"What, captured Xuanfu?" Zhang Shunde, who was leading the army towards Datong, heard the news, and his first reaction was disbelief.

Xuanfu is thousands of miles away from Taiyuan, and more than two thousand miles away from Xi'an, which basically reaches the limit of the rebel army's projection distance.

If it weren't for the importance of this place, Zhang Shun would actually be satisfied if he could capture Datong Town.

Now that the Xuanfu has fallen, Houjin has almost no place to stand, which means that the war in the pass is about to come to an end, and Zhang Shun can't help but feel relieved.

No matter how many legitimate reasons there are, war is always cruel and ruthless.

Not to mention how brutal the army and Hou Jin soldiers were, even Zhang Shun's rebel army who tried his best to improve military discipline could only be said to have better military discipline.

Even once there is a reasonable excuse, he will still show his cruel side.

For example, suppressing the forces that resisted the rebels, or looting and liquidating the princes' palaces.

Although under Zhang Shun's strict prohibition, civilized society has become much more civilized, but it still cannot change the nature of one class's revenge on another class.

And even if the soldiers of the three parties have strict military discipline and do not kill or burn, the actions of the two sides fighting, requisitioning food and requisitioning supplies will still cause heavy disasters to the local people.

Now that the war is almost over, he can take a short rest and prepare to seize the capital of the Ming Dynasty and even Beizhi, Henan, Shandong and other places.

After these lands have been conquered and he has been recuperating for two or three years, he is confident that he will conquer the Jin Dynasty in the north and Ming Dynasty in the south, and finally unify the country and open a new chapter in this ancient land.

However, just when Zhang Shun led his army to Datong, another bad news came from the direction of Xuanfu.

"Someone in Xuanfu City, Wanquan Left Guard, Zhangjiakou and other places suddenly used the banner of Xuanfu Governor Zhang Weishi and colluded with the Tartars to cause rebellion." The messenger panted and reported to Zhang Shunhui.

"Now that the city of Xuanfu has been pacified, Wan Quan's left guard and General Li, who happened to be able to resist Wan Quan's rear guard, went to quell the chaos in the direction of Zhangjiakou."

"How to deploy the troops?" Zhang Shun frowned, and suddenly realized that this was a riot launched by the forces close to the Jin side.

Although Song Xiance was an extremely outstanding strategist, well versed in people's hearts and good at lobbying, he was still somewhat immature in politics.

Just like this time, he mainly focused on the governor of Xuanfu Zhang Weishi and the guarding eunuch Wang Kun, but ignored the energy of Wu Weihua and the Mongolian merchants behind him.

Judging from the situation of Jiexiu Fan, Wang, Hou, Ji, and Liang families, there is a very deep collusion between these businessmen in Mongolia and local generals and officials, and these people may not have relied on the power of Hou Jin to get rid of the Xuanfu generals, The oppressive thoughts of officials.

Since then, these people have not pursued their own interests in this great change, and they will inevitably take risks and try to regain the Xuan Mansion.

"Li Shuai led his Biao Battalion and Fatty Zhang's 1st Battalion to Wanquan Left Guard and Zhangjiakou Fort, leaving Li Guo's 1st Battalion alone to assist Li Guogong, Mr. Song and others in stabilizing Xuanfu." After hearing this, the messenger quickly reported the report.

"Li Guoliang, Song Xiance?" Zhang Shun was stunned when he heard this, and immediately felt something was wrong, "What about Zhang Weishi?"

"Zhang...Zhang Fujun unfortunately injured his shoulder for Dong Yongwu, the general of Wang Kun's Biao camp, when he ambushed the eunuch Wang Kun. He is now recuperating in the city." The messenger hesitated after hearing this, and then reported.

"Recuperate? When will he have time to recuperate?" Zhang Shun sneered after hearing this, and then ordered.

"Just say it was me who said it. Didn't he do his job as the King of Zhendai in vain? Come out quickly and help me clean up the situation. If the Xuanfu fails, I will take him for granted!"

"This...is!" The messenger opened his mouth after hearing this, and finally agreed helplessly.

"Your Highness, something is wrong. Is it... that Zhang Weishi is a little unreliable, so... Mr. Song and Li Guogong deliberately ignored him?" Zhang Fengyi, as a woman, is more sensitive and can hear something is wrong.

"It's not 'is it', but it's definitely yes!" Zhang Shun said with certainty when he saw the envoy leaving.

"Mr. Song is the best at guessing people's hearts. He has probably figured out the two ends of the snake and mouse in the world."

"It's a mistake to miss the main thing. It is estimated that after seizing Xuanfu, he and Li Guoliang planned to sideline him, so this riot happened."

"Your Highness...Your Highness is saying that the mastermind behind this...is Zhang Weishi?" Zhang Fengyi was shocked when she heard this and asked quickly.

"It's most likely not him, but it's inseparable from him!" Zhang Shun shook his head and said.

"how do I say this?"

"The city of Xuanfu is a mixed bag, and the three forces are intertwined. Originally, Song Xiance and Li Guoliang captured Xuanfu, so they naturally caught the other two forces by surprise." Zhang Shun said.

"As a result, after these two men seized the Xuan Mansion, they did not invite Zhang Weishi to take charge of the overall situation as soon as possible. This not only made the forces supporting the rebels doubtful, but also certainly encouraged the determination of those with other ambitions to cause trouble."

"What...what should we do?" Zhang Fengyi wrinkled her heroic eyebrows and couldn't help but feel a little worried.

Zhang Shun thought for a while and comforted him: "Don't worry, Song Laodao is so experienced in doing things. If you suffer a loss this time, you will definitely think of the problem soon."

In fact, as Zhang Shun said, there was a "riot" in Xuanfu City, and Song Xiance immediately realized the key point.

Now there are three forces in Xuanfu Town, one is the rebel army, one is the Ming Dynasty, and one belongs to the Hou Jin Dynasty.

If Song Xiance and Li Guoliang's newly organized Biaoying and Li Guo battalions were alone, how could they survive?

Therefore, Song Xiance arranged for Li Guoliang and Li Guo to lead troops to quell the rebellion, and at the same time led people to see Zhang Weishi in person.

Zhang Weishi did not dare to hesitate this time, but instead offered to help stabilize the Xuanfu situation.

What a joke, among the three forces in Xuanfu Town.

Most of the forces close to the rebels are now controlled by Li Guoliang and Song Xiance, the former commander-in-chief of the Xuanfu.

Wang Kun, the guarding eunuch who was close to the Ming Dynasty, was wiped out, and his subordinate Biaoying was taken over by Li Guoliang.

Now there is only one force left that is close to Hou Jin Fang. If he continues to push back, he is afraid that he will be labeled as a spy of Hou Jin by these two people?

Seeing that he was interested, Song Xiance said without any nonsense, "Xuanfu City has changed its owner, and people in the city are panicked. It is inevitable that some young people will take the opportunity to cause trouble."

"Nowadays, Duke Li Guo and General Li are naturally responsible for quelling the chaos, while King Zhen Dai is responsible for parading through the streets for three days."

"What are you going to do?" Parading is sometimes also called "Praising Street". Except for criminals who have been relieved and paraded through the streets, usually only when the number one scholar reaches the top rank or a high-ranking official is promoted, they will parade to show off.

"Of course I want to praise you for your trust in King Zhendai!" Song Xiance took the opportunity and couldn't help but smile.

It turns out that Zhang Weishi had been the governor of Xuanfu for more than two years in this time and space, and was also the governor of Changping, and he was quite prestigious.

Song Xiance asked him to parade through the streets, firstly to express the ownership of Xuanfu City to all parties, and secondly, to "erect the city gate with trees" to show his trust to others.

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