Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1386 Battle against Jimingyi

"Kill, kill, kill!"

Dorgon's eyes were red, and he was about to go into battle to kill him, but he was grabbed by the guards on the left and right, saying: "'A son of a thousand gold cannot sit down in the hall; a son of a hundred gold cannot ride on the throne.' Even 'submissive thieves' understand this." The truth is, how can Prince Rui put himself in danger?"

"Ouch!" Dorgon looked at the tightly formed rebel army, stamped his feet, and threw the riding crop on the ground viciously.

It turned out that when Dorgon saw Zhang Shun coming in person, he couldn't help but feel evil and courageous, and thought to himself: There is a road to heaven, but you don't take it, and there is no door to hell, you can come on your own. In the past, I couldn't catch you, but I never thought that you would be here today. Come!

Thinking of this, Dorgon quickly ordered his cavalry to charge in formation, intending to capture Zhang Shun at all costs.

He saw very clearly that although the situation of the rebel army was good now, it was actually all down to Zhang Shun alone.

As long as Zhang Shun dies, the huge "Qin State" will naturally fall apart and the snow will melt and the ice will disappear.

Therefore, when Dorgon saw Zhang Shun, he was like a lustful ghost seeing a beautiful woman, and he pounced on her desperately.

"Well done!" As soon as Zhang Shun saw the Jin cavalry attacking, he ordered Yang Chengzu and Li Shukong to lead the cavalry to meet them.

Yang Chengzu's subordinates are typical "surprise cavalry", so they are mostly equipped with fine armor and spears, and their mission is to rush quickly.

Li Shukong's men were typical "dangerous riders", so they were mostly equipped with bows, arrows and blunderbuss, and were mainly used for harassment and fighting.

Therefore, Zhang Shun arranged Yang Chengzu's troops in the middle, Li Shukong's troops on the two wings, and led Wukong and other 200 personal guards to hide behind the formation.

As soon as the two sides fought against each other, the rebel army immediately fell into a disadvantage.

It turns out that the rebels Yang Chengzu's tribe was indeed elite, but Li Shukong's tribe was all stragglers. Small-scale battles were acceptable, but once large-scale cavalry battles occurred, they were almost vulnerable.

Seeing that the rebel cavalry was suppressed by him, Dorgon couldn't help but be overjoyed, so he selected thirty or fifty elite soldiers from "Baya La" specifically to kill Zhang Shun.

The thirty-fifty "Baya La Elite Soldiers" were headed by none other than the first-class Jia La Zhangjing Ilgen Jialo Arzin.

This Arzin's father is called Qimata, and he is the younger brother of Artash, the father of Ergenjuoluo Ashan. In other words, this Arzin is the nephew of Artash and the younger brother of Ashan.

It's just that although everyone is a member of the Ilgenjuro clan, Arzin, unlike the Ashan and Adahai brothers, has no intention of betraying the emperor, let alone joining the rebel army.

On the contrary, because Ashan surrendered to the "obedience", the Ilgunjuro family was weakened, and he and others were jealous and quite resentful.

Therefore, as soon as he heard that Zhang Shun was going to be attacked and killed, he immediately volunteered to show his loyalty.

Speaking of which, after Alzin received the military order, he was like a falcon, an eagle and a hungry wolf, searching for Zhang Shun's traces.

Finally seeing Zhang Shun flash past in the crowd, Arzin quickly set up his bow and shot an arrow, and a shower of arrows enveloped him.

These thirty or fifty "Baya La" people are not only good at battle formations, but also sharpshooters.

After this round of shooting, more than a dozen rebel cavalry were immediately hit with heavy arrows, and seven or eight soldiers fell off their horses.

"You're careless, you're careless!" When Alzin saw that the fallen man was not Zhang Shun, he couldn't help but said angrily, "Keep your eyes open for me for a while, don't be anxious. But when you have the right sight, thousands of arrows will be fired. Keep him alive until he dies!"

But just when Alzin was complacent, Zhang Shun had already discovered that something was wrong.

"What's going on? Why do you feel like the arrows are all hitting me?" He couldn't help but wonder.

"Master belongs to the hut, so he can naturally shoot arrows!" Wukong couldn't help laughing after hearing this.

Shit Yatori, this damn monkey is quite educated!

Zhang Shun cursed secretly, but shook his head and said: "Don't joke, Wukong, it seems that the enemy is targeting us this time!"

"What should we do, master?" Wukong frowned when he heard this, and suddenly felt that this matter was difficult, "If the enemy comes over with open swords and open guns, I, the old grandson, will kill one one, two will kill a pair."

"It's just that it's easy to dodge an open sword, but it's hard to guard against a hidden arrow. If a rat shoots an arrow from a distance, there's nothing I can do about it!"

"It's okay, let's dismount and form a formation to fight again!" Zhang Shun thought for a while, since he couldn't defeat the opponent by riding on horseback, why not give up and form an array?

Following Zhang Shun's order, Yang Chengzu and Li Shukong fought fiercely for a while, barely killing the retreating Jin soldiers, and then immediately divided into two groups.

Yang Chengzu's troops could dismount and line up in formation, while Li Shukong's troops surrounded them.

Yang Chengzu's troops followed Zhang Shun's command, which was very organized.

First, the two divisions were dismounted and stationed at the two corners of the front, hiding their artillery in the camp; then the central army was arranged behind it to form the "Three Talents Formation of Heaven, Earth and Man"; finally, the two divisions were arranged behind the formation to form a simple hollow square array. .

When Dorgon saw that the rebels dared to line up in front of him, he almost laughed out of anger: "How brave, to be looked down upon by others!"

"Alzin, you and I will lead three cows and take their heads!"

"Slave, take the order!" Arzin was already eager to give it a try, and couldn't help but be overjoyed when he heard this.

At this time, the two front corners of the rebel army had just completed their formation. Zhang Shunzheng and Yang Chengzu together commanded the personal guards and a group of troops to form the central army.

When Arzin saw it, he couldn't help but said to his left and right: "If I defeat the left and right formations first, I may lose the opportunity to fight. Now that the 'Shun Thief' army is in chaos, why don't you follow me and charge into the formation and make a great contribution in one fell swoop!"

After hearing the words, everyone on the left and right responded, and then rode their horses forward, attacking only the middle army where Zhang Shun was.

When Li Shukong saw that the situation was not good, he wanted to stop him, but Dorgon sent more cavalry to stop him. He could only watch helplessly as Alzin's cavalry stabbed Zhang Shun like a sharp arrow.

It's too late, but it's soon.

Just when Alzin led three Niulu cavalry, passed through the two small formations in front of the rebel army, and entered the middle army of the rebel army, the deafening sound of artillery resounded.

Cross-firing, the two groups of men who had been preparing for a long time finally showed their ferocious faces.

"Boom, boom!" Countless shotguns, like the scythe of the god of death, swept across the three Niulus led by Alzin, one on the left and the other on the right.

"No!" Then Irgenjueluo Arzin never thought that the rebels still had the "Red Barbarian Cannon" in their hands.

Four gates in a division fired one after another, and only four cannons were heard. For a while, no one knew how many excellent soldiers and horses were beaten to pieces and died on the spot.

"Kill, kill, kill the 'submissive thief' and avenge the dead brothers!" Arzin seemed to be crazy. Seeing what had happened, he shouted with red eyes and continued to charge towards the rebel army that had not yet completed their formation. past.

As long as you kill the "shun thief", it will all be worth it!

Ilgunjuro Arzin was like a gambler who had lost all his money and made one last huge bet in order to recover his losses.

The ground was shaking at a hundred steps, fifty steps, and thirty steps. Seeing the rear golden cavalry crashing over like a huge wave, the rebel soldiers who were hurriedly forming their formations were already heartbroken and almost wanted to flee.

"Okay, good time!" Zhang Shun couldn't help but smile when he saw this, turned to Wukong and smiled, "This time, the master's wealth and life will be entrusted to you!"

"I got it, you damn bald donkey!" Wukong cursed, but he had already taken out the thirty-six kilogram iron rod in his hand, pointed forward, "Fire the artillery, and all the soldiers will follow me to kill the enemy!"

Following Wukong's command, the last two cannons showed their ferocious faces and spit out tongues of fire towards the golden cavalry in front of them.

Frontal close-range shooting and left and right cross-shooting had completely different effects. The shot men and horses fell dead in pieces on the way to the charge, blocking the subsequent cavalry charge.

The huge sound of cannons disturbed many war horses, and they all screamed.

Some kept kicking their hooves and shaking their heads, but refused to move; others ran around, dashed, and became a mess for a while.

Seeing this, Wukong quickly took the lead, jumped up and rushed into the crowd, striking left and right, as if he was in a deserted place.

The personal guards led by Wukong were all carefully selected men with infinite strength, bravery and bravery to die. Upon seeing this, they couldn't help but swarm forward, chopping off the cavalry and horse hooves, and the two sides fought together.

At this time, when the two groups of men and horses in the two corners of the formation saw this, they could not help but approach the central army one after another, forming a triangular formation, surrounding the Alzin cavalry in the middle to kill.

That Alzin was also a bloody man. Seeing that he was in a desperate situation, he knew that he would die. He thought to himself: I must die today. I will kill a strong man to take my life!

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but shout loudly, and charged towards Wukong with a gun.

Wukong heard the sound and turned around to see a cavalryman who looked like an officer stabbing him fiercely.

He couldn't help laughing, knocked the opponent's spear away with his stick, and hit the horse's head with the stick. The brain of the horse burst open, and Alzin fell hard with a somersault.

Arzin was knocked upside down and couldn't get up for a while.

Wukong took a firm step forward, grabbed the man and his armor and raised it up high, saying: "The enemy general has been captured by Lao Sun, why don't you just catch him without restraint!"

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