Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1375: Marquisship

"Uncle, that 'thief' promised me the title of marquis and intended to bribe me. Who does he think I am, Li Guo?" After Li Guo received Zhang Shun's military order, he met with his uncle Li Zicheng in private before setting off.

"As long as we uncles and nephews are of the same mind, the world is so big, where can we go?"

"You, you still can't change this problem!" Li Zicheng shook his head when he heard this and said, "Go and work hard. If you find a wife in the future, you will not be in this world in vain!"

"Uncle, what are you talking about?" Li Guo suddenly changed his expression when he heard this, "I think back then, although we were uncles and nephews, we were actually brothers. We agreed to do something together..."

"Don't we have something to do now?" Before Li Guo finished speaking, Li Zicheng suddenly interrupted him.

"What...what do you mean? Don't you want to avenge my aunt?" Li Guo couldn't help but say in disbelief.

"What do you want from me?" As soon as Li Guo finished speaking, Li Zicheng suddenly growled.

"Women? Now I can have as much as I want. Power and position? Now I am inferior to one person and superior to ten thousand people. Wealth? I will have no worries about food and drink in this life."

"What else do you want me to do? Do you want me to take his position?"

Li Zicheng couldn't help but said in despair: "Look at the people outside, are they something we can deal with?"

"What's more, the troops outside are only one-twelfth of him!"

"However, even if our uncle and nephew conquer the world, so what?"

"You don't have a son, and neither do I. We don't even have a daughter. In the end, aren't we just making wedding clothes for others?"

"Listen to my uncle's advice. You only have to eat and drink his wine for the rest of your life. Then you close your eyes and kick your legs. This life is worth it. Why do you care so much?"

"This..." This time was probably the most words Li Guo had heard Li Zicheng say in his life.

It turned out that he had always thought that his aunt was his uncle's heaven and his land. When a man was wronged, even if the king of heaven came, he would make him splash with blood.

He never expected that his uncle would change, and so would he!

He originally thought he would be very angry when he heard this, but he didn't expect that he actually agreed with his uncle's words.

Yes, you don't have to worry about eating or drinking, and you are powerful and will leave your name in history.

Who wouldn't want that? I want it too!

Thinking of this, Li Guo suddenly felt relieved. At the same time, a feeling of loss flashed through his heart, and then he forgot about it.

", my nephew said goodbye to his uncle this time!" Li Guo couldn't help but bowed to Li Zicheng respectfully.

"Go ahead, our uncle and nephew will be worthy of our ancestors if we earn a king and a marquis!" Li Zicheng nodded and sighed.

By the way, Li Guo said goodbye to Li Zicheng and led his cavalry all the way to Shenjing Fort.

The Shenjing Fort is located sixty miles southwest of Xuanfu. It was built in the fifth year of Zhengde and was added in the seventh year of Wanli. Its geographical location is very important.

Li Guo had just left the Xuanfu boundary and when he arrived near Shenjing Fort, he saw fire piers standing in front of him.

As soon as the rebels arrived, smoke suddenly appeared one by one, and they spread the news all the way to Shenjing Fort.

It turns out that the entire Xuanfu South Road has a total of 202 Huolu piers, and Shenjingbao alone has 52 piers, accounting for more than a quarter, which shows its status.

Li Guo was helpless when he saw this, so he had no choice but to continue riding forward, and it was not until evening that he arrived outside Shenjing Fort.

He stood on his horse and looked up, his brows suddenly furrowed.


It turns out that this deep well is called the "small plateau under the dam". It stands out majestically between Sanggan River and Yanghe River.

To the south is the "Eighteen Pans" with deep ravines and steep slopes, and to the north is the Waitou Mountain with its many peaks.

The middle part of the well is low-lying, and the accumulated water cannot be discharged, forming a "Haizi", which is several feet deep, hence the name Deep Well.

The Shenjing Fort is located just east of "Haizi". It has sixty-four steps on Wednesday, is three feet and five feet high, has three gate towers and four turrets, and is located on the east-west artery.

In the thirty-fifth year of Jiajing's reign, the bandits invaded Yinjialiang in Baoan Prefecture. The enemy attacks from the northwest to the southeast, and the fort is suitable for attacking them.

"What a deep well fortress!" Li Guo couldn't help but praise after looking at it for a long time, "King Shun really knows what's going on. With this, he can stop thousands of troops."

It turns out that the Shenjing Fort where Shenjing Fort is located is not only near the intersection of the Yang River and the Sanggan River, but also on the high ground between Xuanfu, Datong and Yuzhou, and it is also an important transportation route to these three places.

If the Houjin soldiers who occupied Baoan Prefecture at the confluence of the Yanghe River and the Sanggan River could not capture this fort, then it would not be of great significance to Dorgon who captured one prefecture and strangled the second river.

Thinking of this, Li Guo couldn't help but send his envoys forward to persuade him to surrender.

Who would have thought that as soon as the envoy arrived in front of the fort, some soldiers shouted: "It is very urgent for Donglu to attack the city. Please ask the general to lead his troops into the city to take charge of the overall situation!"

The envoy heard the words and quickly responded and returned to report to Li Guo.

Li Guo was stunned when he heard this, and then he couldn't help but said overjoyed: "God is really helping me, everyone, please quickly follow me to seize the Shenjing Fort and defeat the Donglu soldiers!"

It turned out that just before Li Guo arrived with his cavalry, Dorgon sent Niu Lu to arrive first.

After Jinniu Lu'erzhen failed to persuade him to surrender, he decided to attack by force instead.

Although the Shenjing Fort had 479 troops, it actually only had about 400 troops. More than a hundred people had to be stationed at Hutuodian Fort ten miles away, so it could not withstand it.

Originally, these officers and soldiers saw that there was nothing they could do and were ready to retreat. When he saw Li Guo coming with his cavalry, he couldn't help but be overjoyed.

The uniforms, colors, and armor shapes of the rebels of the late Ming Dynasty, the Ming Dynasty, and the later Jin Dynasty were almost the same. In desperation, the soldiers guarding the fort did not look carefully, and they made an mistake.

So Li Guo made mistakes and hurriedly led his soldiers into the city.

The city guard was standing on the city guarding the city. Not long after, he saw Li Guo coming surrounded by a group of people, and he couldn't help but hurriedly stepped forward to pay his respects.

As a result, when he led people in and took a look, they couldn't help but be shocked.

Without waiting for his reaction, Li Guo took the lead and said with a smile: "I wonder how the battle is going?"

The guard was stunned when he heard this, and thought: "The military situation is urgent. No matter what kind of god he is, it is only right to ask him to help me retreat."

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but hurriedly bowed: "I don't know which general is in front of me. I am guarding this fort, Zhou Shien. Please help me!"

"Easy to say, easy to say!" Li Guo nodded when he heard this, and then ordered: "Er Hu, lead a group of troops and show the Tatars their power!"

The "two tigers" were none other than Li Zicheng's general Liu Tichun, who was now assigned to Li Guo's command.

After Liu Tichun heard this, he quickly led five hundred men and horses to charge forward, chopping melons and vegetables and killing the Houjin soldiers who had just jumped onto the city wall until they fell on their backs.

When the guard Zhou Shien was dumbfounded, Li Guo ordered again: "Ta Tianbao, you lead a group of troops out of the city to pursue, be careful not to fall into the trap!"

Upon hearing this, Nata Tianbao got on his horse, turned to the guard and said, "Please give the order to the guard Zhou to open the east gate for me!"

"Oh, okay, okay, okay!" The Zhou garrison finally came to his senses and quickly ordered the soldiers to open the city gate and invite Ta Tianbao out of the city.

A group of cavalrymen led by Ta Tianbao were seen filing out, and soon the screams of Houjin soldiers were heard outside the city.

That Zhou Guard just woke up from a dream, wiped the cold sweat on his forehead and said: "No... I don't know, general, how to deal with us?"

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