Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1380 The bloody battle at Blackstone Ridge (Part 2)

It is said that the rebel general Ma Chongxi cut off the head of Baya Lajia Lazhangjing Heluo Hui, killed several people in a row, and walked away, only to see that Prince Zheng Jierharang's eyes were split open.

Baya Lajia Lazhangjing was in charge of the Eight Banners' elite "Baya Laying".

After Lao Nu raised his army, he divided the Eight Banners into white bagara, red bagara and ordinary armored soldiers.

In the eighth year of Tiancong's reign, Hong Tai reformed the military system and ordered each of the eight banners to build a battalion, called "Baya La Camp", to serve as a guard.

Its chief is called Baya Lajia Lazhangjing or Baya Lazhuzhangjing, and He Luohui is the best among them. He is deeply trusted by Lao Nu and Hong Tai and his son. Now he is Jierharang's Commander of the Guards.

As a result, such a character was decapitated by a "nobody". How could Jierhalang not be annoyed by this?

"Jueshan, since He Luohui is dead, you will be responsible for the siege for the time being!" Jierhalang frowned and finally gave the order.

Li Jia Jueshan lived in Sarhu for a long time. He killed Ye He from Lao Nu and defeated Shenyang and Liaoyang.

During the "Ji Si Change", he started from Hongtai and conquered the Ming Dynasty and entered the guerrilla position.

In the Battle of Dalinghe, he made meritorious service from Beileshuo and entered the second-class Lazhangjing.

Judging from his resume alone, we can tell that he is a veteran "Manchurian". He is loyal to Lao Nu and his son. Regardless of his prestige and qualifications, he is definitely not inferior to He Luohui.

Sure enough, as soon as Li Jia Jueshan arrived at the camp, the originally anxious Hou Jin soldiers were all convinced.

So he first dealt with the soldiers and generals who had fled, and then strengthened their morale, and then regained their strength and prepared to fight again.

Of course, "fight again" rather than "send off again", Na Jueshan also knew that the original method would not work.

Therefore, he carefully studied the fighting methods and tactics of both sides, and finally made three decisions.

One is to ask Jierhalang to send soldiers to cut down trees and build chariots to make up for the losses in the shield chariot battle.

One is that each shield car is equipped with various Franchise machines, a general, a second general and two Western doors to enhance the firepower of the shield car soldiers.

The last one is to provide escorts for the remaining gunners and prepare a new cavalry army, waiting for the rebels to rush out to counterattack.

After making such adjustments, Jueshan ordered the attack to continue.

But this time, the two sides went back and forth and fought for several times.

Although the Jin soldiers were at a disadvantage in the artillery bombardment with the rebels, Ma Chongxi's cavalry could no longer be as unscrupulous as they had been at the beginning.

Seeing that things had come to this, Li Guo was helpless for a while, so he had to let his soldiers take turns to fight to resist the Hou Jin soldiers.

After that, the battle between the two sides also entered a boring stage. While the artillery bombarded them, the rear Golden Shield soldiers braved the rebel artillery fire to forcefully fill the ditch.

After fighting fiercely until night, Na Jueshan finally filled in the ravine in front of the Black Rock Ridge Fort at the cost of another six to seven hundred soldiers and twenty or thirty shield vehicles.

It was getting late, and Jierhalang was about to order a retreat considering that the soldiers were quite tired.

Unexpectedly, Na Jueshan came in person and asked him: "My husband has the courage to fight. He can do it in one go."

"Now our army is large, but the thieves are few. If we retreat tonight, the enemy will have a new force tomorrow morning."

"Therefore, the slave thought that he should take turns to fight day and night in order to tire out his army."

"When the men and horses are weakened and the artillery is red-hot, this fort will be broken!"

"Okay!" Jierhalang was stunned when he heard the words, and then felt that he was right, so he nodded in agreement.

Afterwards, Na Jueshan replaced the original tired army with fresh troops and continued to attack the rebel Black Rock Ridge Fort.

Li Guo took a look at the fortress and couldn't help but frowned and said, "It seems that Jianlu doesn't want us to sleep tonight!"

"Starting from now on, the four divisions will be stationed in rotation, and each division will guard the city for two hours."

"Those who haven't had their turn can rest on their own to avoid falling into Jianlu's trick of tiring the enemy!"

Blackstone Ridge Castle is just a small city with a circumference of 120 feet, and its south side is only 30 feet wide, with a city gate.

Therefore, for the rebels, they only need to send five hundred people to garrison each time, and they will have no worries.

The two sides had decided on their plan, and as Jueshan gave the order, sure enough, the Jin soldiers pushed over again pushing the heavy chariot.

"Fire, fire!" The rebel artillery spit out tongues of flame again.

But because it was getting late, the gunner couldn't see clearly. This time he only smashed one shield car.

The remaining twenty or so shield vehicles arrived safely at the foot of Blackstone Ridge Castle. Due to the artillery firing angle, the artillery on the city could no longer pose a threat to the enemy in the blind spot.

The defenders on the city quickly lit "Ten Thousand Enemies" and threw them under the city.

This "ten thousand enemies" does not refer to the two generals Guan and Zhang, but refers to a firearm made of dry mud with built-in gunpowder and poison, which has the functions of burning and poisoning.

The most intuitive feature of this kind of firearm is that it is placed in a wooden barrel or wooden frame.

After being lit and thrown under the city, it will split and release gunpowder and poisonous smoke.

The rebel camp rarely had such things, but there happened to be a lot of them in Black Rock Ridge, so Li Guo asked his soldiers to bring them up, which was better than nothing.

But no one expected that as the "Ten Thousand Enemies" were thrown down one after another, smoke filled the city soon, and the soldiers of Houjin coughed again and again, which seriously affected the efficiency of the siege.

"Oh no, these are all stones!" At the same time, Hou Jinbing, who was trying to destroy the wall of Heishiling Fort at the bottom of the city, went down with a shovel, and then discovered that the fortress was actually made of stones.

"No way, we can only climb the city wall and blow up the city gate!" At this time, everyone has no choice but to retreat.

Immediately, a pair of auxiliary ladders were erected on the city, and they began to bombard the city gate with the artillery they carried.

When the rebels on the city saw Hou Jin put up a ladder, they quickly used forks and wooden sticks to overturn the ladder.

While using bird cannons and three-eyed cannons, they shot at the Houjin soldiers under the city.

The Hou Jin soldiers under the city were not to be outdone, so they responded with blunderbuss and flannel machines.

For a while, the sound of cannons and cannons was heard endlessly. From time to time, the rebel soldiers who were shot again fell from the city, and some Houjin soldiers fell to the ground on the spot.

One life is exchanged for another, one cavity is exchanged for blood. This place has almost become a flesh and blood mill, grinding the flesh and blood of both sides bit by bit.

Just as the two sides were fighting inextricably, there was another burst of cannon fire, and then there was a burst of cheers from the city. It turned out that the city gate was opened by cannons by Hou Jin soldiers.

The Houjin soldiers who were originally surrounding the city were like a tide. When they saw a gap, they immediately swarmed in.

However, the fast you advance, the fast you retreat!

Only a muffled sound was heard, and the Houjin soldiers who had entered intact turned into a pile of minced meat and flew out again.

It turned out that when Li Guo saw that the city's artillery had lost its fire, he had ordered people to lower two of them, and now they were put to good use.

"My skills are exhausted, my skills are exhausted!" Unexpectedly, when they saw the rebel artillery fire, the Hou Jin soldiers were not surprised but overjoyed. Instead, they all popped their crowns to celebrate.

Li Guo's expression changed when he heard this in the fort. He couldn't help but draw out his sword and said, "It seems that if we don't fight hard this time, it really won't work."

"The First Division puts on the double armor and goes with me to fight hand to hand. The Second Division is ready to take over at any time!"

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