Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1381 Reinforcements

"What, Shenjing Fort was attacked by Houjin, and Zijingguan has also fallen!" Zhang Shun, who was originally confident, couldn't help being shocked when he heard this.

As an extremely outstanding commander, he was not unaware of the emptiness of Weizhou, but according to his thoughts, as long as Li Guo was sent to guard Shenjing Fort, the Houjin soldiers from the direction of Baoanzhou would not be able to go up the Sanggan River and threaten The right wing and rear of the rebel army.

When you have a firm foothold in Xuanfu, you can look at the enemy's deployment and troop strength, and decide whether to rush to reinforce Xuanfu South Road or take the opportunity to attack other weak points of the Jin soldiers.

But he never expected that the enemy could come so urgently and quickly!

"Your Highness, why don't we send the two battalions of cavalry soldiers, Commander Li and General Zhang, to support us?" Song Xiance frowned and couldn't help but suggest.

"No, I still have great use for these two cavalry!" Zhang Shun hesitated after hearing this, and finally refused.

At the beginning of sending Li Guo, Zhang Shun had not thought of sending the two battalions of Li Zicheng and Fatty Zhang there together to ensure that the right wing of the rebel army was safe.

However, at that time, the rebel army had just arrived in Xuanfu, and the enemy's situation was unknown. It was not known how many Houjin soldiers occupied Changping and Baoan prefectures.

Hou Jin Duoqi, if his main force is here, once he launches an attack, if Zhang Shun does not have a strong cavalry to participate in the battle, he may repeat the mistakes of Han Gaozu's "Bai Deng Siege".

It was a matter of choosing the lesser of two evils, and in the end, it was no choice but to send Li to the first camp.

Although Li Guo now concluded that Hou Jin soldiers would definitely come out of Bauhinia to block the rebel army's retreat, he still did not rule out another possibility.

Immediately afterwards, Jin first mobilized the rebel forces to maneuver in the direction of Yuzhou, then attacked from the east and west, and suddenly sent a large army to retake Xuanfu.

The method of using military force is to use virtuality to make it real, and to use reality to make it virtual. What is important is virtuality and reality, truth and falsehood.

Which one is false, which one is real, which one is true and which one is false, this will test the general's judgment ability.

"Then... what does King Shun mean?" Song Xiance was not familiar with the art of war, so he still relied on Zhang Shun's opinions when it came to marching and fighting.

"I have previously ordered Zhang Sanbai to lead seven battalions of troops to go to Daizhou and Fanzhi and enter Yuzhou." Zhang Shun couldn't help but explain.

"Calculating the time now, it's probably almost the same."

"Pass my order. If Guangchang is not lost, we will be stationed in Guangchang. If Guangchang is lost, we will be stationed in Yuzhou and Lingshi."

"If even Weizhou and Lingshi are lost, then abandon Guangling, stick to Fanzhi, and introduce the enemy into Hunyuanzhou. I will make sure that he never comes back!"

"Your Highness, this... this is too risky!" Zhang Fengyi frowned and rarely spoke.

"It's okay!" Zhang Shun said with a smile, "Yuzhou is mountainous, the roads are rugged, and the terrain is dangerous, making it difficult for cavalry to gallop."

"I'm not afraid of him taking the initiative to attack, I'm just afraid that he won't!"

"If he sends fewer people, it will be in vain; if he sends more people, doesn't this just allow me to grab his pigtails?"

When Zhang Fengyi heard this, her big eyes couldn't help but glance at Zhang Shun for a few times, and then she fell silent.

Oops, I really love this man. He is calm and confident no matter what time!

It turned out that in this moment, Zhang Shun had already finalized a plan to deal with the fall of Weizhou.

The basic strategy is to make mistakes and lead the enemy who attacks the right wing of the rebel army into Hunyuan Prefecture, and then Zhang's 300 surprise troops will come out to stand against Fan to cut off their retreat in the direction of Lingqiu.

He himself sent people to retake Yuzhou, cutting off his first line of retreat in Guangling and Yuzhou.

If he "catches a big fish" this time, then Zhang Shun can take the opportunity to force Hong Tai to fight with him.

If it doesn't work, then naturally we'll have to worry about it again.

Not to mention Zhang Shun, Zhang Sanbai has not only become famous since he defeated the Yingwu Commandery King Azige, but also his self-confidence.

After he reorganized his troops and rushed all the way to Xinzhou according to Zhang Shun's order, he unexpectedly received two more battalions of troops and Wu Aheng, the superintendent of grain and political affairs, and a military order from Daizhou to Yuzhou.

Compared to the enemies in the Xuanfu direction, Wu Aheng was more inclined to deal with the threats in the Yuzhou direction first.

Therefore, after he met Zhang Sanbai, he not only wrote and analyzed the topography and terrain of Yuzhou to him, but also earnestly advised him: "Yuzhou is the southern wing of Xuanfu, the backbone of Datong, and the gateway to Shanxi. "

"If the Ming and Jin Dynasties get this, the Xuanfu cannot be protected, Datong is in danger, and Shanxi cannot have peace for a moment."

"If the general can stabilize this place, he will be granted the title of marquis and prime minister in the future."

Although Zhang Sanbai was annoyed with him for "relying on his old age and selling his old age", he learned about the situation of Yuzhou's mountains and rivers for no reason, so he had to thank him honestly.

Originally, Zhang Sanbai was two or three days behind Zhang Shun, but in the end, he delivered the troops of Lu Xiangjin and Zhang Ding to Wu Aheng in Xinzhou, which was delayed for another two days, and even four or five days behind.

However, Xinzhou is 800 miles away from Xuanfu and 570 miles away from Lingqiu, which is exactly five days' journey. Logically speaking, the two of them should arrive at Xuanfu and Yuzhou together.

Who would have thought that he would live forever, but something unexpected happened to Zhang Sanbai along the way.

Where are you?

It turns out that after Ye Tinggui, the governor of Datong, defected to the rebel army, although most of Datong surrendered, it was not without its stubbornness.

Among them, Hunyuan Prefecture and Yuzhou were loyal to the Ming court due to their remote terrain.

Not to mention what happened to Hunyuan Prefecture, let's say that after everyone in Wei Prefecture learned the news about the rebels, they suddenly had trouble sleeping and eating.

Later, through the help of the magistrate of Yuzhou, the commander-in-chief of South Road, who was affiliated with Xuanfu, and the commander of Yuzhou Guard, who was affiliated with Datong, sat together.

The three of them thought together that "trouble is coming from the west" and organized manpower to prepare for it.

Among them, the west of Guangling is already covered by Hunyuan Prefecture, so there is no need to worry about it, but the Fanzhi area to the west of Lingqiu is an empty place.

After some deliberation, the three of them finally decided that the two men would be stationed at the Pingxingling Inspection Department in turns, led by the commander and commander of the guard on the South Road, to prevent "thieves" from coming in and out.

The Pingxingling Inspection Department is located at Pingxingling Pass, which is the famous Pingxing Pass in later generations.

The area "controls Bauhinia in the east and Yanmen in the west" and has been an important transportation pass since ancient times. The Ming Dynasty built a castle here, and there was something strange about it on Tuesday.

In the history of Zhang Shun's previous life, Lin Biao, one of the top ten marshals of our army, ambushed the Itagaki Division of the Japanese "Steel Army" here, annihilating more than a thousand enemies in one fell swoop, and achieving a great victory in the Eighth Route Army's first battle against Japan.

Of course, Zhang Sanbai had no idea about this, but this did not prevent him from staying here for three days before finally conquering the fort and killing the general guarding Xuanda South Road.

Then Zhang Sanbai occupied Lingqiu, and then divided his troops into two groups: taking the Guangling line in the north and heading east to Yuzhou, and taking Lingqiu Road and Feihu Valley to the north to Yuzhou.

Zhang Sanbai took the south road by himself, and sent Guan Fumin to lead three battalions of troops to take the north road to attack.

The two of them had decided on their plan, and Zhang Sanbai led his men and horses along Lingqiu Road all the way east.

But he had just reached the end of Lingqiu Road and arrived at the south entrance of Feihu Valley. He saw a group of people gathered around him in a mess, not knowing what they were doing in front.

He was about to step forward to ask, but unexpectedly, a scout came over to report: "General Qi, it is said that someone suddenly blew up the 'Xianxian' in Feihu Valley two days ago, making it impossible for pedestrians to pass, so that they were stranded here."

"Who is so bold?" Zhang Sanbai frowned and thought to himself: If Feihu Valley is blocked, we will be in trouble now!

"It is said that the thieves who have occupied Black Rock Ridge Fort, called 'Li Guo', are fighting fiercely with the Tatars there..."

"What?" Zhang Sanbai was shocked when he heard this, "Why...why is this Li Guo here?"

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