Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1359 Lobbyist (Part 1)

It is said that Li Zicheng and his team left Datong Mansion at high speed and arrived at Yanghewei that night.

Yanghewei is east of Datong, one hundred and twenty miles away from Datong Prefecture.

Because this place is close to the frontier fortress, it is a strategic point. If the invaders invade Xuanzhen at Shunshengzhu, Tiancheng and Yanghe will be the first to attack.

Therefore, in the fourth year of Longqing's reign in the Ming Dynasty, the governor of Xuanda moved here, and the governor of Datong East Road moved to Tiancheng to coordinate with each other in order to respond to the invasion and plunder of the Tartars in a timely manner.

Now that Zhang Fengyi, the governor of Xuanda, is dead, and Ye Tinggui, the former governor of Datong, has no other skills, so after some deliberations, it was finally decided to let Wang Shiren, the former commander-in-chief of Datong, be stationed here.

After Wang Shiren entered the city and arranged for Li Zicheng, Song Xiance, Li Guoliang and others to live, he hurriedly reorganized military affairs.

Song Xiance couldn't help but pull Li Zicheng, Li Guoliang and others and said: "Old Taoist priest, I have thought about it carefully, this won't work!"

"It is four hundred and thirty miles from Datong to Xuanfu. No matter how the army rushes, it will still take four or five days."

"Soldiers need to be quick. It's better to have General Li lead the army to hold back. Li Guoliang, Ji Longfeng, I, and I will take the lead with a few guards."

"We are waiting for one person and three horses, working day and night. We only need to travel quickly for a day and a night to reach Xuanfu."

"This" As soon as Song Xiance said this, Li Zicheng couldn't help but hesitate.

Although Song Xiance was nominally the military advisor of Li Zicheng's department, when he encountered something he couldn't make a decision on, he often asked him for advice.

But give him some courage and dare to treat him as a military advisor?

Because Li Zicheng was thinking about it at the beginning, Song Xiance was called military advisor, but he was actually the supervisor of the army.

This time he took such a risk. If something went wrong with the supervisory army, and he was in a position of suspicion, and it was difficult to defend himself, how should he explain to King Shun?

Song Xiance was such a talented person. When he saw Li Zicheng's expression, how could he not know what he was thinking?

He couldn't help but smile and said: "How is Zhang Weishi better than Zhang Bojing? Didn't the Yulin City Wall block the old Taoist priest back then?"

"Furthermore, regarding this Weishi, I have delayed making a decision for so many days. It is obvious that I am indecisive, worrying about gains and losses, and in a dilemma."

"As the saying goes: Don't look at the face of the monk to look at the face of the Buddha. Even for the sake of King Shun's hundreds of thousands of troops, he will not embarrass the old Taoist priest."

"Okay!" Li Zicheng pondered for a moment, and suddenly thought that if he stopped the old Taoist priest from going there, he would lose the responsibility of Xuanfu, so he had no choice but to nod in agreement with him.

It's just that Li Guoliang, the commander-in-chief of the Xuanfu, had never experienced this before, so he was shocked when he heard this.

He deliberately refused to go with the old Taoist priest Song Xiance, but he was afraid of being laughed at. For a moment, he felt uneasy and uneasy.

It is said that everyone's plan has been decided, and they have traveled one hundred and twenty miles along the way. They were very tired early on, so they went to rest.

Li Guoliang tossed and turned, unable to sleep.

Are you kidding me? Just bring a few people to see Zhang Weishi. Aren't you afraid of being hacked by the other party?

I don’t know how long it took, but as soon as I finally closed my eyes, I heard someone calling me.

Then Li Guoliang stood up and saw that it was Song Xiance and Ji Longfeng.

"What are you talking about?" Li Guoliang was confused.

"It's time, it's time to hit the road." The old Taoist priest said with a cheerful smile.

Nima, Li Guoliang was so angry that he almost wanted to hit someone: I haven't gone to bed yet, why is it so early?

"It's three hundred and ten miles east from here. We can't start early!" As if he heard Li Guoliang's doubts, the old Taoist priest explained with a smile.

"Okay, wait a minute!" As the general soldier of a town, Li Guoliang also understood the importance of speed in fighting. He had no choice but to pack up a bit, and then set off with weapons, armor, and packages.

Sixty miles east from Yanghe is Tianchengwei.

Song Xiance, Li Guoliang and others set out at Yinshi. When the sun rose to the tops of the trees, they rushed to Tiancheng.

Everyone did not show courtesy to the guard, and marched 160 miles eastward along the Nanyang River Valley to Chaigou Fort.

Even though the name of Chaigou Fort sounds rather crude, it is actually an important town with a circumference of more than seven miles, and is even larger than many cities in the mainland.

This place is not only a tall city, but also an important route for the Tartars to invade Gyeonggi along the Yanghe River Valley after they invade Xuanfu territory.

In fact, the entire Xuanfu Town is established based on the Yanghe River Valley Channel.

Starting from Chaigou Fort at the intersection of the three tributaries of Dongyang River, Nanyang River and Xiyang River, Wanquan Zuowei, Xuanfu and Baoan Prefecture are located in order.

Then, go down the Yanghe River Valley, break through the defense line of Changping Town, and enter the territory of Shuntian Prefecture in Beijing.

Therefore, in order to guard against the Tartars, the Ming Dynasty specially set up a branch to guard Xuanfu Xiaxi Road Chaigou Fort here. A general was stationed here and was fully responsible for the defense affairs in the west of Xuanfu.

"Li Guogong, this matter is up to you!" As soon as the few people arrived at the outskirts of Chaigou Fort, they were discovered by the patrolling soldiers of Chaigou Fort. Song Xiance was not in a hurry, but smiled at Li Guoliang.

No, what are you looking at me for?

Li Guoliang, the former commander-in-chief of the Xuanfu, was frightened to death and looked at Song Xiance in panic.

What a fool!

When Song Xiance saw it, he couldn't help but cursed secretly. Then he endured his bruised cheeks, rode up to him and said, "Just say that you are Li Guoliang, the commander-in-chief of the Xuanfu, and you have something important to do to see General Xilu. .”

"This...isn't it true that our family has surrendered to King Shun..." Li Guoliang said awkwardly.

However, before he could finish his words, the soldiers on the opposite side became impatient and took out arrows to process them, which shocked Li Guoliang.

No longer caring about arguing with Song Xiance, he responded loudly: "Don't... don't open... open the bow, it's me, Li Guoliang, the general of the Xuanfu!"

"Is it you? Didn't you take refuge with King Shun?"

With a simple name, Li Guoliang suddenly felt like hearing fairy music.

"Shun Zei" or "King Shun" is related to the attitude of the opponent.

"Ha, it's me. I have something to do and I want to see the general for a million dollars!" Li Guoliang couldn't help but feel more confident and laughed quickly.

"Okay, let's go!" After hearing this, the leader stepped forward to check, and couldn't help but responded happily.

" this okay?" Li Guoliang was a little surprised and couldn't help but asked tentatively.

"No problem!" The leader responded, "We have all thought about it. If we work with King Shun, we will get promoted and make a fortune; if we work with the emperor, we will sell our sons and daughters!"

It turns out that the rebels had previously launched a "food war" against Ming and Jin, causing an increasing shortage of food in the north.

Later, the rebels occupied Henan and Shaanxi. They fought for days and days, and their military pay became increasingly insufficient.

And now that Shanxi Town has fallen into the hands of the rebels, the civilian food and salt grains transferred from Shanxi every year must be gone.

In this way, the two towns of Xuanda and Dazhou, which were originally struggling to pay military wages, became increasingly difficult, with serious delays and arrears in pay.

In recent days, I heard that if you take refuge with King Shun in everything, you will be rewarded with one stone of food. Naturally, many impoverished soldiers were tempted.

Now that they finally saw King Shun's "coming", the patrolling soldiers were afraid of being deceived, so they couldn't help but ask: "General, now that you have surrendered to King Shun, have all those promises been implemented?"

"Ah? It's been implemented, it's been implemented!" Li Guoliang trembled when he heard this and said with a smile, "Now I am also the founding father of the country!"

"Hey, then... when you meet our general, please give us a few kind words!" Those few couldn't help but be overjoyed when they heard this, and quickly requested with a grin.

The journey was uneventful, and soon Li Guoliang, Song Xiance and others were welcomed into the heavily guarded Chaigou Fort and met General Qian Wanwan who was stationed here.

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