"Retreat, the Tatars finally retreated again!" Wang Luer looked at the Houjin soldiers retreating like a tide, and couldn't help but slumped to the ground.

For four days, the two sides fought fiercely for four days and four nights.

The enemies on the opposite side seemed endless, attacking, attacking, and attacking again day and night, from morning to night, from night to morning.

He, Wang Luer, was originally very good at guarding the east city of Shunsheng River. When thieves came to surrender, thieves came to surrender, and captives came to surrender, there was no need to fight tooth and nail.

As a result, it was because of being "coerced" by this group of "submissive thieves" that they came to such a desperate situation.

Now that his future was cut off and his retreat was cut off by the "Li Thief", he had no choice but to fight to the death with the "Tatars".

Of course, Wang Luer was unlucky, and equally unlucky were the guards originally stationed at Blackstone Ridge Castle.

Those people have always been "fierce as tigers in blackmailing, and dispersed like birds at the sound of the enemy." Now, for the sake of their own wealth and life, they had to fight for the first time in their lives.

This is just like what Sun Tzu said in "The Art of War": "The Wu people and the Yue people are hostile to each other, so when they are in the same boat, they help each other when the wind blows, like right and left hands."

Regardless of their hatred or anger, they are now grasshoppers on a rope with the rebels, and they can only fight to the end.

surrender? It's not like they didn't think about surrendering!

But when Li Guo pointed at the piles of corpses of Hou Jin soldiers outside the fort, he sneered at them and said, "Surrender? Do you think you can escape unscathed after killing so many Jianlu Tatars?"

"When it falls into the hands of these murderous Tatars, I'm afraid I won't be able to do it happily even if I want to!"

In this way, Li Guo's two thousand Jingqi and Wang Lv'er all surrendered and took turns to rest and fight. They were all sore and weak from the battle, and the blunderbuss tubes were hot and the barrels burst and exploded.

I don't know how many "Tatars" were killed at that time. They could only load and shoot mechanically, and then went into battle to fight hand-to-hand!

When he got off the wheel, he ate a few hastily and fell asleep.

Time seemed to have stopped in front of them at this moment, and it felt like one day outside the castle.

This situation happened four times, that is, four days and four nights.

No matter how the war raged outside the fort, no matter how the guns and cannons roared inside the fort, it was difficult to wake up most people in the fort from their sleep.

After finally repelling a Tatar attack, Wang Lv'er, who was almost at his physical limit, crawled over to the sleeping Li Guo and shook him vigorously.

"Ah? It's my turn again?" Li Guo opened his eyes drowsily, with a look of reluctance on his face.

"It's your turn!" Wang Lu'er was too lazy to talk nonsense. He threw himself on the ground and closed his eyes and fell asleep.

The extreme fatigue of his body caused him to snore as soon as he lay down.

Li Guo quickly got up, stretched out his legs and quickly alerted the flag commanders around him, asking them to quickly call for the soldiers to take over.

He himself quickly walked to the lookout to observe the Houjin soldiers who were preparing to attack again, and then looked at the three remaining artillery pieces around him, feeling a trace of regret in his heart.

After several battles, Li Guo has discovered that most of the "Baya La" elite soldiers sent by Hou Jin to fight in hand-to-hand combat are hard to break, and can only be broken by artillery, hammers and axes.

Now seven of the ten rebel artillery pieces have been lost. If this continues, I am afraid that today will be his death anniversary next year.

I really shouldn't have done anything to blow up the "line of sky" in Feihu Valley, which made me unable to retreat today and cut off the way for the rebel reinforcements.

Just when Li Guozheng was feeling regretful, he suddenly heard another soldier shouting: "General, the Tatars are coming up again!"

He couldn't help but take a closer look and saw more than twenty shield carts slowly pushing up again.

"Forget about the artillery, let's wait for the enemy to attack before firing!" Li Guo hesitated for a moment and finally said helplessly.

Now there are only three cannons in the fort, one is aimed at the door, and the remaining two are left on the left and right sides of the fort for cross-fire. Other than that, the only way is to fight for their lives.

However, this time it seems that they don't even have the strength to fight for their lives. What should they do? What should they do?

"General, we still have sulfur, shall we use it all this time?" At this moment Zhou Shien woke up and suddenly suggested to Li Guo.

The burning of sulfur will produce a large amount of sulfur dioxide, a poisonous and irritating gas. Once it is burned in such a narrow castle, it will certainly burn to death the Houjin elites wearing war jackets, but it will also cause damage to the people in the castle. The rebel soldiers were poisoned, so Li Guo did not want to use it unless he had to.

"In this way, let's arrange it first and connect it with the gunpowder, just in case!" Li Guo pondered for a moment and finally decided.

How can a great man be humiliated by the Tartars if he dies?

"Yes, the general will take your orders!" After these few days of contact, Zhou Shien completely admired Li Guo.

A real man cannot eat or cook with five cauldrons.

It would be no regrets to die here following such a hero!

Not long after, the Jin soldiers came forward again.

After the rebel artillery fired, the two sides entered into hand-to-hand combat as usual.

Only this time, just as Li Guo stepped forward to kill two people, he felt his arms go weak and could hardly lift the knife in his hand.

He couldn't help being startled, and looked up, only to see that no matter how vigorous and vigorous the rebel soldiers fought for their lives, this time they were beaten back by the opponent.

Manpower is sometimes exhausted, and God's will cannot be violated. Am I, Li Guo, about to die today?

"Get up, get up, get up and kill the Tatars!" He couldn't help but roar, and quickly called up other soldiers who were resting.

However, the remaining thousand soldiers were already exhausted and managed to get up. They could only watch the soldiers in front of them fighting for their lives with Hou Jin, unable to intervene.

After all, Blackstone Ridge Castle has limited space and cannot accommodate so many people to fight together.

My soul is weak, what should I do, what should I do?

At this moment when Li Guo was at a loss, he suddenly heard a commotion on the fort, and there was a burst of cheers.

"It's over, the city has been lost!" When Li Guo heard the cheers, this was his first reaction.

But he didn't expect that when the cheers rang out, the soldiers around him suddenly developed infinite strength and actually pushed back the Hou Jin soldiers who had invaded the castle.

How is this going?

Li Guo couldn't help but be startled, and then he realized that the cheers shouted out from the city were actually: reinforcements are coming, reinforcements are coming!

This time, Li Guo didn't care about chasing the enemy, but hurriedly ran up the city wall. He raised his eyes and looked north, and saw a regular team, like a dragon emerging from its cave or a tiger emerging from the mountain, filing out of Feihu Valley. , rushing towards Blackstone Ridge Castle.

The leading general's golden armor shines brightly in the sun, and a huge flag is erected next to him, with a big "Zhang" character written on it.

"King Shun, King Shun is here!" Li Guo couldn't help but said excitedly, "His Royal Highness King Shun has come to save us in person!"

As soon as the word "King Shun" came out, there seemed to be a magical power, and the rebel soldiers who were about to fall became more alive again.

Not only did they bravely repel the enemy, but they also rushed out of the castle and chased them.

Then when Jin Bing heard the word "King Shun", he ran away as if he had encountered a tiger or wild beast and couldn't avoid it.

However, it didn't matter that Hou Jin's soldiers retreated. Somehow, chaos suddenly arose in Hou Jin's camp.

Subsequently, the chaos in Houjin's camp grew larger and larger, and eventually it collapsed like a castle on the beach, then trampled on itself and collapsed all the way south.

Li Guo just stood on the fort and saw with his own eyes that after hearing the word "King Shun", the troops of Hou Jin, who were originally like wolves and tigers, turned from attack to retreat, from retreat to chaos, and then from chaos to An incredible rout.

If the rebel soldiers were not exhausted, Li Guo would have been unable to lead his soldiers to catch up and kill a few of them with his own hands to relieve his anger.

But Li Guo never thought that the reason why this incredible "spectacle" occurred was ultimately due to a misunderstanding.

It turned out that in this sniper battle, the rebels defended for four days and four nights, and then the Jin soldiers naturally attacked for four days and four nights.

While the rebel army reached its limit, the Hou Jin soldiers continued to struggle to support them.

Originally, they had hoped that if they gritted their teeth and endured this breath, everything would get better.

Unexpectedly, at the critical moment when Blackstone Ridge Castle was taken, rebel reinforcements appeared.

Not only did the reinforcements appear, but the leader of the reinforcements was the famous "Shun Thief".

Not only did the famous "Shun Thief" appear, but he was also wearing the golden armor of Azige, the "Yingwu Commandery King of the Qing Dynasty". The blow to the morale of the Hou Jin soldiers can be imagined!

Li Guo's misunderstanding of the word "King Shun" turned out to be the straw that broke the camel's back.

The author suddenly discovered that there was an error in the update a few days ago, and I would like to apologize to everyone.

It turns out that Heishiling Fort is an important place leading to Lingqiu and Weizhou. However, today I suddenly discovered in a piece of information that there are actually two "Flying Fox Roads" within the scope of Yuzhou, and one is the line from Weizhou to Guangchang. , the other is the line from Lingqiu to Daomaguan.

In other words, in fact, Li Guo's insistence on Heishiling Fort could only block Houjin's road to Yuzhou, while the road to Lingqiu was still open.

Since the author has updated several chapters, the story cannot be changed. I can only make mistakes and continue to write about the important places leading from Black Rock Ridge Castle to Lingqiu and Weizhou. Please forgive me!

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