Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1385 Continuously Entering the City

"Boom, boom, boom!" As a deafening sound of artillery resounded across the battlefield, heavy iron bullets hit the walls of Dabaiyang Fort heavily.

One or two accidentally missed and flew directly into the Great Baiyang Castle. They jumped twice and penetrated several houses.

"General, here. Two of these weigh ten kilograms, and one weighs twenty kilograms!" Not long after, a soldier picked up the cannonballs and rolled them over with a bamboo basket.

"Oh?" The Great Baiyang Fort guard was a little unconvinced at first, so he couldn't help but stretched out his hands to grab them and weighed them one after another. His expression suddenly changed.

Most people in this era have mastered the ability to roughly estimate the weight with their hands, and when the defender weighs it, he really comes up with an unbelievable value.

"How. How is it possible?" According to his superficial knowledge, the "Hongyi Cannon" that can fire these two kinds of shells is at least between three thousand kilograms and six or seven thousand kilograms. How could his small Dabaiyang Fort withstand it? ?

"Then what should we do?" Upon seeing this, Zuo Zuo couldn't help but turn pale and lost his mind.

"Why don't we surrender?" The guard looked at this and that. He was helpless and had to suggest.

"Okay, okay, that's a good feeling!" When everyone saw the posture of the rebels, they knew that they couldn't beat them and couldn't defend them. If they didn't surrender, what could they do?

"Ah? Is this a lowering of the flag?" It was so easy to get rid of so many artillery pieces at once. Before Fatty Zhang had time to enjoy himself, he didn't expect that the lowering flag had already been planted on the city.

Fatty Zhang was more straightforward. He sent his younger brother Fatty Zhang to lead a group of troops to take over the defense of Dabaiyang Fort, and at the same time asked the garrison of Dabaiyang Fort to lead a hundred people to return to Geyu Fort with him.

This went back and forth for sixty miles, and when the guards of Dabaiyang Fort and Fatty Zhang arrived at the gate of Geyu Fort, it was not yet dusk.

"What? Dabaiyang Fort has fallen!" Liu Hui, the general guarding Geyu Fort on Xuanfu Middle Road, was undecided in the fort. Hearing this, he was shocked.

"Yes, yes, the guards of Dabaiyang Fort are shouting under the fort!" the soldier who came to report said with a bitter smile.

"How is this possible?" Liu Hui said in disbelief, "The garrison of the Great Baiyang Fort is not incompetent, how could it surrender so quickly?"

"General, you will know when you go out and take a look!" The soldier hesitated to speak.

"Oh?" When Liu Hui heard this, he quickly dressed up, took the left and right guards up to the tower and took a look outside. His face changed with horror, and then he understood why the defense of Dabaiyang Fort surrendered so quickly.

It turned out that twenty "Hongyi cannons" were neatly lined up outside Geyubao City, pointing diagonally at the city.

The southern wall of Nageyu Castle is only about one mile long.

And just this short one-mile city wall is facing the threat of twenty "Red Barbarian Cannons". Who can withstand this?

"Could this be carved from wood?" Liu Hui asked in disbelief.

"Whether it's made of wood or not, wouldn't you know if you asked Li Shuai to fight for a round?" The guard at Dabaiyang Castle under the city shouted angrily after hearing this.

"Forget it, forget it, I can't be frightened. I surrender. Is it okay if I surrender?" Then Liu Hui looked at the rows of "Hongyi cannons" under the city, and then looked at the horses all over the mountains and plains outside the city. Jun, his legs were so weak from fear and he was about to urinate, how could he still dare to fight to the end?

You can't fight, you can't defend, you can't run, so what if you don't surrender?

Not long after, the gates of Geyu Fort were opened wide. Zhang Weishi, Li Zicheng, Fatty Zhang and the garrison of Dabaiyang Fort were respectfully welcomed in by General Liu Hui, and Geyu Fort surrendered.

After Geyu Fort surrendered, General Liu Hui no longer hid, but directly prepared a banquet. While inviting everyone to sit down, he said truthfully: "To be honest, I actually have more than 2,600 officers and soldiers in the middle. name."

"In addition to the guest troops and the garrison of the forts, there are still more than a thousand soldiers stationed at Longmen."

"Yangfang, Qingbiankou, Changyukou, Zhaochuan, Xiaobaiyang and other places, I can mention them in one word, but Longmen Guard City is really difficult to leave."

"If we get here, I will capture all the two cities and ten forts on the North Road. This is an unparalleled achievement!"

What does it mean?

In fact, it means that although most of the castles on Xuanfu Middle Road were captured by the rebels, there is a key Longmen Guards in the hands of the Longmen Guards commander and cannot surrender.

Therefore, the rebels should take advantage of their unpreparedness and quickly attack Longmen Acropolis, so that they can penetrate deep into the enemy's territory and threaten the connections between the two cities and ten forts on Xuanfu Shangbei Road and Baoan, Yanqing, Huailai and other places.

"Okay!" Li Zicheng and Fatty Zhang were overjoyed when they heard this, and couldn't help but request quickly, "In that case, while they are unprepared, please ask Liu Shen to write a letter saying that Geyu Fort is trapped by 'thieves' and ask for his support. .”

"We selected elite soldiers, pretended to be messengers, captured its gates, and captured its guard city in one fell swoop."

"I will do my duty!" Liu Hui, who had been hesitant before, burst out with firm belief after seeing the strength of the rebels.

He quickly ordered someone to get pen and ink, and just as he was about to write, he suddenly remembered something, threw the pen to the ground, and laughed and said, "If I pretend to be a messenger, I'm afraid I won't have enough manpower."

"In that case, why don't I go there in person and say that the rebel army is too powerful and I can't defend it, and I've lost the castle, so I came here to stay?"

Everyone was surprised at first and thought that Liu Hui was going to change his mind on the spot. They never thought that he would come up with such a method. They couldn't help but laugh: "If this is the case, Longmen Guard City is actually in my pocket!"

Later, Li Zicheng left Zhang Weishi and Zhang Fatty to guard Geyu Fort, and led his general Liu Huiqi and more than a hundred guards on his left and right to march eastward along the border wall.

The crowd traveled about fifty or sixty miles and arrived at Longmen Guard City around Yinshi.

As expected, the dragon gate guards were heavily guarded. When they saw someone approaching, they quickly prepared themselves.

At this time, General Liu Hui in the middle of the road hurriedly rode forward and cursed: "You are so blind that you don't even recognize me. Quickly inform the commander of the guards and tell him that General Liu Hui is here to visit."

The soldiers guarding the city have verified their true identities, how can they dare to neglect them?

He quickly apologized and hurriedly sent someone to call the commander of the guard.

Not long after, as expected, the commander of the guard opened the door and greeted him personally: "I don't know what's going on. How can I excuse you, General, to come here in the middle of the night?"

When the general Liu Hui saw that he was unprepared, he became even more delighted. He couldn't help but stepped forward and said with a smile: "No one else, just to take your life!"

The commander of the guard was shocked when he heard this. Before he could react, Liu Hui stepped forward and stabbed him to the core with a "puff".

When Li Zicheng saw that the guard commander was gone, he couldn't help but be overjoyed. He quickly rode in and killed him.

When Liu Hui cut off the head of the Commander of the Guard, he saw the situation was in chaos and couldn't help shouting: "The Commander of the Guard is dead. How long will it take if we don't surrender now?"

Pity the Longmen guards, they still don't know what happened, and they don't know who they surrendered to.

Seeing that the situation was stronger than the others, they had no choice but to abandon their bows, arrows and cannons one by one and surrender.

As a result, the Xuanfu Middle Road, which had a complete defense system and had been on the front line of the war, was captured by Li Zicheng, Zhang Weishi and Zhang Fatty in one day and night, and the situation in Xuanfu changed drastically.

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