"Report, Prince Rui has received news that the security guards have been occupied, and Prince Su has occupied Yanqing. But after hearing that Xuanfu City has been lost, we are preparing to seize Longmen and Kaiping in the next step, and completely open the Dushikou passage to the north." In the large tent camp of the Houjin Army, a The messenger with the money rat tail reported to Hong Taihui, the "Emperor of the Qing Dynasty".

"Oh?" Mrs. Hong pondered for a moment after hearing the words, and couldn't help but said to her left and right, "You all have a discussion, what should we do next?"

Hearing this, Fan Wencheng took the lead and said: "Now Prince Rui has occupied Changping and captured most of the Xuanfu. Your Majesty should take advantage of the 'Shun thieves' while their foothold is not stable, lead the army eastward, and compete with them in the Xuanfu."

"Now that the Xuanfu has been conquered, we can then march eastward and conquer the capital of the Ming Dynasty. This is an eternal undertaking!"

"Oh? Where are the others? What do others think?" Hong Tai continued to ask after hearing this.

"Your Majesty, I think Academician Fan is a rotten scholar!" Prince Heshuocheng Yue Tuo couldn't help but said, "I think Changping is surrounded by enemies from both sides. Your Majesty should send a partial army to capture Miyun, and then order Wu Zhenchaoha to enter the pass. I think A surefire plan.”

Wu Zhenchaoha means "heavy troops" and is an artillery force composed mainly of Han people.

Hou Jin entered the customs every time, but due to mobility issues, he never carried heavy Hongyi artillery, so he was clever at making detours and clumsy at attacking the city.

According to the wishes of Prince Cheng Yue Tuo, since Dabeile Daishan's attempt to open up the front line of Shanhaiguan Pass was in vain, it would be better to simply seize Miyun and recruit Wu Zhenchaoha from Gubeikou to enter the pass and compete with the rebels.

Everyone heard the words and couldn't help but express their opinions. Some supported Fan Wencheng and some supported Yue Tuo. For a while, both sides made the Chinese army's tent noisy like a vegetable market.

When Mrs. Hong heard that she had a headache, she couldn't help shouting: "Shut up!"

It didn't matter that he drank. The noisy Chinese army tent was suddenly filled with silence.

Then Mrs. Hong asked: "Where are Jierhalang and Duduo?"

"Your Majesty, I just received a letter last night. They have conquered Rongcheng, Xiongxian and Wen'an successively. They want to take advantage of Baoding's emptiness and seize its cities." Fan Wencheng responded quickly after hearing this.

"Baoding? Forget it!" Hong Tai shook his head after hearing this and said, "Now is not the time to whip the corpse. Jierhalang and Duduo immediately led the army to Yizhou, and entered Yuzhou via Zijin Pass and Daoma Pass. "

"Wonderful, wonderful!" Fan Wencheng and others couldn't help but their eyes lit up when they heard this, and they raised their palms and praised.

"With this city, not only has the Xuanfu lost its right wing, but our 'Qing Army' can also threaten the hinterland of Shuo and Dai and cut off the supply routes for reinforcements in the two towns of Xuanda."

Prince Jierharang of Heshuo Zheng and Prince Duduo of Heshuo Yu led 30,000 Houjin left-wing troops. Once they invaded Yuzhou, the "shun thieves" would probably capture both Datong and Xuanfu. About to spit it out.

This is indeed a clever plan calculated by God. Sun Wu didn't join in, but Han Bai didn't!

Seeing that this tactic had calmed everyone, Hong Tai smiled to himself and said: "He Shuocheng, Prince Yue Tuo, will lead 10,000 Manchu and Mongolian elites to go north to seize Miyun Town and welcome Wu Zhenchaoha to enter the pass and join the battle."

Yue Tuo was overjoyed when he heard this and quickly agreed. He couldn't help but ask, "I wonder if the 'Three Shun Kings' will enter the customs together?"

"I have ordered my ministers to draw up an edict, and recruit Wu Zhenchaoha, Gushan'e, Zhenma Guangyuan and Shi Tingzhu to bring forty red cannons, and recruit Sanshun Wang Gongshun Wang Kong Youde, Huaishun Wang Geng Zhongming, Zhishun Wang Shang Kexi to lead the troops and artillery. Let's join the guard together." Hong Tai couldn't help but nodded after hearing this.

"There is no need to fear such 'submissive thieves', and the world cannot be settled!" Yue Tuo couldn't help but be overjoyed when he heard this.

It turns out that the two wings of Wu Zhenchaoha have about 15,000 soldiers, and the "Sanshun King" has more than 7,000 people, each with heavy artillery. If they can be transferred into the pass, the Houjin soldiers, who are famous for their coordinated combat with infantry, cavalry and artillery, There will be no shortcomings.

Hong Tai was quite pleased with himself when he heard this, but on the surface he only smiled faintly and continued to order: "I will lead the remaining 30,000 main troops to move to Changping, and come and go to support them, so that they can breathe freely."

"I (slave) accept the order and thank you!" After hearing this, everyone couldn't help but be very excited as they didn't know the plan of "Emperor of the Qing Dynasty" Hong Tai.

Hong Tai's strategy this time is very simple, but also extremely subtle.

Previously, in order to gain a strategic advantage, the rebels showed off their military prowess and captured half of Datong and Xuanfu before the Hou Jin soldiers could react.

However, just because the rebels fought for the two towns of Xuanda at all costs, they did not have time to deploy a complete defense line, and instead gave Hou Jin an opportunity that he coveted.

Let's not mention who will win between the two sides. Let's say that as soon as Hong Tai gave the order, an army of 40,000 people marched towards Changping in a mighty manner.

As soon as the main force of Hou Jin moved here, the scouts and generals of Ming Dynasty over there were already aware of it and reported to the center one after another, and then passed it to the Ming Emperor Zhu Youjian from the center.

Zhu Youjian, who was only twenty-six years old, was already haggard and showed his age.

He couldn't help but asked hurriedly: "Donglu retreated, but retreated?"

The siege that lasted for more than a month had made it difficult for him to sleep or eat well. Finally, a glimmer of hope appeared, and he couldn't help but grasping at straws.

Li Banghua, the newly appointed Secretary of the Ministry of War, heard this and pondered for a moment, and couldn't help but respond: "According to the report from the spies, I lost Changping, and the Eastern captives could not attack the capital, so they moved to Changping."

"Why is this?" Zhu Youjian said a little unhappy, not being able to hear the answer he imagined.

"This..." Li Banghua hesitated after hearing this, and then guessed, "Previously, Zuo Governor Zhu Xieyuan led the elite troops of Xuanda and was defeated in Taiyuan."

"Later, Zhu Xieyuan and Zhang Fengyi were lost in the formation, and most of their troops defected to the 'Shun Bandits'. If I can save them, I may have gained the second town of Xuanda, or it may be unknown."

"If the two towns of Xuanda and Da are captured by 'thieves', it is expected that the Eastern captives will be afraid of their military power and move to Changping to fight against them."

"Hey~" Although Zhu Youjian was not very happy when he heard this, he couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

This is really a wolf in front and a tiger in the back. If it is as Li Banghua expected, the Ming Dynasty will be over!

When Li Banghua saw that the fire was almost over, he quickly said: "Therefore, in my opinion, we should take advantage of the two tigers to fight and move south as soon as possible to avoid its sharp edge."

"Then, be benevolent and righteous, repair the armor, wait until both sides are injured, and then I will send out the Northern Expedition and return to the old capital!"

As soon as Li Banghua finished speaking, a censor jumped out impatiently and shouted: "Please kill Li Banghua as a warning to others!"

"In the past, Emperor Gaozong of the Song Dynasty moved south and lost half of his country. When Emperor Jing of our dynasty was in danger, he took orders and swore to guard the capital, so that the world would be safe."

"Therefore, the one who dares to speak of moving south is Qin Hui; the one who has the strength to defend it to the death is Yu Shaobao!"

"Who is loyal and who is traitorous will be decided by the world. Your Majesty, please think twice!"

"This..." Chongzhen couldn't help but hesitate after hearing this.

He doesn't care at all who is Qin Hui or Yu Qian, but he cares about who is Song Gaozong and who is Emperor Jingtai.

Is it possible that the mighty Emperor Ming is not as good as Emperor Jing, so why should I imitate Emperor Gaozong of the Song Dynasty?

Chongzhen frowned and had to order: "This matter will be discussed later!"

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