"General, in the past few days of hard fighting, the casualties of the soldiers have been too high, and it is difficult to replenish them for a while!" Wang Zhaokun, the censor, reported worriedly to Pichang Hui, the general's nest in Changping.

"Oh?" Chao Pichang frowned when he heard this.

The reason why he took the initiative this time was firstly out of righteous indignation, and secondly because he saw an advantage to be taken advantage of.

But he never expected that this sneak attack would lead to a massive attack by Hou Jin's army.

Today's Changping Town Government Office is the Yong'an City built by Jingtaichu.

In the 14th year of the Zhengtong reign of the Ming Dynasty, Emperor Yingzong of the Ming Dynasty went on a personal expedition. Unexpectedly, he led his army to bypass the important town of Xuanfu and was defeated at Tumubao.

Not only was Emperor Yingzong of the Ming Dynasty taken prisoner, hundreds of thousands of elites from the capital camp were wiped out in one fell swoop, and the capital was also besieged.

After this battle, the emperors and ministers of the Ming Dynasty learned the hard way and believed that there was only one defense line in Xuanfu to the west of the capital, which was really unsafe.

As Yu Shaobao said, "Living in the capital is like having Chenggao in Luoyang and Jiange in Xichuan."

"When going to Guan in Changping, there is less than one house. They can come and go to support and breathe. It is appropriate to high up the city and strengthen the walls, and to stay in the heavy brigade. The generals are specially ordered to be stationed here to strengthen the defense on the shoulders and back."

During the Wanli period, Guancheng was built, and Changling, Xianling, Jingling, Yuling, Maoling, Tailing, Ningling and Yongling were successively placed in the city to guard the city.

The city is ten miles and twenty-four steps in circumference. The city is three feet high and the pool is eight feet deep. There are three gates in the east, west and south.

Theoretically, Changping Town should have more than 40,000 soldiers, but the actual number of soldiers was more than 19,000.

However, since Changping Town, like Shanxi Town, is a second-tier border town, the military pressure is not strong enough.

Therefore, in order to deal with internal and external troubles, the Ming Dynasty deployed troops from here many times to suppress the intensifying rebels.

Among them, Zuo Liangyu, the former commander-in-chief of Changping, was one of the best. With the "help" of "King Shun", he successively lost the lives of thousands of soldiers in vain.

Now there are only 13,000 to 4,000 people left, and they have to guard Zijin Pass, Juyong Pass and Gonghua City, so that there are only 6,000 soldiers in the entire Yong'an City.

Chao Pichang ordered the censor Wang Zhaokun, the household chiefs Wang Yigui and Zhao Yue, and the governor of Baoding Wang Yuzuo to guard each gate. He led more than a thousand people as surprise troops to support.

Now, after several days of continuous fighting, the soldiers suffered serious losses and could not be replaced for a while, leaving Yong'an City in danger.

"This... really doesn't work, we can only let the soldiers go into battle." Chao Pichang frowned and thought for a long time, and finally suggested.

"Is this...is this okay?" Wang Xizhong, the guarding eunuch, asked worriedly.

"You have to do it if you don't. If you continue like this, you will die sooner or later, so why not take a gamble!" Chao Pichang smiled bitterly and shook his head, and finally said helplessly.

"Okay, try to spread them out in each door, just in case!" Wang Xizhong thought for a while and finally decided.

Following Chao Pichang's order, two thousand surrendered soldiers were immediately released from prison, wore iron armor, carried weapons, and were assigned to various sects to assist in combat.

With the addition of this new force, all the sects that were already in danger were able to defend themselves and launched a beautiful counterattack.

"No, how come this enemy is getting stronger with each battle?" Dorgon originally said that he would take Changping Town right away, but who would have thought that he would withstand it again at the critical moment.

"Prince Rui, since it's hard to fight here, let's go to Xuan Mansion as soon as possible!" Prince Su Hauge couldn't help but suggest.

"No, we're just short of this. How can we give up halfway?" Dorgon shook his head after hearing this.

"Xuanfu is important, but Changping is equally important!"

"The matter has come to this. If we continue to act haphazardly, we will lose more than we gain, and we won't be able to win at all."

Having said this, Dorgon felt more and more strange, and couldn't help but ask the soldier who sent the message: "What happened on the front line? Did the Ming army come with reinforcements again?"

"Reinforcements have arrived, but...just..."

"Just what?"

"It's just that these reinforcements are quite capable, and their armor and clothing are quite similar to those of our Qing Dynasty..."

"Quite similar? Could it be... could they be the soldiers of our army who were taken captive?" Dorgon suddenly had a guess.

"This... this can't be possible, right?" Haug said in disbelief.

"If that's the case, aren't they afraid that these soldiers will rebel?"

"I'm afraid there are really no soldiers in Changping City!" Dorgon and Hauge smiled at each other and couldn't help but said overjoyed.

"Come here, attack the city at night and shout to the city in Manchu." Dorgon couldn't help but order.

"What to shout?"

"Those who surrender and return will have merit but no fault; those who surrender and die in battle will have an extra level of sin!" Dorgon sneered.

Not to mention how Dorgon and others responded, but after the Jin Jiang soldiers joined the defense, the morale in Changping City was greatly boosted for a while, and they once again won the victory in defending the city.

Chao Pichang, the commander-in-chief of Changping, could not help but be overjoyed and quickly ordered the preparation of wine and meat to feast the soldiers.

Unexpectedly, before the meat-and-win affair could continue, something happened.

It turns out that the Ming army relied on the leader to count the merits. When these descended soldiers of the Later Jin Dynasty joined the Ming army, many gains were made in this battle.

The Ming army thought that the opponent was just a prisoner, so how could they count on merit; then Jin Jiangzu thought that he had been pardoned by Chao Pichang and deserved to be treated like the Ming army, so they started to make trouble.

Chao Pichang must not cause any trouble at this time, but only tried to comfort him and said he would truthfully report to the court to ask for credit for both parties.

Chao Pichang's words were quite wrong, but they were official, which immediately aroused growing dissatisfaction between the two parties.

That night, the Hou Jin soldiers came over again to kill the generals and shouted loudly in Manchu: "Those who surrender and return will have merit but no fault; those who surrender and die in battle will have an additional penalty!"

Although the Ming army didn't understand, they were suspicious of the surrender and colluded with them internally and externally, and quickly reported it to the guard.

This report didn't matter, the surrendered soldiers couldn't help but whisper among themselves: "I am waiting here to work hard, but I am being suspected by others."

"I have done a lot of merit during the day, but I don't know how many of them have been taken away by others. Instead of doing this, why not do what others have done and still not lose a fortune."

Thinking of this, the surrendered soldiers couldn't help but make a noise, and instead started to kill the Ming army defending the city.

When the Ming army defending the city saw that the surrendered soldiers had turned against them, they hurriedly attacked each other, causing chaos on both sides.

When Dorgon saw the chaos in Changping City, he couldn't help but be overjoyed, and quickly ordered: "Charge with all your strength, and the first one to get there will be promoted to one level and will be rewarded with two hundred taels of silver!"

Following Dorgon's order, Houjin soldiers outside the city immediately swarmed in.

Under attack from both front and back, how could the crumbling Changping City be able to hold on?

All three gates in the east, west and south were destroyed at once. The guarding censor Wang Zhaokun, household chiefs Wang Yigui and Zhao Yue, and the governor of Baoding Wang Yuzuo and others were all killed, leaving only Changping commander Chao Pichang and the guarding eunuch Wang Xizhong. He led more than a thousand people to resist in Qiao Tower.

When Dorgon saw this, he couldn't help but ride his horse downstairs and shouted: "Commander Chao is so brave, but now that the situation is over, even if you don't think about yourself, don't you think about the brothers under you?"

"This..." Chao Pichang heard this and looked at the soldiers on the left and right. Seeing that they were all hesitant to speak and had hesitation on their faces, he immediately knew that something big was going on.

He couldn't help but smile bitterly and shouted outside: "Thousands of mistakes have been made, and it's only my fault, and it has nothing to do with anyone else."

"If Prince Rui wants Chao Pichang to surrender, you only need to promise me two things, and I will capture you without any hesitation!"

"Please speak!" Dorgon was overjoyed when he heard this and quickly agreed.

"Firstly, you are not allowed to embarrass my brothers, and secondly, you are not allowed to destroy the tomb of the Ming Dynasty Emperor. It would not be a pity for me to die!"

"Okay, I swear to God, if there is any disobedience, there will be arrows like this!" Dorgon took out an arrow and broke it on the spot.

When Chao Pichang saw Dorgon swearing on the spot, he felt relieved and couldn't help but look at the guarding eunuch Wang Xizhong.

Unexpectedly, Wang Xizhong shook his head and said: "The Za family has been deeply favored by the emperor and has never repaid it."

"Now that the city of Changping has fallen, many officials have died. Although the Zajia family is an eunuch, he is also a minister of the Ming Dynasty. How can he be a childless generation?"

Then he raised his sword and died. Chao Pichang was so angry that his face turned red.

Let's talk about the death of the guarding eunuch Wang Xizhong. Chao Pichang surrendered to Dorgon, becoming the first general to surrender to the Jin Dynasty since the Ming Dynasty.

At this moment, a soldier suddenly ran over in a hurry and reported to Prince Rui Dorgon and Prince Su Hauge: "Urgent report, Zhang Weishi suddenly rose up in Xuanfu City and killed the guarding eunuch Wang Kun. Surrender to the 'successful thieves'."

"Now Wu Weihua has contacted the merchants and officials in the city and asked two personal guards to send out troops to attack..."

Not to mention how Dorgon and Hauge reacted, Chao Pichang was dumbfounded when he heard this, deeply regretting that his will was not strong enough to survive today.

Chao Pichang was the first general of the Jin Dynasty after the Ming army surrendered. He was not mentioned much in the history books. After joining the Jin Dynasty, there was basically no record. However, there are also many mysteries in these brief records.

For example, the simplest question is where did the two thousand surrendered soldiers that led to the fall of Changping come from. The author has not seen any information mentioned.

However, in view of the important role of Changping Town in the follow-up of this article, the author tried his best to complete his story to suit the plot development of the novel.

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