Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1388 Mrs. Hong arrives

"Fu Jun, General, Changping Town is ahead!" As the soldiers reported, Shuntian Governor Chen Zubao and Jizhen Chief Soldier Wu Guojun, who had not dared to breathe, breathed a sigh of relief.

Changping is ninety miles away from the capital. However, even though Chen Zubao and Wu Guojun only took one day to reach this short ninety-mile journey, in fact, the journey was full of noise and the days were like years.


It turns out that Shuntian Governor Chen Zubao and Jizhen General Soldier Wu Guojun were not fools. Although everyone said that the main force of the Hou Jin Dynasty had left, who could know whether they had left or not.

This time, the two men led a total of more than 10,000 troops to rescue Miyun. Their specific strategy was to capture the empty Changping Town first, so that the Houjin soldiers who besieged Miyun would be in a position of being attacked from both sides and defeat the enemy without fighting.

It's just that these many men and horses are enough if they are used to attack the Hou Jin soldiers stationed in Changping; but if they are used to fight against the main force of the Hou Jin soldiers, it is tantamount to hitting an egg against a stone.

Chen Zubao and Wu Guojun knew their own affairs, so of course they did not dare to advance in case they were ambushed by Hou Jin's soldiers.

However, now, there has been no obstruction along the way.

Despite being suspicious, the two of them suddenly felt relieved after looking at most of the destroyed city facilities and the sparse defenders.

Could it be that there was a military emergency in the Xuanfu direction, and all the "Eastern prisoners" really went to the rescue?

The two couldn't help but look at each other with confusion on their faces.

When Chen Zubao saw this, he couldn't help but take the lead and said: "In that case, let's act according to the plan!"

The so-called plan was to take advantage of his illness to kill him, and to take advantage of Changping's emptiness to regain this city and town.

The two of them had decided on their plan, and then they commanded the troops to set up camp and the soldiers to cut down trees and prepare to make siege equipment.

It was getting late at that time, and the Ming army had hastily set up camp. They were already exhausted. How could they attack the city?

Therefore, Chen Zubao and Wu Guojun first arranged for soldiers to patrol and guard, and then prepared reserves to prevent the city defenders from leaving the city to attack the camp, and then fell asleep peacefully.

Who would have thought that the two of them had just closed their eyes and had been sleeping for who knows how long, when suddenly a cannon rang out, and then there was the sound of killing.

Shocked, Chen Zubao and Wu Guojun hurriedly got up and took a look. They saw flames shooting into the sky in the southeast, northwest and northwest. There were shouts of killing everywhere. They didn't know how many people came.

Oops, I fell into a trap!

Although Chen Zubao and Wu Guojun were not famous generals, nor were they ignorant of military skills, looking at the situation, how could they not know that they had fallen into the trap of "building captives"?

How dare the two of them accept the challenge? He quickly took advantage of the darkness to break out towards the capital.

Unexpectedly, Tai Hong had known that these two people were going to run away, and had already sent people to ambush them along the way.

But when he arrived, he only heard the sound of a cannon, and the killers immediately came out and surrounded him again.

Seeing that they could not escape, Chen Zubao and Wu Guojun had no choice but to dig a trench in the earth and form a formation around the chariots to hold on.

The elite Ming army, established on the principle of "replacing guns with cannons," was already as good at battle formation as it was at galloping.

If he were to fight "standing", he would be no match for Hou Jin, but if he were to fight "sitting", not only would he be invincible, he would at least be able to compete with Hou Jin.

At that time, Jin Hongyi's artillery had not yet arrived, and there were only small cannons such as the Flange machine and the Baizi gun. Suddenly faced with the Ming army's Western artillery, the general, the second general, the Flange machine, and the Yongzhu cannon, all the field artillery was beaten. If you can't lift your head, how can you shoot at each other?

As a last resort, Hong Tai had to order the selection of "Baya La" as elite raiders, with the intention of tearing apart the Ming army's defense line in one fell swoop.

However, when Hou Jin's "Baya La" came forward to charge into the battle, the Ming army was waiting with firecrackers and artillery, and then the killer team rushed up to resist.

Wait until he gets tired and retreats, and then repeats his old tricks.

In this way, the two sides fought from night to morning, from morning to night, until they were unable to see their fingers, but the Hou Jin soldiers still could not make a breakthrough.

At this time, after the initial panic, the Ming court began to prepare for action, preparing to send Ding Kuichu, the governor of Jiliao, to lead his troops to rescue.

Hong Tai couldn't do anything, and was afraid that both the Ming army and the Ming army would suffer losses, which would allow the rebels to take advantage, so they had to open their arms and let Chen Zubao, Wu Guojun and others break out of the encirclement.

Not to mention how these two people boasted about "big defeat of Jianlu" after returning to the capital, let's talk about the fact that after seeing Chen Zubao, Wu Guojun and other Ming troops retreat, Hong Tai smiled and said: "I have suffered a loss and learned a lesson. I guess I will survive this battle." After that, the Ming army no longer dared to leave lightly."

"Beile Shuotuo will lead 10,000 troops and continue to guard Changping Town. The others will follow me to go to security immediately. There must be no mistake!"

It was more than 200 miles from Changping to Baoan. Hong Tai led his 20,000 troops to reach Baoan in just two people.

"How is it?" As soon as she saw Prince Rui Dorgon, Mrs. Hong couldn't help but asked.

"The situation is not good!" Dorgon shook his head with a sad expression and pointed outside the city. "Three or four days ago, I fought fiercely with the Shun thieves outside the city."

"That generation is isolated, with only two battalions of 6,000 troops. I intend to kill the 'Shun bandits' in one fell swoop, so I select the soldiers and let Alzin lead them."

"At that time, the 'Shun Thieves' were arrayed to fight, and Alzin attacked before their formation was completed. Unexpectedly, there was a warrior under his command who was nine feet tall and extremely powerful. Not only did he protect him, but he also captured Alzin and fled. "

"I will lead the troops again to fight. The red cannon of the 'thief' is very vicious and I cannot break it. The two sides fought hard until late. It was night, and the 'thief' escaped under the cover of the night."

Hong Tai couldn't help but gasped when he heard this: "Hongyi cannon? He came here on a light horse. Where did he get the Hongyi cannon?"

"To be honest, I don't know either!" Dorgon shook his head and said a little doubtfully. "But the sound is so loud that it is no match for our country's newly minted red cannons!"

"It seems that this 'submissive thief' can't be broken at any time!" Mrs. Hong frowned for a long time after hearing this, and finally sighed.

"Why did Your Highness say this? How can he enhance the ambition of others and destroy his own prestige?" Dorgon was stunned when he heard this and couldn't help but said unconvinced.

"I, the Manchu, are good at riding and shooting, while the Chinese are good at firearms." Hong Tai heard this and shook his head with a wry smile, "A few days ago, in order to prevent the Ming army from deceiving me to advance westward, I first lured the snake out of the hole, and then led the troops to attack it."

"As a result, 20,000 to 30,000 elite troops besieged more than 10,000 Ming troops. They were bombarded with guns and artillery. Not only were hundreds of people killed or injured, but they were unable to capture them in one fell swoop."

"I thought the security situation was critical, so I had no choice but to let him go after failing!"

"Then the Ming army's artillery is already weaker than the 'Shun Thief'. Without the help of the red cannon and shield car, I still can't defeat it. What if it is replaced by the 'Shun Thief' with sharper artillery?"

"What can be done about this?" Dorgon couldn't help but wonder.

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