Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1369 Destruction

"'Champang General,' how many good things do you think I caught?" At noon, Fatty Zhang, who had returned home with a full load, rushed to Li Zichenghui to report.

"War horses? Food?" Li Zicheng asked expressionlessly.

"Hey, I really made you guess. There are more than a thousand war horses, more than 4,000 livestock, more than 1,720 carts of rice and beans, and several boxes of gold, silver and jewelry." Fatty Zhang said excitedly.

"What?" Li Zicheng was also a little confused, "Why are there so many?"

It stands to reason that war horses and livestock are specialties outside the Great Wall, and there is no problem in having more of them.

However, one or two thousand carts of this grain is a bit abnormal.

Taiping carts were commonly used in the Ming Dynasty. One cart could hold more than ten stones, and one or two thousand carts could hold two to three hundred thousand catties of rice and wheat.

If Changshi and Batuer and other tribes outside the wall were still acceptable, now the Mongolian tribes outside the wall are almost gone.

Earlier, when the guard commander said that there was food for war horses at Yuanbao, Li Zicheng was a little confused, and now he was even more suspicious.

"Wait a minute, are you saying that these war horses and grains are not sold outside the wall, but inside the wall?" Li Zicheng suddenly had an idea.

"You mean... Donglu?" Fatty Zhang was stunned when he heard this, and he immediately reacted.

"I asked you why there are jewels in Laiyuan Castle. The feelings are robbed from the mainland!"

The products outside the Great Wall are poor, and it is generally customary to barter with the interior, exchanging cattle, sheep, horses and other livestock for scarce cloth, salt and grain.

This time, a large amount of gold, silver and jewelry can be sold and sold, which is really unreasonable.

"Tell me, what's going on?" Now that he had the answer, Li Zicheng couldn't help but turn to the commander of the guard and asked.

"You...don't you all know?" The guard commander lowered his head and confirmed the two men's guesses in a low voice.

"Dog thief!" Li Zicheng was furious when he heard this, and couldn't help but stepped forward and kicked him to the ground.

The fat man couldn't help but stepped forward and kicked him twice, letting out a bad breath.

The two of them didn't understand the Huayi debate, but they knew that when the Tatars came, they would burn, kill and loot.

They were on the border and had frequent interactions with the Aoerdusi and Tumut tribes, so of course they knew how cruel these people were.

As a result, they never expected that some people would make such immoral money and sell food to support the enemy.

"Tell me who you sold it to, how you sold it, and how much money you made?" Fatty Zhang asked with a dark face and dangerous eyes.

"Grandpa, don't do my business!" The guard commander saw Fatty Zhang's expression and cried quickly.

"I can't help it. The top and bottom have already colluded. I can only turn a blind eye."

"If not, Chang Rusong will serve as a lesson to others!"

"Chang Rusong? Who is Chang Rusong?"

"Chang Rusong was the former left guard. Because he did not cooperate with their "mutual trade", he was killed by people who colluded with the Tatars in the seventh year of Chongzhen!"

"What?" Li Zicheng was shocked when he heard that Fatty Zhang was interrogating him here.


It turned out that he had just heard from Qian Jimin, the guard of Wanquan Zuowei, that Wanquan Zuowei was conquered and massacred by Houjin in the seventh year of Chongzhen. He did not expect that there was such an inside story.

"Who are they?" Li Zicheng asked.

"In Xuanfu alone, there are three generals on the Shangxi Road, Xiaxi Road and South Road, the commander of the guards, the commander of the camp, the commander of the camp, the commander of the garrison, the commander of the conduct, and the deputy envoy of the military equipment of Shoukou North Road, the governor and the commander-in-chief of the army. And the guarding eunuch." After hearing this, the commander of the guard immediately spoke out a long list of names.

"By the way, someone may have ruined the situation. The governor, deputy commander, and censor all have their share!"

"There are so many shares. Can you divide them?" Li Zicheng and Fatty Zhang were a little unbelievable.

"Enough, why is it not enough? In the interior, the rice and wheat are only 70-80% to 1, 22, 1 stone, and in the border areas, it is only 340 taels." The commander of the guard explained.

"For the past few years, it has been difficult for the Eastern captives to carry cattle, sheep, livestock, ironware, cloth and satin. Gold, silver and jewelry alone are the most convenient."

"As time goes by, things become expensive and silver becomes cheap. In that country, a bushel of rice costs only two taels, and cattle and horses cost more than a hundred taels. Therefore, if you resell them, you can make a profit of more than ten times."

"Straight mother-in-law, if I don't kill you, it's hard to eliminate the hatred in my heart!" Hearing this, Li Zicheng couldn't help but became furious and cursed hatefully.

Even Fatty Zhang couldn't help but ask: "You are trying to make money for the country and make money by killing people, but you are not afraid of thunder and retribution from God?"

"Retribution, what retribution?" The guard commander chuckled, "Even if there is a real God, I'm afraid he still loves money!"

"I think you two are also doing big things. God knows that you know this and I know it. If you are willing to help us hide it, not only will these gold, silver, cattle and horses be yours, but we will also have profits to give you later!"

"Oh?" Li Zicheng wanted to take action after hearing this.

Originally, he wanted to keep him because he had something to ask.

In the end, he said such words in front of Fatty Zhang, and Nasu couldn't let him stay.

Thinking of this, Li Zicheng couldn't help but shouted: "What a thief, who do you think Li is!"

"Come here, drag this guy out for me to see, so as not to taint my eyes and ears!"

"'Champion' is really... really noble!" Fatty Zhang couldn't help but shook his head and praised.

To be honest, when the guard commander opened his mouth, Fatty Zhang was not unmoved.

But he never expected that just when he hesitated, Li Zicheng had already ordered the man to be beheaded.

Of course, Fatty Zhang did not expect that Li Zicheng knew that he was Zhang Shun's "best friend", so he was afraid that his high profile would ruin his path to becoming the king.

It is said that after the two men killed the commander of Wan Quan Youwei, the soldiers used artillery to smash open the south gate and east gate of Zhangjiakou Fort.

This Jiakou Fort originally had three gates, namely Yingen at the south gate, Yongzhen at the east gate and a small gate that was later opened at the north gate.

Now this small door is harmless, but if the south gate and east gate are blasted open by the rebels, the trouble will be big.

"Kill, kill!" The rebels poured in like a tide and started a desperate fight with the Ming army and Tatars in the city.

"Mount the gun, load the gun!" It was hard to tell the winner for a while. Li Zicheng couldn't hold it back and couldn't help but use Zhang Shun's "old wisdom".

"Boom!" As two cannons filled with shotgun shells were pushed in, there were two loud bangs not long after, and the world suddenly became much cleaner.

When the smoke cleared, Li Zicheng and Fatty Zhang entered the city. Looking at the corpses on the ground and the surrendered generals and merchants kneeling in a pool of blood, they suddenly couldn't help but shudder.

King Shun's move of "mounting the bayonet on the cannon" was so cruel and vicious!

"Which one is guarding?" Li Zicheng said coldly.

"I...I am!" A general with a dusty face replied weakly.

"Drag him out and chop him!"

"I...spare my life...spare my life...ah!"

"Where is Fan Yongdou?" Li Zicheng asked again without changing his expression.

"Fan Yongdou is not here. There is only an old father leading a group of close associates to take care of business in the city..." Someone responded quickly.

"It's the father's fault if a son doesn't teach him! Fan Yongdou colluded with the Tartars and made money by killing people. His crime is unforgivable. He was dragged out and chopped up. Remember to be happy!" Li Zicheng pondered for a moment and organized his speech.

"No... don't, you 'dog thieves' will die...ah!"

"General, general, we know we were wrong, please spare us!" The merchants were so frightened that their urine was all over the floor, and they couldn't help but say.

"If you do bad things, I must spare you!" Fatty Zhang chuckled when he heard this and couldn't help but say.

"There are also Wang Dengku, Jin Liangyu, Wang Dayu, Liang Jiabin, Tian Shenglan, Zhai Tang, Huang Yunfa and others. The seven of you colluded with the Tartars, bullied China, and are traitors and traitors. You will not be punished!"

"Today, my general only eliminates the chief evildoers and never asks for threats. He confiscates his family's ill-gotten wealth and uses it for military purposes."

"The rest of the people who don't do this should go back to their homes and find their own mothers. Don't panic!"

Ah, I originally wanted to kill it in detail, but I don’t have time to go there today, so the author had no choice but to upload this chapter with tears in his eyes.

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