Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1370 Rewards and Punishments

"Prince Rui, in front of you is Badaling, and the passage in between is Guangou!" Chao Pichang, the originally high-spirited general of the Changping Army of the Ming Dynasty, gave Dorgon guidance with a gloomy expression.

"Going west from here and advancing along the ditch, there are four checkpoints: Nankou, Juyongguan, Shangguan and Badaling."

"After passing the checkpoint and exiting Guangou, you will find Chadao City."

"After passing Chadao City, the direction to the north is to Yanqing and Dushikou; to the west is the direction to Huailai, Baoan and Xuanfu."

"Oh? Then let's attack from a small path!" Dorgon frowned when he heard this, and couldn't help but give the final order.

Are you kidding me? If we, the "Qing soldiers", fought all the way from Nankou, Juyongguan, Shangguan, Badaling, and Chadaocheng, we would probably be blocked at the exit of Guangou by "shun thieves" after we got through Guangou.

Prince Rui Dorgon looked at the mount under his crotch, and had no choice but to turn his head and said to Hauge: "Prince Su, I will trouble you to go around the moral victory ditch this time."

What does it mean that there is nowhere to use your strength, and there is nowhere for horses to go? This means that there is nowhere to use your strength, and there is nowhere for horses to go!

Hou Jin entered the pass this time with many soldiers, many cavalry, and good at fighting. Logically speaking, he should have the initiative in every aspect.

However, when the rebels took the lead in capturing Taiyuan and then made a posture of taking all the north, both the Ming Dynasty and the Later Jin Dynasty fell into a great strategic passivity.

To sit back and ignore it would be to give the other side time to integrate the forces of Henan, Shaanxi and Shanxi to annex Beizhi and Shandong.

What if they took the initiative to attack, but due to their own problems, they were unable to gather enough strength to eat up the opponent's main force in one fell swoop. Instead, Zhang Shun took the opportunity to defeat them one by one.

The war has reached this point, and Dorgon's tribe, which has just captured Changping, finally understands the importance of capturing Xuanzhen.

But at the same time, he also understood that Hong Tai ordered him to go to Xuan Mansion to fight against the "Shun bandits". Although the strategy was very correct, in fact it was impossible to execute it.

Let’s not talk about Changping, but just looking at the four or five checkpoints in Guangou is simply overwhelming.

If we talk about fighting, just go through them one by one. With the elite troops of Houjin under his command, there is no problem at all.

However, the problem is that it takes time, and now that Jin Bing has learned about the chaos in Xuan Mansion, what he lacks most is time.

The capture of Changping Town was just a foothold for Hou Jin.

It can neither support the expansion of its 100,000-strong army, nor can it connect with the grasslands to the north.

Therefore, we have to continue to attack the city and seize territory, trying to expand the occupied space as much as possible before the main force of the rebel army arrives.

Fortunately, Dorgon captured Changping "quickly" before this, so that when attacking the Ming army's Guangou defense line, they could also take the Deshenggou trail in the direction of Changping Town and attack Juyongguan.

Not to mention how the Dorgon tribe of the Later Jin soldiers attacked, Zhang Shun rested for one night in Datong City and led the army on the road early the next morning, passing through Yanghe and Tiancheng all the way to Chaigou Fort.

The commander-in-chief of Chaigou Fort couldn't help but be overjoyed when he saw the rebel flags like clouds and soldiers and horses stretching for several miles. He quickly personally welcomed Zhang Shun into the fort and presented bacon, silk cakes, candied sesame leaves and other foods.

The two parties decided to sit down respectively. Zhang Shun took a few bites and couldn't help but smile: "I heard about General Hu when I was far away in Shaanxi. It's really extraordinary when I see him today."

"Hey, I don't dare, I don't dare. King Shun also knows my name, Hu Bohao!" General Hu Shen couldn't help but said happily after hearing this.

"I, the commander-in-chief of our guard office, was promoted by General Wang, and also favored by General Zhang, General Jiang and others..."

At first, Zhang Shun was a little confused after listening to the random talk of this general "Hu Bohao" and that general.

It wasn't until after listening for a long time that I realized that this "Old General Wang" was not his cheap father-in-law Wang Shiguo, but General Wang Xueshu, a member of the Wang Bao family, and General Jiang was Jiang Xianzuo, a famous general of the Jiang family.

These three Yulin generals all served as generals in Xuanfu, and were instrumental in promoting the new generation of generals and garrison officers in Xuanfu Town.

In addition, there are Zhang Chen, Zhang Chengyin, Wang Shiguo and other Yulin generals who serve as generals and garrison here, and there are countless people who have benefited from them.

At this point, Zhang Shun finally understood how much merit Song Xiance had achieved when he said he would surrender to Yulin City and marry himself into Yulin's "seven families and six surnames".

Thinking of this, Zhang Shun couldn't help but smile slightly and thought to himself: Wang Qiying, Wang Qiying, my husband's love for you has not been in vain, this time you have done a great service to my husband!

If Hu Bohao, the commander-in-chief of Chaigou Fort, had not "changed his banner", not only would Song Xiance, Li Guoliang and others have been unable to make the trip, but Xuanfu Governor Zhang Weishi would not have finally made up his mind to join the rebels.

Not to mention that Li Zicheng, Fatty Zhang, Li Guo and others would march straight in and settle in Xuanfu.

This is really "a drink, a peck, it is a predetermined decision"!

Afterwards, the two of them greeted each other politely for a long time. Seeing that the heat was almost over, Zhang Shun smiled and said: "General Hu, I promised that all those who surrender to me in the two towns of Xuan and Da will be rewarded."

"You are the general of Chaigou Fort, and you surrendered in time to help our army. You should be granted the title of Yibo!"

Originally, Zhang Shun didn't need to be so anxious, but now he urgently needs to set an example in Xuanfu Town.

Following the example of Shang Yang's wisdom of erecting wooden gates at the city gates, he wanted everyone in the Xuan Mansion to know that King Shun would keep his word and keep his promise.

Only in this way can we quickly stabilize people's hearts and capture Xuanfu Town.

When Hu Bohao, the commander-in-chief of Chaigou Fort, heard what he said, he couldn't help but kneel down to Zhang Shun and said, "I have such great love from King Shun, and I will not be able to repay His Highness if anything happens."

Zhang Shun quickly helped him up and said with a smile: "General Hu, there is no need to be polite, you deserve this."

"It's just that I haven't ascended to the Great Treasure yet, and I haven't equipped it with the imperial seal and other items yet. I have to wait for a while!"

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter!" Hu Bohao didn't care at all.

Just kidding, the famous Liu Ji and Liu Bowen in history are just sincere people.

Now, although I am not as capable as him, I am still like Uncle Gui Yi. What a sight and glory!

Not to mention how elated and grateful he was, Zhang Shun also ordered his soldiers to beat gongs and drums, which made everyone in the surrounding villages and towns know how beautiful it was.

Early the next morning, Zhang left Chaigou Fort and headed east again.

Halfway through the journey, he happened to bump into a messenger sent by Li Zicheng to report that the rebels had put down the Shangxi Road rebellion.

In order to avoid future troubles, he actually killed General Wan Quan, the commander of the guards, the commander of the camp Qian, and the guards of the four forts of Ximalin, Xinhekou, Xinkou, and Zhangjiakou in one fell swoop, leaving only one dining room guard who surrendered voluntarily. .

As for those who participated in the rebellion, the eight families of Fan Yongdou, Wang Dengku, Jin Liangyu, Wang Dayu, Liang Jiabin, Tian Shenglan, Zhai Tang, and Huang Yunfa were all confiscated.

Countless quantities of grain, tea, silk, horses, mules, livestock, vehicles, and gold and silver were seized. More than thirty shops, thirteen houses, two banks, and 732 men, women, and children were captured. I respectfully invite Shun. Wang Faluo.

When Zhang Shun heard this, he immediately didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He turned to Wang Qingzhi who was following him and asked, "Are these eight businesses all the merchants traveling to Mongolia as you mentioned before?"

"Exactly!" Wang Qingzhi couldn't help but feel happy when he heard this and responded quickly.

"These families all come from Jiexiu, Pingyao, and Qixian areas, and they specialize in Donglu business."

"His Highness destroyed his family, just like cutting off an arm of Donglu. What a joy and congratulation!"

"Oh?" Zhang Shun nodded noncommittally, looking at the desolate wilderness and said, "Let's speed up and rush to Xuanfu!"

There is only one chapter today, I hope you all know it, and please forgive me.

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