Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1362 Fire merger

Although Song Xiance tried to win over Zhang Weishi, the governor of Xuanfu, he really couldn't just ignore everything.

"This eunuch Wang Kun is just a eunuch. How can he control the troops without help?" Song Xiance couldn't help but ask after thinking for a long time.

"I heard that his general Biaoying was called Dong Yongwu. I wonder if Li Guogong recognized it?"

"It's true that he knows it,'s just that he also has a brother named Dong Yongwen. A month or two ago, he led the Shenshu battalion to resist the rebel Tianwei. Unfortunately, he died in battle. Now his body is gone..." Li Guoliang heard this. He said helplessly.

Well, the officialdom of the Ming Dynasty is really intricate and criss-crossed!

Of course, this has advantages and disadvantages.

The good thing is that everyone is related and will not surrender to the enemy easily.

The disadvantages are that one is inbreeding, which makes it difficult for talented people to be reused, and the other is that once one person is defeated, a whole bunch of them are often defeated.

The most obvious example is the three undercurrents surging in Xuanfu Town.

Previously, Zhang Weishi, the governor of Xuanfu, mentioned two forces in Xuanfu City. One was the Mongolian merchants who were closely involved with Hou Jin, and the other was the loyal ministers of the Ming Dynasty headed by the guarding eunuch Wang Kun.

However, in addition to these two forces, there is actually a third force.

This third force is the officers who are favored by the King Jiupei General Yin and most of the soldiers who are attracted by the rebel army's generous food and salary.

The formation of this force close to the rebels naturally relied on the power of Zhang Shun's cheap father-in-law Wang Shiguo.

"Looking at it this way, it's impossible to plot against Dong Yongwu. We can only plan to kill Wang Kun!" Song Xiance frowned and stopped thinking about Dong Yongwu.

"Is this matter actually a bit difficult to deal with?" Zhang Weishi coughed and responded with a bit of embarrassment.

"A few days ago, I went to him to discuss military affairs, but I found something was wrong. I suspected that this guy wanted to strike first, so I had to use some tricks to escape."

"Now, although the two of us haven't broken up publicly yet, in fact, we have already been wary of each other secretly."

"Good guy, are you a waste?"

Song Xiance looked at the handsome Zhang Weishi and felt speechless.

"Look at Ye Tinggui, then look at yourself."

"With the two general soldiers of Datong and Xuanzhen, they easily controlled the entire town of Datong."

"You are in charge of thousands of battalions, but you are helpless with a single guarding eunuch."

"How come the gap between people is so big?"

"Who are you scolding?" Zhang Weishi, the governor of the Xuan Mansion, was furious when he heard this. You old bastard, you have no shame in giving me face, right?

"The old Taoist priest is scolding you. Not only will I scold you, I will also beat you!"

Then there was a sound of fighting, and soon Zhang Weishi let out a cry of pain and quickly called the soldiers to join the defense.

It only took a while to tie up Li Guoliang and Song Xiance, and then sent a crony to hurriedly guard the eunuch's mansion and notify the eunuch Wang Kun.

"What? Zhang Fujun captured the traitor Li Guoliang and the 'shun thief' spies?" Wang Kun couldn't help but asked in surprise.

"It must be that 'submissive thief' who didn't give up and sent that thief Li Guoliang here to persuade him!" Dong Yongwu, the general of Wang Kun's subordinate battalion, couldn't help but clapped his hands when he heard this and quickly persuaded.

"Go down now!" Wang Kun glanced at Dong Yongwu and then ordered the envoy.

The envoy accepted the order and retreated. Dong Yongwu, the general of the Biaoying camp, could not restrain his eagerness to avenge his brother Dong Yongwen. He couldn't help but said quickly: "Since this is the case, it must be that Zhang Fujun has completely broken up with the 'shun thief' , father-in-law, why do you doubt it?"

"Don't be careless, don't be careless! This guy is quite cunning and slippery. We must not fall into his trap!" Wang Kun shook his head, still somewhat disbelieving.

"Then we won't go?" Dong Yongwu was stunned when he heard this and couldn't help but ask tentatively.

"No, we must go!" Wang Kun, the guard eunuch, shook his head and explained, "For such a big thing as capturing the rebellious guard general alive, if I don't go, wouldn't it mean that Zhang Weishi will be killed?"

"However, we can't take it lightly. In a moment, you can find more than a dozen of my confidants, wearing iron armor and holding sharp swords, to go with me. Then arrange your confidants, mobilize the Biao Battalion, and rush in to rescue us at any time."

"Then, find a good pair of chainmail armor and wear it with me."

"Everything is ready. Let's beat the gongs and drums and go to the governor's mansion. The more noisy the better, it's best to make the noise known to everyone, then it will be considered stable."

"When we go in, we won't eat his food, and we won't drink his wine or tea."

"If anything happens, just go to Zhang Weishi and show no mercy!"

"Okay, okay!" Dong Yongwu, the general of the Biaoying camp, heard this and knew that this matter was not a trivial matter. He quickly wrote it down one by one and sent his envoy to deal with it.

After finally getting ready, Wang Kun, escorted by Dong Yongwu and others, rushed to the guard house with a lot of fanfare.

Upon hearing this, Zhang Weishi, who was guarding the mansion, hurriedly came out personally and ushered Wang Kun, Dong Yongwu and others in.

The two parties decided to sit down respectively as host and guest. Dong Yongwu and others guarded the door.

Wang Kun was impatient to drink the tea in his house, so he couldn't help but said directly: "Li Guoliang was deeply favored by the emperor. Fortunately, he was captured by the help of the army. I wonder where he is now?"

"Come here, bring Li Guoliang and others!" Zhang Weishi was happy to hear the words. He just gave the order and saw seven or eight soldiers walking in, holding down three or five tied-up criminals.

The burly man among them was none other than Li Guoliang, the commander-in-chief of the Xuanfu.

"Well, you Li Guoliang, you have been favored by the emperor in this life, but you don't want to repay, but you are a thief. Did you ever think that you would be like this?" Wang Kun couldn't help but scolded.

"He's already dead, so why say so much?" Li Guoliang laughed and couldn't help but cursed, "I'll wait for you on the road to hell to see how long you can be arrogant!"

"Oh, you're quite tough!" Wang Kun smiled and turned to look at Song Xiance again, "Hey, there's also you old guy. You're so old that instead of coaxing your grandson at home, you run out to do these rebellious hookups. !”

"Hey, don't mention it. It's hard to coax the grandson at home, so I, the old Taoist priest, have to go out and coax the grandson outside!" Song Xiance responded in a nonchalant manner.

" old thing!" Wang Kun didn't understand what Song Xiance meant for a while, so he could only curse in confusion.

Seeing that the fire was almost done, Wang Kun was afraid of a long night and many dreams, so he said: "Okay, the Za family has taken a look and asked questions. Just go back and unzip the capital's official punishment."

"Uh... Invite the envoy!" Zhang Weishi was stunned for a moment when he heard this. He didn't expect this guy to say goodbye so quickly, so he stood up and saw him off.

The two of them exchanged polite words, then left their seats one after another and walked out the door.

Just when the guarding eunuch Wang Kun and the governor Zhang Weishi had just walked to the side of the "prisoner", suddenly a bearded man who was detaining the "prisoner" shouted loudly, pulled out a wrist-breaking knife from his sleeve and pointed it at Wang Kun's heart. Go.

Only a "ding" sound was heard. The knife was piercing the eunuch's heart, but it made a crisp metallic sound.

"There's an assassin!" Wang Kun just screamed strangely as the rabbit rose and the falcon fell, and with the help of his strength, he fell back and hit a wheel.

The bearded man missed the target and was about to move forward, but unexpectedly Dong Yongwu came in with the guards at the door.

The long-bearded man and the seven or eight soldiers around him all wore armor and hung up their swords, and for a while they were inextricably killed by Dong Yongwu and others.

At this moment, Li Guoliang, Song Xiance and several "prisoners" had already broken free from their bonds, and one by one drew out their wrist-breaking knives and attacked Wang Kun.

Although Wang Kun has some martial arts skills, his two fists are difficult to defeat with four hands. How can he resist?

Seeing that Wang Kun was in danger, Dong Yongwu saw that "that dog thief" Zhang Weishi was watching a show nearby. He couldn't help but yelled and got rid of the long-bearded man, and slashed at him with a knife.

That Zhang Weishi had a hundred thoughts, but he never expected that Wang Kun, Dong Yongwu and others would have already beaten him into the likes of Ye Tinggui.

Only a scream was heard, Zhang Weishi was stabbed in the shoulder, and blood stained half of his body.

At the same time, Wang Kun also screamed, having been restrained by Li Guoliang and others, he opened his chainmail and thrust a knife into his heart.

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