Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1372 Inventory

"Zhang Dake, Wang Kun, Ma Fuxiang" The Xuanfu campus was crowded with people, and the voices of the rebel soldiers were heard one after another.

"Jizhen City Wall, Xuanfu School Ground, and Datong Mother-in-Law" were called the "Nine Sides and Three Wonders" by people at the time.

Although Zhang Shun had never seen this "Jizhen City Wall" and "Datong Lady", the "Xuanfu School Ground" was indeed well-deserved.

It turns out that Xuanfu Town, as an important nine-border town, is located to the west of the capital. It is the front line of the Ming Dynasty against the Mongolian wings of Chahar and Tumut. Therefore, the annual military parade is held in Xuanfu.

It is said that the Xuanfu campus is six times the size of the capital and can accommodate hundreds of thousands of people to read at the same time.

During the Jingtai period, when Changping Marquis Yang Hong was guarding Xuanfu, the army was extremely strict. "The cavalry was good at galloping and shooting, and the infantry was good at bows and crossbows."

In the Longqing and Wanli years, when Wang Chonggu and Fang Feng were the governors of Xuanda, they also "prepared for beacon fire, scouted from afar, repaired armor and soldiers, and drilled diligently". It can be said that the troops were strong, the horses were strong, and the equipment was sophisticated.

The field is named after a person, so it is listed among the "Nine Sides and Three Wonders"!

Now Zhang Shungao is sitting on the general stage, looking at the empty Xuanfu Campus below, with an endless view, and he has mixed feelings in his heart: "Is this the world-famous Xuanfu Campus?"

"Exactly, Your Highness! This is the Xuanfu campus known as one of the 'Nine Sides and Three Wonders'." Zhang Weishi couldn't help but answer after hearing this.

"The great scholar Xu Wenchang once wrote a poem about this: The Xuanfu teaching field is known all over the world, and every peak reaches the clouds. There is no need for bows and knives to line up the tigers, but the swords and halberds are born to support the generals."

As soon as Zhang Weishi said these words, Song Xiance couldn't help but smile bitterly and thought to himself: Why can't you understand the good words? It's hard for you to be such a high official.

Sure enough, as soon as Zhang Weishi said this, Zhang Shun said displeasedly: "You don't need bows and knives to fight off tigers, but you are born with swords and halberds to support generals? This is the opinion of rotten scholars!"

"I also have a poem today, please give it to the King of Zhendai to appreciate it!"

"Ah? I'm all ears!" When Zhang Weishi heard Zhang Shun's words, he didn't know that this time he would get it wrong and offend this person.

"The whole world is hearing about the Xuanfu campus, and the bright light and armor are shining into the clouds; there are hundreds of thousands of tigers and men who dare to teach the Khan to dance at the front door!" As soon as Zhang Shun's poem came out, everyone immediately focused their attention on Zhang Weishi.

Zhang Weishi was ready to brag about it, but he never expected that Zhang Shun would be so capable.

He couldn't help being a little stunned, and quickly applauded: "What a 'dare to teach the Khan to dance on the front door'. When the old minister heard this, his heart was surging and his blood was boiling. He would rather die in battle than stay in bed!"

Although Zhang Weishi was not a literary master, he was a Jinshi at any rate. After being authenticated by him personally, he naturally had no objections.

However, Zhang Shun shook his head when he heard this and said: "When it's cold, you need to wear clothes; when you're hungry, you need to eat; when your country is in trouble and the people are in trouble, you need to assemble your troops and prepare for war. This is natural!"

"Although the truth is trivial and known to all women and children, there are still people who can't stop their greed and deceive superiors and deceive inferiors. As a result, they are defeated and die, making the world laugh. How sad is it?"

"Although this Xuanfu campus is large, it is just an empty place, so what's the difference?"

"It's even more impressive than the glory of military armor in the past. It's more powerful than any other in the world!"

"Now that the entire town's troops are in battle, there are no more than ten thousand soldiers. If we advance, we cannot defeat the enemy, and if we retreat, we cannot defeat the captives. Isn't that sad?"

Zhang Shun did not mention Zhang Weishi, Li Guoliang and the fifth battalion guerrilla generals at all, but he mentioned them again and again.

The seven people immediately broke out in sweat after hearing this, and quickly knelt down to beg for mercy, saying "death penalty".

"Get up, the accumulated shortcomings of the previous dynasty cannot be accomplished by one person in one day!" Zhang Shun shook his head and concluded.

"The king's earnest words today are just to avoid past mistakes and avoid future consequences, and to treat illnesses and save people."

"Soldiers are weapons, the place of life and death, and the way to survive and die. One more soldier means one more chance of victory; one more drill means one more chance of victory. Therefore, soldiers should be pragmatic and do not practice seriously. Only then can they achieve success on the battlefield. A life to live!”

"If not, wouldn't it be deceiving yourself and others and risking your own death?"

After saying this, Zhang Weishi, Li Guoliang and others realized that Zhang Shun did not want to take the opportunity to get rid of himself and others, but persuaded him to verify his troops and train diligently. After being frightened, they couldn't help but shed tears of gratitude and worshiped one after another.

"Reported, after verification, the bid stated that there were 3,000 people, but the actual number was 2,817, and there was a vacancy of 183 people; the military aircraft battalion reported that there were 1,500 people, but the actual number was 1,407; The east camp of the city reported 1,500 people, but the actual number was 1,392; the south camp reported 1,500 people, but the actual number was 1,273; the west camp reported 1,500 people, but the actual number was 1,273. The actual number is 1,197 people; the northern camp of the city reported 1,500 people, but the actual number is 1,362 people. We also eliminated the old and weak, and there were 173 people, making a total of six people in the garrison camp. One thousand, four hundred and fifty-eight people." At this moment, Lu Xiangjin, who was ordered to count the number of people, couldn't help but go forward to report.

As soon as he said these words, everyone, who had always been in harmony with each other, looked at each other for a moment.

"There are 12,416 horses and mules that have been produced. In fact, there are 7,006 horses and mules, and there is a shortage of 5,410 horses and mules." Lu Xiangjin didn't know what they were thinking, so he couldn't help but continue to report.

"It was found that the guards on all sides of the city had 1,431 red barbarian-killing cannons of various sizes and sizes, and 31,011 kilograms of gunpowder; the military hangar contained 13 Western-style barbarian-killing cannons. There are 61,917 kilograms of gunpowder; there are 215 barrage-killing pearl cannons and 12,002 kilograms of gunpowder. There are also 4,013 three-eyed bird blunderbuss and other guns. There are more than 4,000 pieces of armor, arms and hands, more than 4,000 cans against ten thousand people, and countless pieces of lead.”

"Oh? Let's do it like this. Let's make it into a book for future reference!" To be honest, Zhang Shun felt a little disappointed when he heard Lu Xiangjin's report.

Xuanfu Town is an important town in the north, and the soldiers and guards in the city should be about half to one-third of the town.

As a result, Xuanfu City is like this, and the situation in other roads, guards, and forts must not be much better.

Then it is no wonder that Baoan, Yanqing and other places were attacked by Houjin and fell quickly.

Thinking of this, Zhang Shun couldn't help but frown and immediately ordered: "Where is Li Guo? I order you to lead your troops south to Yuzhou immediately."

"If the general on the South Road surrenders, he will be granted the title of marquis; if he does not surrender, you can take it yourself. First station troops and horses in Shenjingbao, then follow the east city of Shengchuan, Weizhou, and finally the west city of Shengchuan. We must protect Xuanyuan. The right wing of Daliang Town is safe, no mistakes should be made!”

"General, take your orders!" Li Guo glanced at Zhang Shun with complicated eyes, then at his uncle Li Zicheng, and couldn't help but bowed deeply.

Everyone here is smart, and of course they know what Zhang Shun means by "You can take it for yourself."

However, Zhang Shun did not tell the truth on the spot, mainly because he was worried that Li Guo would deliberately attack the commander-in-chief of Xuanfu South Road and spoil the matter.

It turns out that this branch is guarding Xuanfu South Road, Shunsheng Weiguang, and has jurisdiction over the four cities of Shunshengchuan West City, Shunshengchuan East City, Yuzhou City, Guangchang City, Shenjing Fort, Heishiling Fort, Taohua Fort and Hutuodian Fort. fort.

Most of them are located along the Sunsheng River, which later became the Sanggan River.

The Sanggan River and the Yang River happened to converge in Baoan Prefecture, and were then renamed the Yongding River. They flowed through Wanping County south of the capital, and entered the sea in Dagu, Tianjin. Therefore, these two river valleys have always been the main transportation routes for northern nomads to invade Hebei. .

Now that Bao'an has fallen, although the Yanghe River Valley is blocked by Xuanfu City occupied by the rebels, the Sanggan River Valley is still unimpeded.

Once the Xuanfu South Road is lost, the Hou Jin soldiers can go upstream and besiege Datong, Yingzhou, Shuozhou and other places. The rebels who have occupied Xuanfu City will lose their geographical advantage.

Li Zicheng did feel a little uncomfortable when he heard this, but considering that he and Fatty Zhang had just captured Wanquan Youwei and Zhangjiakou Forts, and were short of men and horses, and were not as good as Li Guoying's condition, he had to give up.

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