Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1378 The bloody battle at Blackstone Ridge (Part 1)

"Prince Zheng, your servant is incompetent!" Baya Lajia Lazhangjing Heluohui apologized to Jierhalang with a face of shame.

"This battle is not a crime of war, but the guide misled me!" Nazir Harang comforted me after hearing this, "Now there is a new group of thieves in this castle, they are very brave, I wonder if you can take them down? "

"The thieves are very powerful with guns and cannons, and there is a ravine in front of them. The slaves must fill in the ravine first, and then they can fight." Of course the Heluo Society understood what Jierhalang meant.

However, given that the Black Rock Ridge Fortress is deep in a small pond and is garrisoned by elite soldiers and artillery, we can only proceed slowly.

"In this way, I will allocate you three thousand men and give you half a day to fill the ravines. I will pass through this city early tomorrow morning." Jierhalang pondered for a moment after hearing this, and finally ordered.

"Hey, this slave accepts your order!" He Luohui heard the words and quickly responded.

For Houjin now, siege tactics have formed a complete process.

Under normal circumstances, they would first plunder and drive away nearby men and women to fill in the ravines, then use shield vehicles to shield the approaching heavy armored soldiers, and finally use hand-to-hand combat to make the final decision and attack the city.

Nowadays, there is no one inhabiting the Black Rock Ridge. Where can we catch men, women, old and children to fill in the ravine in front of the Black Rock Ridge Fort?

With no other choice, He Luohui had no choice but to send Manchu and Mongolian soldiers from the Eight Banners to go into battle in person.

"Three of you are cutting wood, three of you are building carts, three of you are digging, and the remaining one is preparing heavy armor and artillery to attack the city!" He Luohui thought for a moment and couldn't help but directly ordered.

Following He Luohui's order, the three thousand people just sent to him immediately became busy, and Jierhalang couldn't help but nodded with satisfaction.

Blackstone Ridge Castle is a small castle, with a circumference of only 120 feet, and each wall is only 30 feet wide. The height of the city is only two feet and seven feet, which is eight feet lower than the conventional city height of three feet and five feet in the Ming Dynasty.

Logically speaking, such a small town should be able to conquer the city in one fell swoop.

However, due to the arrival of two thousand cavalry led by Li Guo, all these shortcomings became the defender's advantages.

A small city means that for the defending side, a small number of troops can be used to defend; for the attacking side, it means that many soldiers cannot deploy and cannot take advantage of their numerical advantage.

The second is that the city is short. A short city means that the city wall is difficult to collapse, and it is difficult for the attacking side to destroy the opponent's city wall with artillery.

The third city is fortified. The Blackstone Ridge Fort was built with local materials and black stones from the Blackstone Ridge. It would be difficult to use tactics like "cutting out the city" commonly used by Li Zicheng.

All three of these factors determine that both sides can only use tactics of exchanging blood for blood in a small space, soldiers against soldiers, generals against each other.

"Hand-to-hand combat? I, the Manchurian soldier, have never been afraid of anyone!" Jierhalang looked at the small castle in front of him and couldn't help but sneered.

At the same time, Li Guo stood on the Black Rock Ridge Fort and had already seen clearly Hou Jin's situation.

"Ten thousand captives?" Li Guo couldn't help but be surprised, but then he calmed down again, "In that case, let these ten thousand captives be my achievement in being promoted to Marquis!"

Thinking of this, Li Guo couldn't help but turned to Zhou Shien and asked: "How much gunpowder is left in the fort?"

"We just took inventory. In addition to the 500 jins we brought, there are still more than 1,200 jins in the castle." Zhou Shien quickly responded, "In addition, there are 340 or 50 jins of sulfur. It's a pity that There’s no saltpeter or charcoal to match.”

"It's almost worth forty or fifty artillery volleys. It's completely enough." Li Guo nodded after hearing this, and then ordered, "Let's do this. We will select ten soldiers in a while, and each of them will carry fifty kilograms and go to the 'Line of Sky' ’, and blew up the ‘Yixiantian’!”

"What?" Everyone was shocked when they heard this.


The so-called "one line of sky" is not a place, but the narrow terrain in Feihu Valley, with two mountains sandwiched between one mountain and many places where only one person can pass, so it can be called "one line of sky".

As a result, Li Guo wanted to send people to blow up these places, which meant that everyone had no way to retreat.

"General, what are you..." Zhou Shien asked a little confused.

""Wei Liao Zi" says: A hundred people were killed, and they were trapped in chaos; a thousand people were killed, and the enemy was captured and killed; ten thousand people were killed, and they were rampant in the world." Li Guo couldn't help laughing and said, "I have two thousand people under my command. , why can’t we defeat the thief?”

"The thief died, and I came back to life!"

Put yourself in a place of death and then survive, fall into a place of death and then survive?

Zhou Shien glanced at Li Guo in disbelief, and was frightened by his courage for a moment. He couldn't help shouting: "Thousands of people were killed, and the enemy was captured and killed!"

When he shouted, "Don't worry," Li Guo's soldiers immediately responded: "Thousands of people will be killed, capture the enemy and kill the general!"

With just this momentum, Jierhalang, He Luohui and the others suddenly changed their colors in shock.

The three armies can seize the commander, but an ordinary man cannot seize the will!

"It's broken. It's hard to get out of this city!" Jierhalang couldn't help but said with an ugly expression.

In history, there were two people who adopted this "last-ditch" tactic, one named Han Xin and the other named Ma Di.

The former became famous in one battle, while the latter suffered a complete defeat.

There was nothing going on that afternoon and evening, so let’s not mention it.

Waiting for the place early the next morning, Baya Lajia Lazhangjing and Niulu Erzhen Heluohui, who had already prepared, commanded dozens of newly built shield vehicles and slowly advanced towards the rebel Black Rock Ridge Fort.

Hidden behind the shield cart were ten Houjin heavy armored soldiers wearing soaked cotton armor, ten black soldiers with carts, and two carts filled with soil and stones.

"Let's go!" Following He Luohui's order, the freshly made shield car began to move forward creakingly, driven by ten black soldiers.

While these shield vehicles were moving, Houjin's artillery lined up and fired at Blackstone Ridge Fort.

"Boom!" Following a blast of cannons, several dull sounds came into the fort.

"Hit?" Li Guo felt a little uneasy and quickly climbed up to the castle to take a look outside.

One mile below the castle, more than a hundred artillery pieces were densely arranged, but they were all French guns, generals, second generals and Western cannons.

The shells fired were each the size of pebbles, and they crackled on the Black Rock Ridge Fort and Black Rock Ridge, like a dense hailstorm.

Li Guo couldn't help but sneer and ordered: "The Tatars are too petty, let them have a taste of our big guys!"

After everyone heard this, they couldn't help laughing, and then they rolled out ten large and small artillery pieces neatly.

The big one is a golden cannon that can fire twenty kilograms of iron bullets, and the small one is a field cannon that can fire ten kilograms of iron bullets.

"We're all aiming." The flag commander didn't know what Li Guo was thinking, so he couldn't help but tell them one by one, "This time, let's give the Tatars some color first!"

Following the gunner's command, the sound of cannons shook the sky, and ten round iron balls flew out in unison, hitting the rear golden shield car formation blankly.

Two shield vehicles were beaten to pieces on the spot, and three or five of the black soldiers and heavy armored soldiers behind them were also impaled to death. Their intestines, stomachs, and blood flowed all over the floor, and limbs and fragments were scattered everywhere.

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