Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1371 Equally divided

When Zhang Shun led his army to Xuanfu, the smoke in the city had not yet cleared, and there were still patches of blood stains and piles of overturned stalls on both sides of the streets.

People in twos and threes are picking and choosing, and they can still use my items in recycling.

"It seems that the battle was fierce last night?" Zhang Shun frowned and couldn't help but ask.

"The rioting enemies have almost been eliminated. Now only some remnants are hiding in the city and are being searched house by house." Zhang Weishi, the king of the town, couldn't help but responded quickly.

"The person leading the charge is actually Liu Yongzuo, the former deputy military envoy of Shoukou North Road. Because he has been in the position for a long time and has a good reputation, he caused such a big commotion."

It turned out that when Li Zicheng led Fatty Zhang and others to attack Wanquan Youwei and Zhangjiakou Fort, Zhang Weishi, Li Guoliang, Song Xiance, Li Guo and others were also suppressing the rioting enemies in Xuanfu City led by Liu Yongzuo, deputy military envoy of North Shoukou Road. .

The Deputy Envoy of Military Preparation, also known as the Military Preparation Dao, was a distinctive civilian official in charge of military preparations in the middle and late Ming Dynasty.

This position can not only manage the military affairs in the jurisdiction, but also command low-level generals such as generals, guerrillas, garrison, and ethics. It is basically a small local governor.

It is divided into Bingbei Road of Shoukou North Road and has jurisdiction over Zhencheng, Jimingyi, Shangxi Road, Xiaxi Road and South Road. It is in charge of almost half of the area of ​​Xuanfu.

"Why does Liu Yongzuo need someone? Why is he so capable?" Zhang Shun frowned and asked.

The deputy envoy of military equipment is completely different from the generals with military positions such as general and garrison. The former is a floating official who will be transferred as soon as his term is up; while the latter comes from a guard station and has been in the army for generations, and has intricate connections in the border army.

Therefore, in Zhang Shun's opinion, a military deputy envoy should not have so much energy.

"King Shun, please, this Liu Yongzuo is the right censor of the Metropolitan Procuratorate and is also in charge of military preparation!" Zhang Weishi smiled bitterly and couldn't help but explain.

"How do you say this?" It was okay if he didn't explain, but Zhang Shun became even more confused when he explained.

"It turns out that I am just the right censor of the Metropolitan Procuratorate and the governor of Xuanfu!" Zhang Weishi saw that Zhang Shun really didn't understand, so he couldn't help but added another sentence quickly.

"Oh? It turns out that I was careless!" Zhang Shun suddenly realized when he heard this.


It turns out that in the Ming Dynasty, the deputy envoys of military preparations in various places generally took up the positions of deputy envoys for inspection and deputy envoys and were also in charge of military preparations.

The front represents rank and order, while the back represents dispatch.

Although the level of this rank does not affect the authority of the Deputy Military Envoy, it does represent the level of status and the priority of promotion.

For example, Hong Chengchou and Lu Xiangsheng participated in politics as junior rank-3 officials and were also in charge of military preparations. Later, they were promoted after achieving great results.

The same is true for Liu Yongzuo, deputy military envoy of Shoukou North Road. If there are no accidents, once Xuanfu Governor Zhang Weishi resigns, I am afraid that the successor will most likely be this person.

However, some things in the world are just such coincidences.

Liu Yongzuo, deputy military envoy, had not waited for Zhang Weishi, who was also the governor of Xuanfu and Changping, to resign, but he was waiting for the "change of banners" and "change of dynasties". How could he, who had finally become a wife, become a mother-in-law? Are you willing?

By coincidence, Wu Weihou, the "Submissive Marquis of the Qing Dynasty", found him at this time, and the two hit it off, which led to the disaster in Xuanfu.

"In this case, please pass on the order, and the military deputy envoys in Xuan Mansion can be granted the title of marquis!" Zhang Shun listened to his detailed explanation and couldn't help but quickly ordered.

What does it mean to fail to succeed but to fail? This is called failing to succeed but to fail!

Zhang Shun thought that the price offered this time was big enough, but unexpectedly, an accident happened.

"Report, urgent military information!" Accompanied by Zhang Shun, Zhang Weishi, and Li Guoliang, they walked and chatted. They almost reached the capital, but unexpectedly, soldiers came over in a hurry.

"Say!" Zhang Shun ordered as soon as he saw that there were no outsiders around him.

"Reporting to Your Highness, Houjin soldiers have conquered Juyongguan and captured the security guards!" The soldier reported quickly.

"What, so fast?" Zhang Shun couldn't help but his eyelids twitched and thought to himself that it was not good.

He quickly ordered, "Where is Li Shukong? Send out scouts quickly to be on guard against any changes!"

Previously, I had only heard that Hou Jin had conquered Changping. Zhang Shun also said that the enemy would need to stay for a while, but he never thought that Baoan Prefecture would be conquered so quickly.

Baoan Prefecture is located in the lower reaches of Yanghe River, bordering Yanqing to the east, Xuanfu to the west, Longmen to the north, and Yuzhou to the south. It is the only place that Xuanfu must pass eastward.

Now that the Jin soldiers have arrived here, Yanqing Prefecture must have been lost, and the Longmen and Kaiping guards are also in danger.

If this is the case, even though he has occupied the Xuanfu Town Office, the two sides still share the town equally.

In this case, the top priority is to reorganize the troops and take inventory of the family assets in order to prepare for the next plan.

Thinking of this, Zhang Shun felt a little relieved when he saw Li Shukong responded.

He couldn't help but ask Zhang Weishi, the former governor of Xuanfu: "I wonder how many troops and horses can be used in the city?"

"There were originally nine battalions of men in the city." Zhang Weishi explained when he introduced Zhang Shun to the capital.

"Among them, the four left and right wing battalions of Fubiao, Zhenbiao and Bobiao are combat soldiers, and the military aircraft battalion and the five battalions east of the city, south of the city, west of the city and north of the city are the defenders."

"Among them, there are five thousand for the town mark. They were taken to Taiyuan by General Li before. Now there are only nine thousand soldiers and fifteen thousand defenders left."

"Oh?" Zhang Shun was about to calculate how to deploy when he heard this, but suddenly remembered the Ming army's bad habit of eating empty pay, and couldn't help asking again, "How much is it really?"

"In fact... there are 3,000 soldiers in charge, 4,000 in left and right wings, a total of 7,000 soldiers and 7,500 guards..." Zhang Weishi hesitated for a moment and had no choice but to report his family background.

"Hey!" Zhang Shun couldn't help but gasped after hearing this, you guys are really good at playing.

Now is the time to use troops, and Xuanfu is an important town in the west of Beijing. One battalion can't even make up the number of three thousand. Should I praise you for your bravery, or laugh at your stupidity?

If it weren't for the time of military use, he almost wanted to regret it on the spot and take back the titles awarded to them.

"Uh... uh... it's a little short, but don't worry, Your Highness King Shun. These soldiers are all brave men, one is worth two..." Seeing that the atmosphere was a bit awkward, Zhang Weishi hurriedly patted his chest and reassured. road.

They are all foxes for thousands of years and monsters for thousands of years. Why are you playing with me?

Zhang Shun couldn't help but sneered, interrupted Zhang Weishi and said: "Everyone knows what happened before, and I will no longer pursue it."

"It's just that now that everyone is following me, you should act according to my rules. Otherwise, if you miss the military flight, you won't be able to afford it."

"The men and horses under my command are all in a battalion of three thousand. If we retire more than we need to make up for it, we must count them truthfully and there will be no room for falsehood."

"King Zhendai, the number of people in your camp has reached the standard. However, I still give you one day to find out for yourself."

"Whether you check it or not, I will send people to count them one by one tomorrow morning. If there is any shortage, I will ask you!"

"Wei... Weichen accepts the order to thank you!" Zhang Weishi, the king of the town, couldn't help sweating when he heard this, and he quickly accepted the offer.

"Li Guogong, the Biao camp under your command has been dispersed by our army and no longer exists." Zhang Shun nodded and turned to Li Guoliang.

"You will take people to transfer all your cronies and servants back later. You can choose the two battalions of soldiers on the left and right wings. Within five days, I want you to build a new battalion of the Standard Battalion. Is there any problem?"

"No problem, no problem!" Li Guoliang secretly glanced at Zhang Weishi, who looked embarrassed, and responded quickly.

"As for the guards, let's not move for the moment. We just need to let them all do their job for me. There must be no lies!" Zhang Shun thought for a while and emphasized.

"Remember, don't think about playing tricks with me. Tomorrow morning, I will call your names one by one according to the roster and perform school arts."

"You should not answer the roll call, and it will be treated as a failure. If you fail in school skills, you will be eliminated on the spot. Everyone must be strong and skilled in martial arts, so that they can win the battle!"

"I (the last general) accept your order!" Zhang Weishi, the former governor of Xuanfu, and his five guerrilla generals, sweating like raindrops immediately after hearing this, quickly agreed.

There is only one chapter today, and the author has been tricked again by the late Ming Dynasty people who drank the blood of soldiers and received empty wages. Originally, I thought that the battalion system was implemented in the late Ming Dynasty. One battalion of 3,000 troops should be no problem. With Xuanfu's nine battalions, the protagonist could still have 20,000 troops.

As a result, as soon as I found out the situation of the last frontier army, the generals, guerrillas, and deputy commander-in-chief led more than a thousand people one by one. I'm so drunk, no wonder I can't beat the Manchus

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