Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1379 The bloody battle at Blackstone Ridge (Part 2)

How can anyone not die in a war?

However, you can’t always kill your own people and not kill other people’s people!

Jierhalang, Prince Zheng of the "Qing Dynasty", looked with a livid expression on his face as he watched the rear golden shield car finally reach the ravine in front of Heishiling Fort and dumped the first load of earth and rocks. He was not at all happy in his heart.

Just now, five of the thirty-two shield vehicles that Hou Jin worked so hard to make were destroyed, and thirty-one soldiers were injured or killed.

If this happens six or seven more times, I'm afraid all the newly built shield vehicles will be lost, and then Jin Jingrui will also lose most of the Niulu.

If you can win, fight, if you can't, leave.

If it were normal, Najierharang would have ordered a retreat long ago when he saw that he had encountered a tough situation.

However, not this time.

This time, even if he expends all these ten thousand troops, he still wants to win the Black Rock Ridge Fort!

Because only by capturing Heishiling Fort can we seize Yuzhou and Lingqiu; only by capturing Weizhou and Lingqiu can we cut off the connection between the "Shun Bandits" Xuanda Town and Shanxi Town, and then wipe out their main force!

Our great cause of "Manchuria" cannot be hindered by a small Black Rock Ridge Fort; His Majesty's great plan cannot be ruined by a small Li Guo.

Anyone who hinders my great cause or disrupts my great plans can be killed!

Thinking of this, Jierhalang couldn't help but order: "Send the order to He Luohui and ask the gunners to carry the artillery forward nearly a hundred feet and shoot at the 'Shun Bandits'!"

Don't you like playing with cannons? I'll have fun with you today!

"What?" He Luohui was shocked as soon as he received Jierhalang's order.

Use the cannon as a blunderbuss, and shoot at close range.

Although the damage is very strong, the loss will definitely be huge.

He Luo would know that Jierhalang was anxious, and even more aware that he was becoming increasingly dissatisfied with himself.

He had no choice but to nod his head and said: "If we don't leave this castle, He Luo will not come back!"

Afterwards, the shield cart that took out the earth and rocks again was prepared, and under the hard push of the black soldiers, it creaked and climbed up the mountain again.

He Luohui gritted his teeth, personally carried a Franchise machine, and loudly ordered: "The gunners obey the order, come close with me and shoot, suppress the 'Shunthief' artillery!"

When the Houjin artillerymen saw that Lian Baya Lajia Lazhang Kyoto was personally participating in the battle, their morale immediately rose. They raised their Franjis, Generals, Second Generals and small-caliber Western artillery, and roared towards the mountain.

When Li Guo saw him on the mountain, he couldn't help but smile coldly and ordered: "Get my horse and see how I defeat the enemy!"

"General, no!" As soon as Li Guo said this, Zhou Shien and his subordinates could not help but turn pale in shock.

"If the general makes any mistakes, how can Blackstone Ridge Castle survive alone?"

"This" Li Guo couldn't help but hesitate when he heard this and was about to speak.

Unexpectedly, a brave general suddenly stood up and said with a smile: "What use are generals for people like snakes and rats?"

"A certain horse, Chongxi, is also very brave, and I am going on behalf of the general!"

"Okay, good man!" Li Guo unexpectedly patted his shoulder heavily after hearing this, then reached out to take the mount brought by the soldier, and handed the reins to Ma Zhongxi's hand and said.

"This horse follows me in all my expeditions south and north, just like a brother."

"Today I hand over my brother to you, hoping that you can take my place on the battlefield and return with your whole body!"

"Ma will fulfill his mission!" Ma Chongxi bowed to Li Guo after hearing this. Then, without saying a word, he went to the side and put on his armor.

Li Guo ignored him and just passed through the lookout point of the fortress, staring at the shield car and gunner on the opposite side.

One hundred and fifty feet, one hundred and thirty feet, one hundred and twenty feet

It wasn't until they were eighty feet away from the rebels that the Houjin artilleryman stopped and held up the artillery in a panic.

The shield car did not stop and continued to approach the rebel fortress.

"Almost!" Li Guo nodded, and then loudly ordered: "Fire the artillery, and the cavalry is ready!"

Following Li Guo's order, the rebel gunners pushed out the ten artillery pieces in an orderly manner, then aimed and fired the guns with every step.

However, at the same time as the rebel artillery was fired, the artillerymen on the opposite side also lit up the artillery indiscriminately, and suddenly the shells like hailstones came crackling again.

Li Guo dodged a cannonball fired from the lookout. He didn't care about standing still and shouted sharply: "Cavalry attack!"

It turns out that the rebels' artillery fire this time was not just to hit the opponent's shield vehicle, but also to lure the opponent's gunner to fire.

Sure enough, when Hou Jin saw the rebel artillery appearing, he immediately called them regardless.

Not to mention how many rebel gunners were injured by Houjin's gunners, the sound of artillery fire was just heard, and there was a loud "bang" sound, and the suspension bridge that was originally hanging high in front of Blackstone Ridge Castle hit hard. Above the ravine.

Immediately, the city gate opened wide, and a group of cavalry filed out, only to attack the attacking Hou Jin soldiers.

Najierharang and Heluohui had never thought that there was such a cavalry in this small Black Rock Ridge Fort, but they were killed and caught off guard.

Those shield chariot soldiers were okay, all of them were wearing heavy armor, and they quickly formed a formation to resist with the help of the shield chariot.

As for the gunners who were approaching to shoot, apart from the artillery they had just fired, they only had poles to clean the barrels of the guns. How could they resist?

Immediately, Ma Zhongxi took the lead and rushed into the crowd. He picked up the knife and dropped it, which was a huge human head.

"What a barbarian, I will fight with you!" The Baya Lajia Lazhangjing Heluohui was also a brave man. Seeing this, he was furious. He quickly drew out his sword and led a few servants to charge towards Ma Chongxi. come over.

"Well done!" That Ma Zhongxi was killing with great pleasure. How could he be afraid of him?

He just made a whirring sound with the big sword in his hand, and killed only He Luohui and others.

"Kill, kill!" Ma Zhongxi rode past, slashing left and right, immediately knocking He Luohui and a slave to the ground.

When he stopped his horse and turned around, he saw a few remaining slaves gathered around, supporting Na Heluohui.

Ma Zhongxi was worried that the Tatar who looked like a general was not dead yet, so he came over again brandishing his sword.

Seeing that he was unstoppable, the servants immediately dispersed, leaving He Luohui alone lying on the ground.

The big knife in Ma Zhongxi's hand was not enough for him to reach, so he simply galloped past. He only heard two "clicks", and the sound of cracking bones and screams were heard under the hard horse's hooves.

"Ah! He killed the master!" The slaves who had fled were shocked when they saw him stepping through He Luohui, and then turned back crazily.

"Straight bitch, there's no end!" Ma Zhongxi couldn't help but cursed secretly, but instead of retreating, he only rushed to the side of He Luohui's corpse, then jumped down, then took out the wrist-tip knife, and with a With a twist of the thorn, he skillfully cut off the opponent's head.

He had just finished cutting here, but three or five slaves over there had already arrived.

Ma Zhongxi made a motion of throwing into the distance, causing everyone to look at him in panic.

He took the opportunity to slash at them with his machete, and chopped down two or three more people. The remaining two were so frightened that they did not dare to move. Then he got on his horse and drove away!

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