Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1357 God’s Will

"What, Xuanfu hasn't fallen yet, and the Donglu and Ming troops are fighting in Changping?" In the majestic Datong City, Li Zicheng, Song Xiance and others looked at Datong Governor Ye Tinggui in disbelief.

"Yes, we didn't expect this." Ye Tinggui explained excitedly when he saw King Shun sending troops.

"I don't know why, but after Jin soldiers marched to Changping, they clashed with the Ming army. Now they are attacking Changping fiercely, which delayed the time."

"Oh? It seems that Zhang Weishi, the governor of Xuanfu, can still win over?" Song Xiance thought for a moment after hearing this, and couldn't help but grasp the key point and asked.

Ye Tinggui pondered for a moment after hearing the words, and finally nodded and said: "It's not impossible!"

"In this case, if they don't go to Xuan Mansion, let's go!" Song Xiance couldn't help but turn his head and suggested to Li Zicheng after hearing this.

"That's fine!" Li Zicheng, who had just been named "Xiahou" by Zhang Shun, was now in high spirits and naturally had no reason to retreat.

"It's just that I don't know if Prince Ye has enough troops here?"

"Ah?" Ye Tinggui was stunned when he heard this, and it took him a while to realize that "Prince Ye" was himself. He couldn't help but said with a little embarrassment, "I don't have anything to do here. Although Datong City does not have enough field troops, there are still a lot of guards. Ten thousand."

The Ming Dynasty made eight defenders in World War II. If calculated according to this standard, Datong Town still has at least 80,000 soldiers and horses.

Even if they were to defend various city fortresses, there were at least 20,000 to 30,000 defenders left in Datong City.

Thinking of this, as if to be worthy of his position as "Prince", Ye Tinggui couldn't help but ask: "There are many soldiers and horses in Datong City now. Should we not select some of the soldiers and horses to set off with the generals?"

"No need, soldiers are valuable and quick, so there is no need to delay." Li Zicheng shook his head and said to himself: "You have already obtained the king's title, and I have not found the king's title yet. How can I let you take away this credit again?"

Thinking of this, Li Zicheng couldn't help but continue: "If Prince Ye and the two princes are interested, you might as well help me replace my tired horse, I will be grateful."

"It's so easy to say!" Ye Tinggui was very generous when he heard this. He couldn't help turning his head and said to Wang Shiren and Li Guoliang, "As long as there are good horses in the city, General Li can choose them."

Wang Shiren and Li Guoliang responded quickly, but Li Guoliang hesitated for a moment, and finally stood up and said: "Although I am not talented, I am the commander-in-chief of the Xuanfu. If General Li doesn't dislike it, I am willing to go together. I can't say that." Helps.”

"This" Li Zicheng hesitated after hearing this and looked at Song Xiance.

Unexpectedly, Song Xiance laughed on the spot and said, "I don't dare to ask my ears, but I do what I wish!"

The two sides had decided on a plan, so Li Zicheng replaced some of the tired horses, and then left Datong Town with 9,000 people including Song Xiance, Li Guoliang, Ji Longfeng, Zhang Fatty and Li Guo, all the way to the northeast Xuanfu direction. Go ahead.

Not to mention how the rebels acted, let's say that on that day, Tai Hong sent Wu Weihua to persuade Zhang Weishi, the governor of Xuanfu, and at the same time sent Dorgon to lead an army of 30,000 to suppress the battle, hoping to win.

Who would have thought that Wu Weihua, by himself, was so fast that he had already left Dorgon's army behind.

Prince Narui, Dorgon, knew that the movement of tens of thousands of troops could not keep up with his personal speed, so he was not in a hurry and just followed slowly.

It's just that Dorgon and his army had just left Shuntian Mansion and entered Changping, and they had already angered someone.

This person is none other than Chao Pichang, the commander-in-chief of Changping in the Ming Dynasty.

When Nachao Pichang saw the Donglu entering the pass, he regarded the officers and soldiers of the Ming Dynasty as if they were nothing, coming and going as they pleased. He couldn't help but said to Wang Xizhong, the eunuch guarding the mausoleum: "As a general of the imperial court, I have been entrusted with Changping Town by the emperor's favor."

"Although Changping is a small town, the number of troops is only more than 19,000. However, starting from Mutian Valley in the north and ending at Zijin Pass in the south, it is the western gateway of the capital."

"Now that the Eastern bandits are raging under the capital city, I cannot go to King Qin in person, which is a great treason."

"Now that Donglu is showing off his power in the town, how can I just sit back and ignore it?"

When Wang Xizhong, the eunuch guarding the mausoleum, Wang Yigui, Zhao Yue, the head of the household department, and Wang Yuzuo, the general magistrate of Baoding, the governor of the prefecture, heard this, they couldn't help but agree: "What the general soldier said is true. Some people just rely on driving."

Chao Pichang was overjoyed when he heard this, so he selected five thousand soldiers, feasted on wine and meat, and swore: "The Donglu killed my parents and brothers, and Yin, my wife, daughter, and sisters. This hatred is irreconcilable. We will not be able to sleep on his skin while we are alive, and we will have to die." Eat its flesh!”

Then he went out of the city at night, with the title of Mei, at Ma Le's mouth, and made a surprise attack on Dorgon's camp.

As the best general among the "Four Little Belles", Dorgon was naturally well-deserved. When the Ming army appeared outside the camp, the sentries discovered it immediately.

However, just because you've discovered it doesn't mean you can resist it.

When Chao Pichang, the commander-in-chief of Changping, saw that the raid had failed, he shouted loudly, jumped up, and committed suicide in the rear Jin camp.

When the soldiers under his command saw that their commander-in-chief was charging in person, their morale immediately surged, and they rushed forward with a roar.

"Kill!" Chao Pichang took the lead and stabbed a Houjin patrol soldier to death with one shot, and then shouted loudly, "Only one patrol of Donglu soldiers is blocking the way. The other troops have not yet had time to put on their armor. As long as we wait for the killing general to pass, We will definitely defeat it in one battle!”

"What's going on?" While Chao Pichang was killing desperately outside, Dorgon, the "Prince of the Qing Dynasty and Shuorui", had already been awakened.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, there are thieves outside and they are coming to kill you!" After hearing this, some soldiers ran over in panic and reported in panic.

"What?" Dorgon was shocked. He never expected that "Southern Barbarian" would have such courage.

It turns out that after entering the pass these days, the Ming Dynasty was as afraid as a tiger, but they gathered their soldiers and closed the city gate tightly, not daring to engage in battle.

Even the capital of the Ming Dynasty, which gathered tens of thousands of elites from Jiliao and Liao towns, did not dare to leave the city. They could only hide on the city wall and watch the Jin army show off its power.

He never expected that he would have passed all the rivers and almost capsized in this small ditch.

"How brave. Come and take my armor. I want to see who is so brave!" Dorgon calmed down and then ordered.

"The guards on the left and right are wrapped in clothes and are gathering towards the king quickly. If anyone dares not to reach me, it will bring disaster to the whole family!"

"Hey!" The soldier was startled when he heard this. He quickly arranged for people to gather the coated guards and hurriedly put on the armor for Dorgon.

Not long after, Dorgon managed to get dressed neatly, and when he came out of the tent, he saw a mess outside.

There was a man riding a tall horse, galloping left and right, unstoppable.

While he was slashing the Houjin soldiers running around, he shouted loudly: "Where is Dorgon? Come and die!"

When Dorgon saw that the guards on the left and right were fully clothed, his confidence doubled, and he couldn't help shouting: "Dorgon is here, who can kill me!"

It turned out that it didn't matter what he shouted, it actually frightened the coated guards who had just gathered.

When these people saw the Ming army coming, they screamed strangely and dispersed, leaving Dorgon and more than ten people around him alone.

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