Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1374 Fisherman

It was said that Emperor Zhu Youjian of the Ming Dynasty had just rejected his intention to move south. After hesitating for a moment, he couldn't help but ask again: "Now that the Donglu are watching, the capital is in trouble. What can be done?"

If we don’t move the capital for the time being, what will happen to the Hou Jin soldiers outside the city?

"I have an alternative solution!" After hearing this, Wen Tiren, the chief minister of the cabinet, hesitated and said.


"Ahem, if it's the Donglu, we can actually use the teacher's help to suppress them!" Wen Tiren cleared his throat and said.

"How can we borrow the help of teachers to suppress the enemy?" Zhu Youjian frowned and asked.

"Now that he has usurped the title of emperor and besieged our capital, the wolf's ambition is clearly revealed. Although the 'submissive thief' has caused many killings, he only calls himself the king." Wen Tiren hesitated and couldn't help but admonish.

"In this case, why not follow the old wisdom of Zhaoan Song Jiang, give him the title of prince, and lead him to destroy the captives, without losing the best of both worlds..."

As a result, before Wen Tiren finished speaking, a censor had already criticized him: "The person who ordered Songjiang to be safe was Huizong."

"This Wen thief is superior to the treacherous officials. He regards His Majesty as Huizong of the Song Dynasty. His words can be killed and his heart can be punished!"

Before he finished speaking, another one added: "Although the Eastern bandits are prosperous, they are not as numerous as the Western bandits."

"The number of soldiers and horses is far inferior to this; the breadth of the territory is far inferior to this; the ambition is far inferior to this."

"Any of these three people who surrender themselves to the aggressors will lead to their own destruction!"

You tell me this, I’m not sleepy anymore!

As soon as the censor said this, someone jumped out and said: "This is wrong!"

"If you are a captive from the west, you will suffer from scabies; if you are a captive from the east, you will suffer from the itch of scabies!"

"Although the Western invaders are powerful, they have never besieged my capital, they have never overstepped their bounds and proclaimed themselves emperor, and they have never taken our people captive."

"Your Majesty has said: Kou is my innocent son, so I care for him and don't have to kill him! In my opinion, why not recruit him as his consort, so that the two families can become one family."

Good guy, before this guy finished speaking, someone had already shouted: "My Ming Dynasty will not make peace, pay compensation, cede land, or pay tribute. The emperor will guard the country, and the king will die in the country."

"How can a phoenix marry a local chicken or a tile dog? How can a princess marry a rebellious minister?"

Chongzhen saw that this matter was going on forever, so he coughed slightly, signaled the eunuch Wang Chengen to come closer, and whispered: "Li Banghua, the Minister of the Ministry of War, Hou Xun, the Minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs, Ding Kuichu, the governor of Jiliao, and Fang Yizao, the governor of Liaodong, stay right!"

Upon hearing this, Wang Chengen quickly informed the official of Honglu Temple who presided over the morning court to announce the end of the morning court.

After everyone had gone to court in the morning, Chongzhen saw the remaining ministers in Qianqing Palace, and then he asked: "There are no outsiders here. Please speak freely. I don't know how to deal with the enemies outside the city?"

"Your Majesty, I believe that moving south is still the top priority at present." Li Banghua, the Minister of War, couldn't help but said after hearing this.

"If Your Majesty is unwilling to move south, the only way is to take advantage of the situation when both the Eastern and Western invaders are defeated, and I can benefit from it!"

"Oh? How can a fisherman profit?" Zhu Youjian's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he asked quickly.

"This... I'm afraid you need to ask Governor Ding and Governor Fang how to operate it specifically." Li Banghua hesitated for a moment, and then responded.

"Uh..." Ding Kuichu, the governor of Jiliao, was quite embarrassed when he heard this.


It turned out that Ding Kuichu was from Yongcheng, Henan, and was the uncle of Ding Qirui, the deputy military envoy who surrendered to the rebel army.

After having this relationship, some censors have been criticizing him for "betting on both sides and secretly communicating with "successful thieves"".

Now that Li Banghua kicked the ball to him, he had no choice but to stand up and express his position: "It is difficult to say that the fisherman will benefit."

"Firstly, spies and scouts must be sent to explore the enemy's situation; secondly, soldiers must be selected and the dead must be treated as if they were dead; thirdly, good generals must be selected, who are both wise and courageous, and loyal; fourthly, they must have adequate supplies and fine armor and sharp swords; fifthly, they must select At the right time, the final word is made.”

"In this way, both the Eastern and Western invaders will be defeated, and the world will be at peace."

"If we settle for the next best thing, we can also imitate the old fight between Hong Tai and the tiger and the rabbit. When the winner is determined, I can snare the remaining troops and then compete with the winner to determine the outcome."

"Okay, if this is indeed the case, Mr. Ding should be my Zhuge Wuhou!" Zhu Youjian of Chongzhen couldn't help but said with joy when he heard this.

No, I will just express my opinion, Your Majesty, will you believe me?

When Ding Kuichu heard this, he looked confused and thought to himself: "Don't you know if there are any brave generals in our city?"

Sure enough, the governor of Liaodong, Fang Yizao, was anxious when he heard the words, and quickly admonished him: "As the saying goes: A son with a lot of money will not sit down in the hall; a master of ten thousand chariots will not walk in danger."

"As the leader of a country, your Majesty is responsible for the safety of the world. How can you be in danger and stand in a dangerous place?"

"In my opinion, it may be that the prince stays in the capital, and your majesty should go to Nanjing to take charge; or that your majesty sits in the capital, and the prince goes to Nanjing, just in case..."

"I have made up my mind, no more words!" Unexpectedly, before Fang Yizao could finish his words, Emperor Chongzhen suddenly became furious and flatly refused.

It turned out that the "Ji Si Change" in the second year of Chongzhen, and the experience of the Jin army's fierce attack on the capital, gave Chongzhen unrealistic illusions.

I could do it then, and I can still do it now. If you take a step back, you will be like Song Gaozong; if you stick to it for a while, you will be at least Song Renzong and Emperor Jingtai.

Do you think I can’t tell the pros and cons?

Fang Yizao, the governor of Liaodong, was shocked when he heard this and had no choice but to retreat.

Hou Xun, the Minister of Household Affairs, saw that there was nothing he could do, so he had to change his strategy and said: "Your Majesty, now that the capital has a large population and reinforcements are gathered, the food and salary expenditure is quite huge. In the long run, it will be unsustainable!"

Without food, you have nothing to do, right?

"Oh?" Emperor Chongzhen hesitated after hearing this, and couldn't help but ask, "I heard that Linqing Cang is the largest warehouse in the world, with a capacity of three million stones. Don't you know it?"

After hearing this, Hou Xun was stunned and had to respond: "Linqing is an important water transportation town. It has three warehouses, namely Guangji, Linqing and Changying, to prepare for emergencies."

"Although I don't know whether it is true or not, it should be roughly two to three million stones!"

"Okay, it's great to have this!" Chongzhen said happily after hearing this.

"Now is an emergency, and it must be used urgently. There is so much food stored in this Linqing warehouse, and it should be sent to the capital as soon as possible to prepare for emergencies!"

"Your Majesty, are you..." Hou Xun was a little confused. Are you trying to empty the Linqing warehouse in one go?

"My dear friends, this is what I think!" Zhu Youjian said excitedly.

"If you keep this food, keep it. Wouldn't it be a pity if it were left to the 'Shun thieves' or the 'Donglu'?"

"In that case, why not bring it to the capital?"

"On the one hand, it can be used as food and salary; on the other hand, once the victory or defeat is decided between the two sides, it can also be used to recruit defeated troops there. It is a perfect combination that kills two birds with one stone!"

"Uh..." Everyone couldn't help but look at each other after hearing this. They didn't know whether to praise him for finally enlightening him or scold him for being confused.

If you are really enlightened, you should not stick to the "death place" of the capital; if you are not enlightened, why do you think of the idea of ​​using food to recruit defeated troops?

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