Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1365 Datong City

Just when Dorgon learned that the rebels had occupied Xuan Mansion, and Wu Weihua had joined forces with merchants and generals in the city to launch a counterattack, Zhang Shun actually received the same news in Datong almost at the same time.

Datong is 430 miles away from Xuanfu, and Changping is 410 miles away from Xuanfu. The distance between the two sides is almost the same.

However, at this moment, both parties did not know each other, but they were sure that if someone took the advantage, the consequences would be disastrous.

As a result, both sides cut the knot quickly and solved the problems they faced as quickly as possible, and at the same time dispatched soldiers as quickly as possible to march towards Xuanfu City.

Relatively speaking, Zhang Shun faced fewer problems.

One is that Ye Tinggui, the former governor of Datong, and Wang Shiren, the commander-in-chief of Datong, took control of Datong for themselves.

Within a few days of returning to Datong and Yanghe, they reorganized their defenses and mobilized some soldiers who dared to fight to build a new standard camp of one or two thousand people.

On the other hand, Song Xiance and Li Guoliang took the lead, and Li Zicheng, Fatty Zhang and Li Guo fought in the second formation, opening up the front-line passage from Datong to Chaigoubao and Wanquan's left rear in Xuanfu.

After these two dredgings, the rebels miraculously opened the thousand-mile passage from Taiyuan to Xuanfu.

However, due to the distance, this channel is actually very unstable.

Therefore, Zhang Shun entered Datong City, looked at the tall Datong City Wall, and immediately had the idea of ​​​​transferring Ye Tinggui, the trusted king of Zhenshuo.


It turns out that Datong City was a barrier for the three Jin Dynasties and the vassal guards of the capital. Therefore, the Ming court spared no expense and went through several generations of additions to build this majestic city.

The city is more than thirteen miles long, nearly five feet high, three feet seven and a half feet thick at the top, five feet six feet and two feet thick at the bottom; the pool is nearly two feet deep and three feet wide.

It is more than ten feet taller than the famous Xi'an city wall, and two feet thicker than the capital's city wall.

In addition, in order to enhance defense, gate towers, turrets, and watchtowers were built at the four gates, each towering into the sky. Even Zhang Shun, who was used to tall buildings in his previous life, could not help but be shocked by it.

Not to mention that Zhang Shun entered the city from the most majestic Nanguan Pass.

The south gate is called Yongtai Gate. It is a three-story building with a width of twenty feet and a depth of seven feet and three feet.

Zhang Shun entered the first floor of the building which was Nanguan. Nanguan is huge, so there are gates on the east, south and west sides.

Zhang Shun rode his horse to the south gate and looked up. He saw the three characters Yonghe Gate written on the plaque on the city gate.

He couldn't help but mutter in his heart: Didn't it mean Yongtai Gate? How could it be written as Yonghe Gate?

After passing Nanguan, Zhang Shun entered the second level of the building, which is Yuecheng.

Yuecheng is much narrower than Nanguan, with only one gate.

Zhang Shun took a closer look and saw that Yuecheng Tower surpassed Nanguan Tower, with three big characters "Wenchang Pavilion" written on it.

Only then did Zhang Shun conclude that it turned out that the South Gate of Datong was layered on top of each other and was not one gate, so each had its own name.

Later, Zhang Shun drove horses to Yuecheng and Wengcheng, and finally resisted the south gate of Datong.

Zhang Shun looked up and saw that the south gate was not only taller and more majestic, but also had an arrow tower on the east side to enhance the city gate's defense.

Good guy, from Guancheng to Yuecheng, from Yuecheng to Wengcheng, and then from Wengcheng to the city gate. Such four lines of defense are really impregnable.

Unfortunately, according to Zhang Shun's poor historical knowledge, he did not know that in the original history, Jiang Xiang, the commander-in-chief of Datong, relied on this city to withstand the siege of the elite soldiers of the Later Jin Dynasty and the artillery bombardment of Hongyi for nine months.

It was not until the traitor Yang Zhenwei assassinated Jiang Xiang and opened the city gate that this fortified city fell.

Dorgon was so angry that he "slaughtered the city and chopped off the wall." Except for Yang Zhenwei and the traitors, only five people in the prosperous and prosperous Datong City were massacred, and the Datong City Wall was also cut off by five feet.

And Jiang Xiang, who took the lead in raising troops, had his house dug up and filled with feces and urine to get tired of victory, which is why later generations called it Lanchi.

Of course, Zhang Shun today does not know that the historical executioner is in Changping, and that Jiang Xiang, whose family was dug into an orchid pond, is serving as the commander-in-chief under his command.

As soon as Zhang Shun entered Yongtai City, King Zhenshuo Ye Tinggui led the acting king and a group of civil and military officials from Datong City to pay their respects.

Zhang Shun met them one by one, and then entered the government office under the leadership of Ye Tinggui.

The two parties sat down in order of priority and exchanged polite greetings.

Zhang Shuncai dismissed the crowd and said to Ye Tinggui: "The military situation in Xuan Mansion is urgent. I, the king, must lead the army there as soon as possible."

"You must arrange for the soldiers to rest tonight. I will lead my troops to leave early tomorrow morning."

"'Huh? So soon?" Ye Tinggui originally wanted to give Zhang Shun a slap in the face, but never thought he would leave so soon.

" to deal with the acting king and old officials in Datong City?" Ye Tinggui thought for a while and asked tentatively.

"Let's keep it for now to see the effect. As for the acting king, keep it under surveillance for the time being. If there are no big mistakes, just look back and support him!" Zhang Shun pondered for a moment and couldn't help but give the order directly.

Now, unlike other times, he could not help but slowly liquidate the situation. He could only use force to control it, use it for profit, and unite all the forces that could be combined to deal with the menacing main force of Houjin.

"King Shun is benevolent and righteous!" Ye Tinggui couldn't help but be grateful when he heard that Zhang Shun was betraying his favor.

"Now that the Prince's Palace has been vacated for King Shun, there are only some female relatives and aunts to serve him. Your Highness is invited to come!"

"..." Zhang Shun looked at Ye Tinggui, then at Zhang Fengyi beside him, and was speechless for a moment.

Zhang Shunna really understands what "female family members" and "aunts of Datong" are like.

The key point is that there happens to be a female general next to him now, so he can't do anything too blatant.

"Haha!" As expected, Zhang Fengyi suddenly asked softly, "King Zhenshuo, what do you mean?"

"Is it possible that our Highness is the kind of fatuous man who is addicted to women?"

Zhang Shun wanted to say that he was, but he didn't dare.

Ye Tinggui also wanted to say that Zhang Shun was, but he didn't even dare.

So, he had no choice but to laugh and say: "Ah, haha, the general has misunderstood, the general has misunderstood. This is not because the king of that generation is uneasy. I want King Shun to comfort his family for him, haha, haha..."

King Shun, you just have to figure it out, I can't help you anymore! Ye Tinggui gave Zhang Shun a helpless look.

Well, I know I can’t count on you!

Zhang Shun shook his head and said: "Okay, okay, I understand your kindness, King Zhenshuo. However, I am busy with military affairs and I am not happy to accept it."

"Let's just spend one night at this government office today and set off early tomorrow morning, so there's no need to go to such trouble!"

If the past rules were followed, the acting king would not be allowed to accept gifts and daughters to reassure him.

Now that the rebel army is in full swing and has the potential to sweep the world, Zhang Shun actually no longer needs to use these small means.

Of course, as the dignified King Shun, Zhang Shun could not allow them to stay in the government office no matter how shabby Datong Town was.

In the end, he and Zhang Fengyi and others moved to the main town office.

Not to mention how others arranged it, let's just say that the two of them arrived at their residence and settled in.

Zhang Fengyi then smiled and said, "Thanks to Ye Tinggui for being so flattering to you, who knew you were so guarded against him."

"What's wrong with you? Aren't you jealous?" Zhang Shun chuckled and would not admit it verbally.

"You still said it, you still said it!" At this point, Zhang Fengyi was so embarrassed.

"You are so old, but you are still as jealous as a little girl. I don't know why you are being laughed at behind your back!"

It turns out that the two of them were singing and acting in harmony for Ye Tinggui just now.

No matter how lustful Zhang Shun is, he still knows the importance.

Now, despite Ye Tinggui's strange honesty, if this guy has bad intentions and arranges assassins in Daiwang's palace, there are tens of thousands of troops outside Zhangshun City, and he may not be able to escape.

Now that he is stationed in the town guard mansion, with Zhang Fengyi, Wukong and a group of personal guards around him, he can naturally sleep peacefully.

The two quarreled for a while and lay on the bed panting.

Zhang Fengyi then asked: "What are your plans? Since you can't trust this person, you won't just leave him in an important town like Datong and ignore him, right?"

"How could it be?" Zhang Shun heard this and said truthfully, "Now you have seen that Datong City is really an important city. It is guarded by 30,000 to 50,000 people. Even a hundred thousand troops cannot break it!"

"Such an important place, if you don't control it in your own hands, it will be hard to feel alone!"

"Therefore, I plan to return some of his close guards and ask him to step up the preparation and training of the standard camp and lead the troops to join the war with me."

"As for Datong City, I plan to let Zhang Sanbai, who is coming from behind, take over, so that we can deal with Hou Jin Hongtai, Dorgon and the others without any distractions!"

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