When Li Guo saw Zhou Shien, the guard at Shenjing Fort, was trembling with fear, he couldn't help but smile and said, "Why did you say that?"

"King Shun sent me here today, not to kill, but to protect the country and the people and resist the Eastern invaders. Do you have any doubts?"

"If you are willing to use your life, although the food and salary are not very high, you can still guarantee that you will receive one stone per month, every month."

"If there is any merit, regardless of the direct lineage, everyone will be rewarded."

This time Zhang Shun sent him here just to curb Hou Jin's attempt to occupy the right wing of Xuanfu South Road and to complete the deployment before the decisive battle between the two sides.

Li Guo is only the vanguard of the rebel army. After he stabilizes the Xuanfu South Road, there will definitely be other people to take over and support him.

If it were in the past, he would only complete the task in a meticulous manner and never make any extraneous matters.

But before leaving Xuanfu, his uncle Li Zicheng's words made Li Guo's desire for fame and wealth ignite.

Confucius said: At thirty, you stand tall; at forty, you have no doubts; at fifty, you know the destiny!

Li Guo is now thirty-six or seventy-seven, and his original black hair has turned gray at the temples.

Since his uncle had no desire to take revenge or go further, he couldn't help but plan something for himself.

He is several years older than Li Zicheng. Judging from his age, it is impossible for him to attack Jue.

So if you want to be rich, naturally you can only get it on horseback with a knife and a gun.

Therefore, seeing the guards scared out of their wits, he couldn't help but have a thought:

If I take the opportunity to recruit the Ming army and surrender its generals, wouldn't it be a great achievement to be able to repel the Hou Jin soldiers without reinforcements?

Sure enough, Zhou Shien, the defender of Shenjing Fort, was in danger. When he heard Li Guo's words, he didn't understand what he meant?

He quickly kowtowed and said, "Zhou has heard about King Shun's benevolence and righteousness for a long time, and he can't help but yearn for him. Now if I can be taken in by the general, and all the people in the fort, how dare I not die in service?"

Seeing that the garrison in the fort was available, Li Guo asked Zhou Shien to select seven or eight close followers to follow him as guides, leaving only the "two tigers" Liu Tichun to garrison here.

Shenjingbao City is no more than three miles and sixty-four steps in circumference. There were originally 300 garrison troops. Now, together with the 500 soldiers under Liu Tichun's command, there are almost 1,000 people, which is completely enough to defend this dangerous place.

After everything was arranged, Li Guo headed west under Zhou Shien's guidance.

Ten miles to the west from Shenjing Fort is Hutuodian Fort.

The perimeter of the fort is only 280 feet, and there are more than 40 soldiers stationed at Shenjing Fort. How can it be defended?

When the guards saw that Zhou Shien, the garrison of Shenjing Fort, had surrendered and that the rebels were being treated well, they immediately opened the door and joined the rebels on the spot.

After Hutuodian Fort came down, it was getting late, and Zhou Shien, the garrison of Shenjing Fort, originally planned to leave everyone to rest.

Li Guo was worried that things would change soon, so how could he stay?

He ordered his soldiers to pick up lanterns and marched toward the southwest at high speed.

Hutuodian Fort is seventy miles away from the east city of Shunsheng River. It was dark and the roads were poor. Under the leadership of Li Guo, everyone groped all the way until dawn before they could reach the east city.

Li Guo looked up under the glow of the twilight, and suddenly saw a city that was "bordered by Dachuan in the south and pillowed by Chongshan Mountains in the north." In front of the city, "the original soil was vast," stretching as far as the eye could see, and it was like a grassland.

Zhou Shien quickly pointed out to Li Guo: "The big river in the city is the Nashun Shengchuan; surrounded by three streams and surrounded by mountains in the north, it is the east city of the Shunsheng River. The common people and soldiers all call it Dongcheng."

"This city has more than four square miles, and there are more than 500 officers and soldiers stationed in it. The guard in the city is called Wang Lv'er, and he is the best friend of the last general."

"When I call him forward, I respectfully invite the general to enter the city."

Li Guo couldn't help but frowned when he heard what he said lightly, and warned: "People's hearts are separated from each other, so be careful and don't risk your own life."

What about brothers? Since Li Guo followed Li Zicheng and raised an army, he has seen many incidents of brothers killing each other and father and son fighting each other. I have already been deeply touched by this.

When Zhou Shien heard this, he didn't take it seriously. Instead, he rode his horse and rushed outside the city, shouting loudly: "Where is Wang Lv'er? Open the door quickly to welcome me!"

As a result, as soon as he finished speaking, he saw thirty or fifty firecrackers suddenly protruding from the top of the city, and they crackled loudly.

Zhou Shien was immediately frightened and ran back in a pissed off state.

Li Guo smiled slightly when he saw this and ordered: "Array, attack the city!"


It turned out that Li Guo saw that although there were many fire guns in the city, most of them were nothing more than three-eyed guns and quick spears.

Although the weapons here have intensive firepower, their power and range are limited.

However, the officers and soldiers on the city shot randomly at a distance of 100 or 200 steps from Zhou Shien. It was obvious that their training was poor and their combat power was limited.

Following Li Guo's order, ten artillery pieces lined up in a row, blasting the east city gate in just one round.

Wang Lv'er had been on guard for many years, but he had never seen such a posture before. He was frightened and lost six of his souls. He quickly tied himself up and asked to surrender.

Li Guo couldn't laugh or cry when he saw this, so he led his troops into the east city of Shunshengchuan.

"You're giving me a toast and being punished with a drink!" When Zhou Shien saw this, he couldn't help but feel angry and annoyed. He stepped forward and kicked him to the ground, cursing loudly.

"General Li asked me to persuade you, but I didn't expect that you didn't respect brotherhood and dared to offend General Huwei. In the end, you were disgraced. Are you convinced this time?"

Zhou Shien scolded him for a long time, and then said with a shy face: "General, look at how useless this guy is. He can't do anything serious. Why don't you just spare his life and treat him like a piece of shit?"

"You are a loyal person." Li Guo looked Zhou Shien up and down after hearing this, but still shook his head and said, "It's not scary to be cowardly. The cowardly one is of no use at all, so let's kill him!"

"Ah?" Wang Lv'er was dumbfounded when he heard this. He kowtowed and shouted, "General, general, I was wrong. Please spare my life. I can do anything you want!"

"If you have time to beg me, you might as well think about your own use, right?" Although Li Guo admired Zhou Shien's brotherly loyalty, he also knew that he was in a dangerous situation and must not be merciful.

"Ah? I" Wang Luer looked at Zhou Shien, looking at a loss.

"Idiot, this is the chance the general gives you to live. What's the use of looking at me?" Zhou Shien said, "Try to use your brain and think of something useful."

"Deployment of troops? Money and food for men and horses? Mountains and rivers geography."

"Hey, I have it, I have it!" After Zhou Shien's suggestion, Wang Luer quickly said loudly, "Our general in Xicheng is named Gao, and he likes singing and women."

"Okay, let's chop it off!" Li Guo shook his head when he heard this, not going to waste time anymore.

"Ah? I still have it. I still have it. By the way, the Hongyi cannon in that city is gone and I sold it, and the Zijingguan Pass is also lost." Wang Lv'er was scared to death. He didn't care. Eleven nonsense.

"Wait, what did you say?" Li Guo was about to leave when he suddenly heard the words "Zijing Pass" and felt something was wrong.

"Is Bauhinia Pass lost?"

"Yes, why was it lost? Who took it?" Li Guo couldn't help but said excitedly.

"Ah? It can't be considered lost. It is said that Changping defected to the Tatars, and those stationed at Zijingguan also defected to the Tatars!" Wang Lu'er saw that the information seemed to be useful, so he quickly explained.

"Do you have a map?" Li Guo pondered for a moment, his mind was in a mess, but he always felt as if he had overlooked something.

"There are no pictures, but I know the geography of the mountains and rivers around here." Zhou Shien saw Li Guo's expression and quickly answered.

"General, must you ask whether the Zijin Pass can be completed? This Zijin Pass must go south from here, first ninety miles to Yuzhou, then eighty miles to Heishiling Fort, and then seventy miles south to Guangchang."

"The old man said: Since ancient times, there have been two gates in the Central Plains of Xuan Datong. Juyongguan is behind it, and Zijingguan is in front of it. Those who walk through Juyongguan must pass by Jiming Mountain, and those who walk on Bauhinia must pass by Black Rock Ridge. The Black Rock Ridge chokes the black wind for forty miles. The hole is the most dangerous."

"After passing Guangchang, it reaches Daomaguan for ninety miles to the south, Lingqiu City for ninety miles to the west, and Zijingguan Pass for one hundred miles to the east."

"After passing these two passes, we crossed the Taihang Mountains and arrived in Baoding Prefecture."

"To the north of Baoding is Shuntian Mansion, and to the south of Baoding is Zhending Mansion."

Hearing this, why didn't Li Guo's face change drastically?

It turned out that Zhang Shun and other rebels had only focused on Xuanda, but they had ignored the important place of Yuzhou.

In addition to Benzhou, Yuzhou has two counties: Lingqiu and Guangchang.

It connects Datong Town of Xuanfu to the north, Shuozhou, Yingzhou and Daizhou to the west, and Zhending, Baoding and Shuntian Prefectures to the east.

Originally, the enemy in this area was supposed to be under the jurisdiction of Zhu Xieyuan, the governor of Baoding, who was in charge of Zhenbao Town. However, this guy wiped his neck outside Taiyuan City and killed them all. Instead, it left a huge loophole for the rebels and the Ming Dynasty.

Although what Zhou Shien, the defender of Shenjing Fort, said was a bit confusing, Li Guo, as an outstanding general, could smell the danger with his keen intuition.

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