Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1384 The Power of Guns

Geyu Fort is located fifty miles north of Xuanfu, 252 steps away from the city.

The area is surrounded by mountains and the path is rugged. Because kudzu once grew in the valley, it was named Geyu Castle.

The general guarding Xuanfu Middle Road is stationed here. The branch starts from Chicheng in the east and ends at Zhangjiakou in the west, with a length of 131 miles.

Under the jurisdiction of the Longmen Guards One and the Fort Ten, they built the fence to the north of the town.

Therefore, after the rebels occupied Xuanfu City, they could only protect Xuanfu's left wing by capturing it in time.

On the same day, at the same time that Zhang Shun led Li Shukong and Yang Chengzu to set off, Li Zicheng, along with Fatty Zhang and Zhang Weishi, the former governor of Xuanfu, also left Xuanfu City.

Although the Biao battalion under Zhang Weishi was not a cavalry army, most of them came from the fortress and were quite proficient in riding skills. Therefore, he was able to recruit horses and mules in the city to travel instead, which was comparable to the speed of Li Zicheng and Fatty Zhang's cavalry army.

Their three battalions worked in tandem, and it took only half a day to rush from Xuanfu City to Geyu Fort, fifty miles away.

Liu Hui, the general stationed at Geyu Fort on the middle road, had early warning and quickly ordered his soldiers to close the city gate, lay mines and firearms, and prepare for the attack.

When Zhang Weishi saw it, he couldn't help but rush forward and said: "I am Zhang Weishi of Xuanfu. I wonder where the general Liu Hui is?"

When Liu Hui saw him on the city, he couldn't help but be startled, and then hesitated for a moment. Then he walked to the city tower, cupped his hands and said, "I met Zhang Fujun, and we said goodbye in the past. Now we are each his own master. I don't know what to do." say something?"

Zhang Weishi couldn't help laughing when he heard this: "You and I were originally ministers of the Ming Dynasty, but it was because of the emperor's lack of virtue that the world was in chaos."

"The only ones competing today are Qin and Jin'er. The soldiers of Xuanfu either surrender to gold or follow Qin. Gai Mo is an exception. It stands to reason that people have their own ambitions, and I shouldn't comment on them."

"One thing is that King Shun was benevolent and righteous, and all his generals and above were granted the title of marquis; the other thing is that China and the barbarians are different, so why should we abandon China and follow the barbarians? The third thing is that although the army of the Later Jin Dynasty was prosperous, when it met King Shun, it suffered repeated setbacks. I hope you will think carefully about these three things!"

To be honest, Zhang Weishi may not have had the intention to play both sides at the beginning, but as soon as he heard that the rebel army had defeated Azige and killed Azige, the king of Yingwu County, Rao Yubeile Abatai, Gushan Ezhen Wanyan Yechen and others, he surrendered Gushan Ezhen Ah Shan.

He immediately stopped thinking and was ready to follow Zhang Shun honestly.

In a time of great strife, the military front is the priority.

If you are not victorious, even if the saint is resurrected and Marquis Wu is still alive, you will still be crying out for help; if you are victorious, you will be brave, Cao Yiwen, and the master of others, nothing more than this.

When Liu Hui heard this, he was very hesitant and couldn't make a decision for a while.

When Zhang Weishi saw it, he couldn't help but said to Li Zicheng and Fatty Zhang: "Although this Geyu Fort is quite far away from Donglu, the general Liu Hui is quite talented, and there are more than a thousand soldiers and horses in the city, it may be difficult to conquer in a short while."

"The art of war says: attack the heart first, attack the city second. Now I see Liu Hui swinging from one side to the other, and it's hard to make a decision for a while. In this case, why don't I put some pressure on him and let him understand King Shun's grace!"

"Oh?" When Li Zicheng heard this, he and Fatty Zhang couldn't help but smile at each other and said, "We are familiar with this matter, but it's just 'cut off its wings and isolate its trunk'. Please wait a moment, Mr. Zhang, I'll wait." Go and come back."

After saying that, Li Zicheng and Fatty Zhang were about to leave on horseback and capture the nearby castle.

Unexpectedly, when Zhang Weishi saw this, he quickly stopped the two of them and said, "I wonder where you two are going?"

Li Zicheng and Fatty Zhang said of course, "Of course we should go to Changyukou and lay down this fort as a warning to others!"

Changyukou Fort is fifteen miles west of Geyu Fort, and is at the horns of Geyu Fort.

If Li Zicheng, the rebel army, had not brought three battalions of troops to trap Geyu Fort to death this time, I am afraid that the Changyukou Fort troops would have appeared outside Geyu Fort.

Now the general Liu Huizheng has a hard time making a choice. If he takes the opportunity to capture this fort, it will not only deter him, but also cut off his arm, making him even more isolated and helpless.

"Although Changyukou is good, it is not as far as Dabaiyang Fort!" Unexpectedly, Zhang Weishi shook his head when he heard this.

"Dabaiyang Fort is thirty miles east of Geyu Fort. The terrain is flat, which is the most convenient for cavalry to drive."

"On Wednesday, there were only three to four hundred soldiers stationed in the fortress."

"If we get this place, Longmen will not be able to save each other; Zhao Chuan and Xiao Baiyang can only look at the ocean and sigh. The forts such as Xiyangfang, Qingbiankou, Changyukou and Geyu are all mine!"

Zhang Weishi is indeed the governor of Xuanfu. Although he is not as capable as Ye Tinggui, the governor of Datong, he still has some skills.

With these few words, he fully explained the plight of General Liu Hui, who was guarding Geyu Fort on Xuanfu Middle Road.

It turns out that this branch of Shouxuanfu Middle Road has one city and ten forts under its jurisdiction. "It is connected to Longmen Pass in the east, Zhangjiakou in the west, Zhencheng in the south, and desert in the north." It is "130 miles wide and 35 miles wide."

In human terms, it is a long "one-word long snake array".

If the rebels occupy Dabaiyang Fort first, then the four forts of Yangfang, Qingbiankou, Changyukou and Geyu will have no choice but to surrender to the rebels.

When Li Zicheng and Fatty Zhang heard this, they felt that the size of the Great Baiyang Fort was similar to that of Changyukou, and they couldn't help but feel moved.

"That's fine, then General Zhang is here to work!" Li Zicheng glanced at Zhang Weishi, and finally turned to Fatty Zhang.

How could Zhang Weishi not know what Li Zicheng meant? He could only smile bitterly and pretended not to hear.

Fatty Zhang was quite familiar with this, but when he heard this, he smiled and said, "It's okay to go, but you have to borrow a few cannons from Li Shuai to play with!"

"How many doors?"

"Ten gates!"

"Only three doors!"

The two bargained for a long time in front of Zhang Weishi, and finally settled on "the price of five doors."

Originally, Zhang Weishi was curious about where Li Zicheng and Fatty Zhang rode all the way to get the artillery.

As a result, Li Zicheng called for Wushi Artillery and handed it over to Fatty Zhang on the spot. Zhang Weishi was immediately horrified and said, "Are these Hongyi artillerymen pulling and running like this?"

"Yes, otherwise how could the rebel army control Henan, Shaanxi, and Shanxi?" Li Zicheng also smiled bitterly after hearing this.

Not to mention Zhang Weishi, even Li Zicheng was greatly shocked by Zhang Shun's extravagant behavior of equipping ten horses with one gun.

However, after he enjoyed the convenience, his original distressed thoughts stopped for ten times.

"No wonder, no wonder neither the Ming court nor Hou Jin can be the opponent of King Shun!" Zhang Weishi sighed, "If there are so many Hongyi cannons here, who in the world can stop them!"

Not to mention what Zhang Weishi was thinking, let's say that after the fat man borrowed the cannon, he immediately galloped eastwards.

It only took an hour to reach the gate of Dabaiyang Castle.

The garrison of Dabaiyang Fort quickly ordered people to close the city gate tightly, and launched Western, Luo-destroying, Lianchu and other artillery to wait for the rebels.

Unexpectedly, Fatty Zhang gave an order, and fifteen "Hongyi Cannons" were immediately lined up in a row, pointing diagonally at the city, and the defender's mentality suddenly collapsed.

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