"Dorgon, Dorgon!" Seeing the man in front of him looking like a madman, shouting his name while fighting, Prince Rui Dorgon couldn't help but regretful in his heart.

It was the middle of the night, the lights were dark, and I couldn't see my fingers. How would the general know where he was if he didn't call out?

Unexpectedly, he was so smart that he wanted to lure him over and kill him, which ended up putting him in danger.

"Dorgon, Dorgon, why are you pretending that your grandson is silent?" The man stabbed several people down in succession, but there was no trace of Dorgon, and he couldn't help but become anxious.

"Okay!" Dorgon couldn't help but secretly shouted when he saw this. He took his bow and arrow, hid beside the tent, secretly took aim, and shot an arrow.

"How brave!" Unexpectedly, the man heard the wind and turned aside to avoid Dorgon's hidden arrow.

But it was already dark at this time, and when he looked in the direction of the arrow, he saw nothing but darkness.

Chao Pichang was furious and couldn't help but shouted. He immediately took an oil can from the attendant beside him, lit it and threw it in.

"You cowards, you must die!"

When Dorgon saw the cupping attack, he rolled around and dodged.

When he got up and took a look, he didn't expect to see his own army tent set on fire with a "bang", only lighting up the night.

Dorgon was immediately frightened and angry, and he quickly rolled like a lazy donkey. He rolled on the spot and fell into a ditch, and disappeared again.

The man couldn't find him, so he had to kill and burn him. After struggling for a long time, he reluctantly left.

At this moment, Dorgon almost fainted.


It turned out that it didn't matter that he rolled, and he actually rolled into the shallow ditch between the camps.

This shallow ditch was originally used to separate the tents of each camp to prevent soldiers from running back and forth.

However, there were many war horses and livestock in the Houjin camp. Some soldiers drowned the horses and dumped their dung into the ditch in order to save trouble.

If it were an ordinary season, Hou Jin's soldiers would leave camp early the next morning, and no one would care about it.

It's just that there are so many predictions, who would have expected that "Prince He Shuorui of the Qing Dynasty" would fall into this?

Dorgon suppressed his nausea, fearing that the Ming army would leave and come back, so he had to hide inside and dare not move.

It wasn't until the wrappers around him searched for him that he climbed up covered in feces and urine, which made the wrappers almost want to vomit.

Dorgon wanted to settle accounts with them, but he was afraid of missing the point.

He calculated: If word of this gets out today, people will definitely laugh at it. If I can't capture and kill this thief, how can I see other Beleyes in the future?

Thinking of this, Dorgon couldn't help but cursed angrily: "What a thief, what a shame! Think of how majestic I, Dai Mo Qinggen, was in the past, but how embarrassed I am tonight. If I can't avenge this hatred, I swear I won't be a human being!"

So he ignored the gathering of soldiers and repaired the camp, and instead hurriedly gathered more than a thousand cavalry to pursue in the direction of Changping Town.

At this moment, it was still dark, and Chao Pichang, the commander-in-chief of Changping, had just won a long-lost victory. He was pressing down his soldiers and rushing towards the city with his head in hand.

Halfway through the journey, Dorgon's pursuers caught up and the two sides fought another battle, each suffering injuries.

Dorgon thought to himself, "Unexpectedly, this thief is well prepared, and I have few soldiers." This place is not far from Changping. If Ming army reinforcements arrive, I may not be able to escape!

Thinking of this, Dorgon had no choice but to order his troops to retreat.

When he returned to the camp and counted the number of people, he was shocked to find that there were four to five hundred corpses in the camp, two to three thousand soldiers, and three to five hundred horses. He almost fainted on the spot.

After finally calming down, he couldn't help but send a letter to the "Emperor of the Qing Dynasty", and then ordered: "Now that it's daylight, after dinner, we will turn back and seize Changping!"

"Ah?" Hearing this, the left and right people couldn't help being surprised, and they all tried to persuade each other, "The top priority is to seize the Xuan Mansion, so why should the prince be so arrogant that he misses the real deal?"

Unexpectedly, Dorgon shook his head and said: "Today's strategy of besieging Changping was not a temporary decision, but a plan that I had planned for a long time."

"In Changping, where I live in a mediocre position, I am in the middle of a throat. It is the great destiny of the Ming Dynasty capital to be sent to the door."

"Therefore, if you can live here, I will strangle you by the throat, and I will kill you at any time."

"If not, we will sacrifice the near for the distant and fight for Xuanfu. Not to mention the important town of Xuanfu and many fortresses."

"Now that the Xuanfu is under control, the 'shun thieves' are in front, and the Ming army is behind them. I am in a dilemma. How can we achieve peace?"

When everyone heard this, it was also true.

If the Changping garrison general is still obedient, it would be natural to seize the Xuanfu first.

As a result, today I didn't expect that the Changping commander would be so brave. Once the two sides reach a deadlock, it would be safe for the other party to sneak up on them.

Therefore, Prince Rui Dorgon led his troops to storm Changping Town, and at the same time sent an envoy to the Xuanfu, claiming that "Those who disobey orders are like this."

Good guy, it's hard to tell the outcome of this battle for five to seven days, but it gives the rebels a ready advantage.

Not to mention how the rebels responded, let's say that Dorgon's letter reached Hongtai's camp. When Hongtai opened it and looked at it, he was immediately furious.

"Idiot, idiot!" You asked why Mrs. Hong insulted Dorgon so much.

It turns out that as the leader of a country, he naturally has a better vision than Dorgon.

In Dorgon's eyes, I want them all.

It turns out that they have been unable to attack the capital for a long time in the past few days, and the strategy of another partial army trying to open up the front lines of Jinzhou, Guangning, and Shanhaiguan has not made any progress, and it has reached a deadlock for a while.

Seeing that the food in the army was being consumed day by day, the food in the army was being consumed at a speed visible to the naked eye, which immediately made the cunning and cunning Hong Tai anxious.

Originally, he was only thinking about taking over the important town of Xuanfu, and then using its food reserves to support him for a while, so that he could fight the "Shun thieves" decisively.

Unexpectedly, Dorgon's strategy of capturing Changping Town suddenly enlightened him.

Yes, if we can seize Xuanfu and Changping, not only will the Hou Jin soldiers have a foothold, but they will also be able to use the two passes of Dushikou and Gubeikou to connect to the outside of the Great Wall, and they will also be able to threaten the capital of the Ming Dynasty.

To say that Mrs. Hong did not want to capture the capital of the Ming Dynasty would be against her will.

However, when the Jin soldiers entered the pass for the first time, they could not attack fiercely. Hong Tai understood that this was not a day's work, so she avoided attacking later.

But if there are two footholds in Xuanfu and Changping, are the conditions for besieging and seizing the capital met?

Thinking of this, Mrs. Hong couldn't help but feel her heart beat, and she even resented Dorgon for taking matters into his own hands.

It's just that now it's ready. Even if Hong Tai doesn't want to, there is already a fight there, and there is nothing he can do.

Hong Tai had no choice but to send some troops to help him, and at the same time ordered and urged: "After Changping is captured, move westward to seize Xuanfu as soon as possible without any mistakes!"

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