Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1389 What can be done?

"What can be done?" Mrs. Hong couldn't help but sneered after hearing this, "I use the art of war to avoid the real and attack the weak."

"Although the 'submissive thieves' are brave, what if they have cannons they can't use, soldiers they can't use, and wisdom and wisdom that they can't use?"

"What? How do you say this?" Dorgon couldn't help but asked with confusion after hearing this.

"Dorgon, I ordered you to conquer Chahar in the west two years ago, and you did a good job!" He didn't expect that Mrs. Hong would not respond to the words, but instead looked to the left and said.

"At that time, Yue Tuo, Haoge and Sahalian were assisting you. Now Yue Tuo is leading the army to attack Miyun, Haoge and Jierhalang are attacking Yuzhou, and Sahalian is staying in Shenyang due to illness."

"Now that I am alone, can I dare to travel a thousand miles west to lead the Mongolian troops to attack the hinterland of the 'thieves'?"

"What do you mean by your majesty?" Dorgon said in disbelief upon hearing this, "Let me lead the army out of Dushikou in the north and gather Tumut's soldiers to attack Yansui and Pianguan of the 'Shun Thief' Waiting place?"

"That's right!" Mrs. Hong nodded and said, "I only need you to lead three thousand elite cavalry, one person and five horses, rotating day and night. You must reach Guihua City within five days, and you must give me the order within seven days. If I launch an attack, can I do it?”

It is three hundred miles from Baoan to Dushikou, and eight hundred miles from Dushikou to Guihua City.

If Dorgon wants to reach Guihua City within five days, he must march more than 200 miles tomorrow.

Guihua City is still two hundred miles away from the rebel army's nearest Tiger Killing Pass; it is four hundred miles away from Pianguan and eight hundred miles away from Yulin.

If you want to attack the rebel army in two days, you can only attack Killhukou first.

Dorgon frowned, calculated for a long time, and finally nodded with one word: "Yes!"

"Okay, I really saw you right!" Mrs. Hong nodded and said with a look of relief, "Now you can select your manpower. You can choose from the whole army. After selecting, we will set off immediately!"

"Cha!" Prince Rui Dorgon heard this and bowed to Mrs. Hong honestly.

He is a smart man, so naturally there are some things that don’t need to be said.

You can't beat him with a fight. From now on, the strength of the golden armor, the sharpness of the bow and arrow, the bravery of the soldiers, and the wisdom of Hong Tai will not be able to "submit to the traitor" for a while, so the only way is to "lai".

Aren’t you Zhang Shun quite capable?

No matter how powerful you are, you are only one person, and you can't do anything at all.

Now "Your Majesty" is holding you down on the front line, and I am leading the elite to harass your defense lines for thousands of miles. I want to see how much you can hold out!

"Your Majesty is wise!" Seeing Dorgon gone, Bachelor Fan Wencheng couldn't help but praise.

"After Fan Wencheng heard the order, he could draft an edict and ask Prince Zheng Jierhalang to continue the attack on Yuzhou and try his best to penetrate into the Lingqiu and Daizhou areas."

"Let Prince Duduo of Yu divide 20,000 troops and go south, seize Jingxing within five days, then conquer and pacify, and then besiege Taiyuan, there must be no mistake!"

"Cha!" When Fan Wencheng heard this, a drop of cold sweat flowed from his forehead.

"Your Majesty" is really serious this time. Just this edict means that the two sides are about to start a battle on a front of more than 2,000 miles, stretching from Yulin in the west, Miyun in the north, and Guguan in the south. An unprecedented battle.

As long as the "successful thief" is short-sighted, prepared to be careless, and accidents happen, he will end up losing everything with one careless move.

Of course, Zhang Shun didn't know that Mrs. Hong had secretly arrived in Baoan Prefecture and laid out a shocking plan, vowing to wipe out the entire rebel force in one fell swoop.

Now he was sitting high on the general-ordering platform outside Xuanfu City, watching Li Guoliang, the former commander-in-chief of Xuanfu, drill the newly-organized battalion for him.

"Kill, kill." The sound of killing was loud for a while, and the ranks were uniform, and there was quite a spirit among them.

"Not bad!" Zhang Shun nodded and couldn't help but admired, "You have been able to practice like this in just a few days. You are really quite capable."

"It's all thanks to King Shun's guidance!" How could Li Guoliang dare to take credit and be arrogant, he said humbly.

"Haha!" Zhang Shun shook his head when he heard this, but he was not modest at all.

In fact, Zhang Shun's own family knew his own affairs, so even if he was allowed to train, it would be difficult to train such an elite soldier in just a few days.

It's just that this Xuanfu is different from other places. It is located on the front line of the frontier, and the people are martial.

There are military children who have practiced riding, archery, swords and guns since childhood, and among them there are military students who have received "martial arts" education all year round.

Talents are all readily available, it just depends on whether you have the money to recruit them and whether you have the ability to train them.

If it were anyone else, I'm afraid it would still take some time.

But for Zhang Shun, who is famous for his "violent soldier flow", this matter is easily accomplished.

The methods are all ready-made. One is that he personally recruits the generals and low-level officers in the city, assesses them one by one, and selects the qualified ones for use.

The other is to let Li Guoliang personally take charge, some from the "dead eunuch" Wang Kunbiao camp, some from the four gate guarding camps in the southeast and west, and some from the guards soldiers, all of whom are skilled in martial arts. Strong and strong.

In this way, it only took one day to select them, and another two or three days to get familiar with the golden drums and flags, and then practice them together. In just a few days, Li Guoliang's standard camp was restored.

In this way, the rebel army had an extra battalion of usable soldiers for no reason. Why wouldn't Zhang Shun be happy?

Seeing that the matter was over, Zhang Bian asked Li Guoliang to continue training his troops, and he planned to return to Xuanfu City first.

At this moment, I saw a horse suddenly coming up to me. The rider dismounted and came forward to report: "Your Highness, there is an urgent military situation!"

"Oh?" Zhang Shun took a closer look and saw that the person coming was none other than his chief of staff, Xu Ziyuan.

He couldn't help but hurriedly helped him up, took the letter and opened it, his face couldn't help but be happy, and then he smiled and cursed: "Well, you Zhang Sanbai, you won't report to me if you don't have the results of the battle, right?"

It turned out that what Xu Ziyuan sent this time was the letter sent by Zhang Sanbai. It described in detail how Li Guo fought in the Black Rock Ridge, how he killed the general who was guarding Xuanfu South Road, and how he led the army to arrive in time to defeat Hou Jin. How did Prince Zheng's Jierharang tribe finally join forces with the officials and the people to conquer the city of Yuzhou?

In this way, the Ming army was stationed at Xuanfu South Road and the general died, and the east city of Shunshengchuan and Yuzhou City were attacked. From then on, the entire Yuzhou territory except Guangchang, one prefecture and three counties fell into the hands of the rebels, and the right wing of Xuanfu was free from worries. .

However, Zhang Shun was smiling, but suddenly his smile froze.

"What, the Hou Jin soldiers have banners like clouds, their horses are full of pits and valleys, and they are all over the mountains and plains. There are about 20, 30,000 people?"

Zhang Shun pondered for a moment and immediately ordered: "Zhang Sanbai must always pay attention to the movements of the Hou Jin soldiers to prevent them from 'building plank roads openly and secretly entering Chencang'."

"Sun Chunchuan, Cao Wenzhao and others sent more scouts in the direction of Wutai, Yuxian and Pingding and stayed at night to guard against the late Jin soldiers sneaking in."

"Li Xin sent some troops northward and settled in Liaozhou to prevent the Ming and Jin countries from crossing the Taihang Mountains."

"Follow Hong Chengchou and prepare to close the net, end the war in Zhangde and Daming areas as soon as possible, and then go north along the eastern foot of Taihang Mountain without any mistakes!"

"Yes, my subordinates will draw up an order right now!" Xu Ziyuan couldn't help but be overjoyed when he heard this and quickly agreed.

"Congratulations to King Shun, congratulations to King Shun. If this war is over, I'm afraid it will sweep across Beizhi and Dingding Capital will be just around the corner!" As soon as the two of them finished speaking, Gao Qiqian quickly flattered him.

He was originally the director of the Ming Dynasty, but when he arrived at the rebel army, Zhang Shun was willing to let him out alone.

Now, in addition to training the Yongwei camp under his command, Gao Qiqian has become Zhang Shun's mascot.

"Don't talk nonsense. There are so many heroes in the world. I am not as good as the one who can win. How can I talk about victory or defeat?" Zhang Shun shook his head after hearing this, but in fact, he had no trouble in his heart.

At this moment, in fact, Zhang Shunzheng and Hong Taiyuan, who had just arrived at the security guard, were playing a shocking chess game in the air, using the heaven and the earth as their chess pieces and all living beings as their pieces!

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