it was Wu Aheng and couldn't help but help him up quickly.

"Ever since you voted for me, I have never had a suitable position or job for fear of wronging you."

"Now there happens to be something that must be done by you, so please don't refuse."

"Uh, may I ask, Your Highness, what's going on?" Wu Aheng was stunned when he heard this, and couldn't help but ask.

It turned out that since Wu Aheng took refuge with Zhang Shun, due to his special qualifications, Zhang Shun did not want Han Xu, Lei Chong and Wu Aheng to join forces, so he had been kept in Pingyang Mansion without any reuse.

Now that there happened to be a suitable position, Zhang Shun immediately thought of this person.

"The thing is like this, I am planning to raise a large number of troops to attack the Donglu army that has entered the pass." Zhang Shun said with a smile.

"It's just that the Donglu army is flourishing, which is related to the safety of the world. I dare not be careless, lest I become a criminal in history."

"Therefore, I am prepared to raise 200,000 troops, or even 300,000 troops if necessary, to go to Xuan Mansion to fight against it."

"It's just that since then, transporting food thousands of miles has been a heavy task. Only a man who is wise, brave and loyal can do it."

"This king has counted all the ministers, who is worse than Shelongwei?"

Good guy, Zhang Shun's compliment immediately made Wu Aheng's blood boil with passion, and he wanted to cut his heart open to show his loyalty.

He couldn't help but hurriedly fell to the ground and responded loudly: "A Heng, since Ming Jun is like this, I wish I could die in retribution!"

"Okay, okay, okay, as long as you have this intention." Zhang Shun was startled when he heard this. He quickly helped Wu Aheng up and handed Xu Ziyuan's plan to him, asking him for details.

Wu Aheng looked at it for a long time and couldn't help but smile and said: "This plan is well detailed. Logically speaking, I can't comment on it."

"However, after looking at it for a while, I got some ideas."

"Everywhere we go, we have to set up a 'military platform'. On the one hand, it is a serious waste, and on the other hand, it wastes time."

"In my opinion, why not borrow the post station established in the previous Ming Dynasty as a 'military platform'. Firstly, there is a ready-made site, secondly, the distance is suitable, and thirdly, some materials can be borrowed. Wouldn't it be the best of all three."

"Oh? How do you say this?" When Zhang Shun heard Wu Aheng's words, he suddenly felt that this matter was somewhat feasible.

"Your Highness, look!" Seeing that Zhang Shun was very interested in this, Wu Aheng couldn't help but get excited and quickly took out a pen and paper and drew a picture on the spot.

"Starting from Taiyuan Linfen Station, it goes to Chengjin Station, Jiuyuan Station, Yuanping Station, and then to Yanmen Station."

"This Yanmen Station is located in Daizhou City. Daizhou is the most important place within the three passes. It needs to be garrisoned to guard against the enemy troops rushing over from Lingqiu and Fanzhi."

"Then, we start from Yanmenyi, pass through Yanmenguan and go to Shanyin Station, Anyinzi Station, Xi'an Station, and finally to Yunzhong Station in Datong."

"At this point, our army can use Datong as a basis to fight for victory eastward."

"If His Highness wants to win against Xuanfu, he must go northeast to Shuluo Station, Yanghe Station, Tiancheng Station, and then to Xuanfu."

"However, Datong, as the foundation of the rebel army, must prevent the enemy from making surprise attacks on the front lines of Yuzhou and Hunyuan Prefecture."

"Therefore, if you want to take over Xuanfu, I suggest you take Weizhou first, and then slowly pursue it."

"Oh, let's talk about the distance. Let's talk about this post station. Starting from Linfen Post and ending at Xuanfu Post, there are a total of twelve posts before and after."

"The distance between each two stations is only fifty to more than a hundred miles, which is a round trip in one day."

"With this kind of transportation, it only takes eight days for the grain and grass to be transported to Datong; it only takes 12 days to transport it to Xuanfu."

"Such a round trip and continuous return will definitely not affect the rebel army's food and grass supply."

There is a saying that goes like this: There is no place to be found after wearing iron shoes, and it takes no effort to get there.

Zhang Shun didn't expect that Wu Aheng was quite knowledgeable, so he couldn't help but feel very good, and couldn't help but smile: "In this case, I will entrust this king's life and death line to you, needless to say!"

"Ah?" Wu Aheng was stunned when he heard the words. He immediately understood what Zhang Shun meant and couldn't help but bow quickly.

"A man dies for one who knows him well, and a woman dies for one who pleases her. How can A Heng be so virtuous and gain such trust from His Highness? He can only fight cautiously and not let the front line lack even a grain of rice."

"Okay, it's settled!" Zhang Shun patted Wu Aheng on the shoulder and smiled.

"I will call the four merchants Liang Zhu, Wang Xie, Ji Bei and Marquis to discuss the details with you later. I will lead my troops to Datong early tomorrow morning."

"Ah?" Wu Aheng didn't know how surprised he was today, but he still couldn't help but ask, "Can't King Shun delay for a day or two to wait for the minister to get familiar with the work before setting off?"

"No, I'm afraid of changes on the front line, and I can't wait any longer!" Zhang Shun shook his head and said.

"After Jin has many horses, he comes and goes like the wind. If we can't take this opportunity to hit him hard, it will be a disaster in the future."

"Instead of doing this, it is better to complete the victory in one battle, so that they dare not look south, and then the world will be safe."

Since Li Zicheng left as the forerunner, Zhang Shun waited in Xinzhou for another five or six days. Seeing that most things had been arranged, he couldn't wait any longer for fear of missing something important.

"This little minister will just wait for the good news from His Highness!" Wu Aheng pondered for a moment, knowing that this was not a strategic issue that he could comment on, so he had no choice but to bow respectfully.

"Well!" Seeing that Wu Aheng was so knowledgeable, Zhang Shun didn't waste any more words. He just ordered on the spot, "Wu Aheng listens to the order. From now on, you will be my king's food superintendent and participate in politics. You will be in charge of the supply of the rebels from Taiyuan to Xuanfu." Things."

"Tell the next battalion of King Jinyi to serve as your command and garrison in Daizhou."

"As for the water transportation from Xi'an to Taiyuan, I have transferred Chen Jingqian to serve as the food supervisor and participate in political affairs. From now on, you two will take over the matter in Taiyuan Mansion."

"By the way, it is estimated that in two or three days, Zhang Sanbai will lead the nine battalions to come to the rescue."

"This king allows you to leave two battalions of Lu Xiangguan and Zhang Ding to guard the grain road, while the other seven battalions continue to go north."

"Since then, Li Zicheng has three battalions of cavalry with 9,000 men, I have 13 battalions with 45,000 men, Zhang Sanbai has seven battalions with 21,000 men, for a total of 23 battalions with 70,000 men. Five thousand people, these supplies and supplies will trouble Wu’s political participation!”

"Wei Weichen takes orders!" Upon hearing this, Wu Aheng had to admire Zhang Shun's courage and ability.

After such an extremely complicated and complex 200,000-strong army marched eastward, he not only occupied the entire Shanxi Province, but was also able to mobilize 75,000 troops in a short period of time to deal with the threat from the direction of the Eastern captives. This psychological method is really disappointing. Intimidated.

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