Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1377 Rushing to Blackstone Ridge

Guangchang County, one hundred and fifty miles south of Yuzhou. It is a hundred and seventy miles from Yizhou in the north to Zhili in the northeast and a hundred and forty miles from Tang County in Zhili in the southeast. It is located at the entrance of ancient Feihu.

Feihu City is now the county seat. According to legend, it is the ancient Feihu Road. From the Sui Dynasty to the Yuan Dynasty, it was called Feihu County. In the early Ming Dynasty, it was restored to Guangchang County.

There are strange things in the city on three sides, and there are four houses in it. "Zhi" says: Guangchang is approaching Bauhinia, falling horses, overlapping hills, majestic hundreds of pheasants, it is the hub of the two passes, that's right.

But now, this small town with a household size of three miles and four miles has been plunged into a sea of ​​fire.

Shouts, cries, and screams have already filled the whole city. Human life here is no different than that of chickens and dogs.

"Prince Heshuo Zheng of the Qing Dynasty" Jierhalang and "Prince Heshuo Yu" Duduo, surrounded by guards, turned a blind eye and walked into the Guangchang County Yamen. There were three to five corpses lying there.

"This is the magistrate of Guangchang, and that is the garrison of Guangchang..." A servant had already stepped forward to give instructions to the two princes.

"Huh, if you resist the power of God, you will not regret dying!" Jierhalang sneered and commented.

Duduo was too lazy to comment, and just smiled and said: "Your Majesty's wisdom and strategy are all given by heaven."

"Although that 'Shun Thief' is cunning, he would never have thought that my army was already here. When we take Weizhou, we will make sure that he dies without a place to bury him!"

After saying this, the two couldn't help but look at each other and smile, their proud expressions palpable.

"In this way, Prince Yu, you can lead the men and horses to repair here, and I will lead the men and horses to seize Weizhou first." After the two of them laughed, Jierhalang couldn't help but take the initiative to ask for help.

Although Ji'erharang was also named a prince, he was not actually the descendant of the old slave, but the son of the old slave's younger brother Shuerhaqi. Because he was raised by the old slave since he was a child, he was as close as the old slave's sons. brother.

"As close as brothers", but not brothers after all.

Jierhalang knew this very well, so he led the troops together with the princes. He often endured hardship first and enjoyed himself last, so as not to offend others.

"Okay, that's fine!" Na Duduo was young after all, only two years older than Zhang Shun, and he didn't know how to be humble.

Najirharang had long been accustomed to this, so he couldn't help but shook his head secretly and went on his own.

It is one hundred and fifty miles from Guangchang to Yuzhou. There are many rugged mountain roads in the distance, making it difficult for horses to travel. From time to time, Jierhalang had to dismount and walk.

After walking like this for half a day, it was getting late, so we had to rest in the mountains for one night, and set off again early the next morning.

After walking for a while, I suddenly saw a stone castle standing on a mountain not far away.

Nazirharang couldn't help but point to the castle and asked: "What kind of castle is this? How many guards are there?"

When the guide heard this, he quickly responded: "This mountain is called Black Rock Ridge, and this fort is called Black Rock Ridge Fort."

"The fort is not very big. There are three to five hundred sergeants stationed there. All of them are 'heroes' who are greedy for life and afraid of death. The military master only needs to make a charge to capture it!"

"Oh?" Jierhalang believed it quite a lot when he heard this.

This Heishiling Fort is similar to Guangchang County. They are both second-line fortresses of the Ming Dynasty. Most of the soldiers put their swords and guns in the warehouse and released them on Manan Mountain. How can it resist the wolves and tigers of Hou Jin's elite?

Thinking of this, Jierhalang ordered: "He Luohui, you lead a Niulu and capture it!"

"Cha!" He Luohui heard the words and responded, then put on his iron armor and selected a hundred armor-clad men in front, and the remaining two hundred men holding bows behind, preparing to attack the city.

I don’t know what the Ming army guarding the fort was doing. They watched the Hou Jin soldiers wearing armor and forming formations without making any movement.

However, Hou Jinbing took this for granted and didn't take it seriously.

Not long after, I saw the Niu Lu E Zhen He Luohui leading the way, leading a group of armored elite soldiers to meander between the mountains like a poisonous snake that chooses people to eat.

After finally climbing to the end of the mountain, He Luohui and the others arrived in front of the Black Rock Ridge Fort. Unexpectedly, they saw a deep ravine lying in front of them.

Without waiting for He Luohui and the others to do anything, they suddenly heard the sound of a cannon, and hundreds of muskets and seven or eight artillery pieces appeared on the fort.

As soon as the order was given, there was a loud sound of cannons and gunfire, and gunpowder smoke quickly filled the battlefield.

Niulu Erzhen He Luohui and the armored soldiers under his command suddenly became living targets, and no one knew how many were killed.

"This...this is the Black Rock Ridge Castle that you said can be defeated with a single charge!" Jierhalang's eyes couldn't help but burst.

"Uh... This shouldn't be the case. The fortress defenders definitely don't have the courage..." The guide was frightened when he heard this, and hurriedly patted his chest and assured.

But before he could finish his words, a loud voice rang out from the mountain: "Dog Tatar, you didn't expect it, did you? Why should I, Grandpa You, Li Guo, have accomplished extraordinary feats here today? Why don't you come up and die!"

"Li Guo? Who is he?" Jierhalang was confused when he heard this, but he also knew that the idea was difficult, so he turned to the guide and asked, "Is there a trail around this place?"

"Your Majesty, sir." The guide said, dumbfounded, "Behind the Black Rock Ridge Fort is the Forty Mile Batu Caves."

"You can go directly to Yuzhou from here. No matter how you go around, you can't go around here!"

Of course Jierhalang didn't know that the so-called "Forty Mile Batu Cave" was actually Feihu Valley, one of the famous Feihu Valley.

This Black Rock Ridge is located at the southern end of Feihu Valley, straddling Lingqiu and Weizhou to the north, and Daoma and Zijing to the south.

If I had to use one word to describe it, it would be like a lump in the throat, and Blackstone Ridge Fort was the "catch" that made Jierhalang feel uncomfortable.

It turns out that when Li Guo learned in the east city of Shunshengchuan that Zijin Pass had been lost to Hou Jin, his first reaction was that Hou Jin would break through the pass from here.

Therefore, he immediately gave up his plan to capture the west city of Shunshengchuan. Instead, he sent an envoy to Xuanfu to report to Zhang Shun, while leaving general Ta Tianbao to garrison the east city.

He himself took Zhou Shien, Wang Lv'er, some officers and soldiers and his cavalry and ran all the way south.

It is ninety miles from Dongcheng to Yuzhou, one hundred and seventy miles to Heishiling Fort, two hundred and forty miles to Guangchang, and three hundred and forty miles to Zijingguan, and there are many mountain roads in between.

For Li Lai, it would be best if he could occupy Guangchang in advance, and the next best thing would be Heishiling Fort.

If we only rush to Yuzhou and let the Donglu occupy the Blackstone Ridge Fort, then the enemy can still pass through Lingqiu to the east and penetrate deep into the Daizhou area. Therefore, the Blackstone Ridge Fort is the last line of defense for the rebels.

Li Guo and his cavalry arrived on the one hundred and seventy mile mountain road in just one day and one night.

Just as the traitor guide said, the people stationed in Blackstone Ridge Fort were all "heroes" who were greedy for life and afraid of death, and they only needed a single charge to capture them.

When Li Guo and others arrived at Blackstone Ridge Fort, the defenders in the fort did not understand what was going on, so they became prisoners of the rebels in a daze.

After finally occupying the Black Rock Ridge Fort, Li Guo and others had not had time to take a breath before they discovered that Hou Jin soldiers had appeared all over the mountains and plains south of the castle. This was the scene just now.

A bloody battle is about to break out!

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