Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1387 Lure the snake out of its hole

"What? Geyu Fort and Longmen Guards were lost, and Alzin was taken prisoner!" Hong Tai, the "Emperor of the Qing Dynasty" who was sitting in Changping, was shocked when he heard this and asked again in disbelief.

"Yes, according to what Prince Rui said, for some reason the 'Shun Thieves' suddenly came out with all their main force and launched simultaneous attacks on Jimingyi and Geyubao." Bachelor Fan Wencheng responded honestly.

"My soldiers are short of hands and can't take care of each other. That's why they succeeded."

“Thanks to Prince Rui’s hard fight, the Chicken Cing Station was saved.”

"Hmph, what he said was better than what he sang!" Before Fan Wencheng finished speaking, he was interrupted by Mrs. Hong, "How many people are there in the 'Shun Thief' to force my Prince Rui to do this?" ?”

"According to what Prince Rui said, I'm afraid... I'm afraid there won't be 40,000 to 50,000 troops." Fan Wencheng hesitated and couldn't help but reply.

Originally, these words were words written by Prince Rui Dorgon to cover up his fault, but by some mistake, he guessed the truth.

"Forty to fifty thousand? Where did he get these many troops?" Hong Tai couldn't help but be surprised when he heard this. He made a calculation secretly and thought to himself: Could it be that this guy has an army of 140,000 to 50,000 in Shanxi? If that's the case, it's broken!

"Now that Shanxi, Datong, Xuanfu and other places are all under his control, I'm afraid. I'm afraid that a single surrender of soldiers and generals can make up this number. It's not surprising!" Fan Wencheng thought for a while and couldn't help but respond.

"Surmitting troops and generals is not something to be afraid of, but if he has so many troops in his headquarters, I'm afraid it will spoil the matter!" Hong Tai pondered for a moment, and then asked.

"By the way, is there any news from Prince Yingwu?"

"There is no accurate information yet." Fan Wencheng hesitated and said, "There were businessmen in Shanxi who provided me with information."

"Unfortunately, Xuanfu fell too quickly. In order to prevent it from annexing the whole town, Wu Weihua had no choice but to contact the merchants in Zhangjiakou and Xuanhua City to start a rebellion. As a result, they almost wiped out all of them. Now Xuanda has information on the three towns in Shanxi, and our army Still a black eye."

"But, but, in the past two days, news has come from Prince Rui. It is said that there is a rumor in Xuanzhen that the entire army of Prince Yingwu was destroyed, and the prince also died unfortunately."

"Hmph!" Mrs. Hong couldn't help but snorted irritably when she heard this, which frightened Fan Wencheng into silence.

"There is something wrong with this matter. Although Azig is not as good as Dorgon, he is still a veteran."

"I always have a lot of troops behind me. It stands to reason that if I can't fight, I should be able to run away. How come I have lost all the news?"

"What does your Highness mean?" Fan Wencheng was stunned when he heard this and couldn't help but wonder.

"There are only two possibilities. One is that the whole army is wiped out as the rumors say; the other is that they rush into the hinterland of the 'Shun Thieves' and there is no news at all!" Mrs. Hong couldn't help but conclude.

"Your Highness Ming Jian!" Fan Wencheng originally wanted to say that the first scenario was impossible to happen, but now the "Shun Thief" has arrived at Xuan Mansion, which is enough to explain the final result of the contest between the two sides.

"If it's the second type, that's okay; if it's the first type, I'm afraid things will be troublesome!" As expected, Mrs. Hong also thought of this.

"If the first situation is true, it means that the strength of the 'Shun Thief' soldiers and horses is far beyond our expectations. Then I am afraid that I have really made the decision to fight in the pass a little too hastily this time!"

"Then what should we do?" Fan Wencheng frowned when he heard this, and finally asked.

"Tomorrow. No, send me my order immediately. Leave Shuo Tuo to lead 10,000 troops to garrison Changping Town, and the remaining 20,000 troops will follow me to Xuanfu!" Hong Tai frowned for a long time and couldn't help but make the final decision.

"Your Majesty?" Fan Wencheng was shocked when he heard this. Are you going to take a big gamble?

"Mr. Fan, I understand what you mean, but this is so imminent that I have to take action!" Mrs. Hong couldn't help but look up to the sky and sigh.

"Now the Ming army is at my back, the 'shun thieves' are in front of me, Miyun is to the north of me, and Yuzhou is to the south of me. There are enemies on all sides. If we can't fight quickly, won't we be trapped and perish?"

"In this age of great strife, if you don't advance, you will retreat, and the only thing you can do is die!"

"Your Majesty." Fan Wencheng's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he suddenly smiled, "If so, I have a plan to solve the current predicament."

"Oh? Sir, please speak." Mrs. Hong was stunned when she heard this, and then she couldn't help but said with joy.

"This plan is called east to attack west, and it is also called luring a snake out of its hole. It is the same reason as Cao Mengde used to attack Liu Xuande in the past!" Fan Wencheng couldn't help laughing.

When Mrs. Hong heard this, her eyes couldn't help but light up. She couldn't help but excitedly grabbed Fan Wencheng's hand and said, "Zhenwu's son Fangye!"

"I'm sending the order, and I'll have Beile Shuotuo lead 5,000 people to garrison Changping, and the rest will follow me to rescue the Xuanfu. There must be no mistake."

As soon as Hong Tai gave the order, the whole Changping Town suddenly became lively again.

However, someone had already figured out that Changping was newly attached and the people's hearts were bright, and they passed the news to the Ming Dynasty's capital, the Forbidden City, overnight.

"The deputy commander-in-chief guarding the West Road of Ji Town and the guarding eunuch bowed again in tears. On the 25th, a large army of Eastern captives besieged the city. Looking from the city, I saw countless Tatar captives full of pits and valleys. Our army fought hard for countless times. On the same day, countless Tatars were killed and injured, but many parts of the city defenses were burned down. Please ask your Majesty to send troops for rescue in time." At this moment, Emperor Zhu Youjian of the Ming Dynasty listened expressionlessly to the envoy sent from the direction of Miyun begging for reinforcements.

"I know!" After listening for a long time, he couldn't help but interrupt impatiently.

"The one on the left wants reinforcements, and the one on the right wants reinforcements. It's not like I can pull out his hair and chew it up to create an army of thousands of monkeys. How can I have soldiers and horses with him?"

"Your Majesty, please calm down. Your Majesty, please calm down." At this moment, Li Banghua, Minister of the Ministry of War, walked in hurriedly and said, "Immediate report from Changping, the Tatars are gathering their troops and want to go to Xuanfu."

"Oh? Only five thousand people are left?" Zhu Youjian took a look at the information and couldn't help but turn from anger to joy.

To be honest, after hearing that Changping was captured by the Tatars and Miyun was besieged again in the past few days, Zhu Youjian had trouble sleeping and eating early in the morning, and he urged the grain transported from the canal to Tongzhou to be transported into the capital sooner or later.

He was afraid that he would be robbed by the Jianlu, or that after being surrounded, food would not be transported into the city. Now that he heard that the Jianlu was leaving, how could Zhu Youjian not be happy?

"This may be the best time to rescue Miyun and regain Changping!" Wen Tiren, the chief minister of the cabinet, was overjoyed when he heard this and quickly suggested.

"Yes, yes, yes, what do you think of me besides my dear friends?" After hearing this, Zhu Youjian suddenly realized, and couldn't help asking the ministers eagerly.

Li Banghua, the Secretary of the Ministry of War, Ding Kuichu, the governor of Jiliao, and Fang Yizao, the governor of Liaodong, all looked at each other in shock when they heard this, and finally had no choice but to say: "Let's give it a try, everything should focus on the capital!"

Li Banghua, Ding Kuichu and Fang Yizao didn't say anything, but in fact they were very worried about Hou Jin's return.

But now that the Donglu are plundering the capital, and the "shun thieves" are attacking cities and territories in Shanxi, if the Ming court can't even "send gifts out of the country", how can it keep its face? Where is the human heart at peace?

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