It is said that Lu Xiangjin and Liu Hui repelled Hou Jin's attack that day and sent a letter to Xuanfu City early and placed it in front of Zhang Shun.

How did Zhang Shun know that Hou Jin's attack was actually killing two birds with one stone? In addition to testing the strength of the rebel army, it also had the intention of covering Dorgon's two thousand elite cavalry from Eagle Owl Fort and heading north to Dushikou.

Lu Xiangjin and Liu Hui are only talented defenders of the city. How can we find out?

Although Zhang Shun did not know about this, it did not prevent him from realizing the importance of Longmen Guards.

But the trouble is that although there are many people under his command, there are only few who can be sent out to take charge of the task alone.

Zhang Weishi, Li Guoliang, and Gao Qiqian were new recruits, and he could only feel relieved if they were under his nose.

Li Zicheng is indeed talented in many areas. He also showed excellent commanding ability in the previous battles such as capturing Shiling Pass, Xinzhou, Wanquan Youwei, and Zhangjiakou Fort.

However, Zhang Shun now only has four cavalry battalions: Li Zicheng, Fatty Zhang, Yang Chengzu and Li Shukong. If he wants to keep him as a strategic reserve, how can he move lightly?

The remaining people, Ye Tinggui, Wu Aheng, Zuo Guangxian and Sun Chuanchuan, etc. have their own tasks and lack of skills, and they cannot be easily deployed.

How to do how to do?

Zhang Shunsi thought about it and suddenly thought of someone. His eyes lit up and he said: "Xu Ziyuan, you draft a military order for me. I will lead the Biaoying northward with Cao Wenzhao. I have other important responsibilities."

"Keep Cao Dingjiao stationed in pacification to avoid being taken advantage of by the Ming army."

As the first general of the Ming army to defect to Zhang Shun, Cao Wenzhao not only had obvious political significance, but he was also a veteran and powerful general.

If he can be mobilized, not only will there be dissatisfaction among the rebels, but even the surrendered generals of the Ming army will probably only surrender.

After hearing this, Xu Ziyuan quickly drafted a military order. After Zhang Shun signed and sealed it, he sent an envoy to rush all the way to Pingdingzhou, Taiyuan.

Xuanfu is a thousand miles away from Taiyuan, and Taiyuan is two hundred and fifty miles away from Pingding.

Zhang Shun's envoy had several horses, and he galloped day and night, traveling three hundred miles a day, and arrived at Pingding Prefecture in only four days.

By the time they arrived in Pingding, the envoy was almost paralyzed.

Cao Wenzhao quickly ordered his soldiers to stay down to rest, and he opened the letter and read it, and he couldn't help but be overjoyed.

"What's wrong with uncle, why are you happier today than your aunt is pregnant?" Cao Dingjiao couldn't help but smile when he saw this.

It turns out that Cao Wenzhao has been raising Cao Wenzhao for many years since he took the "secret recipe" given to him by Zhang Shun. Recently, his wife is indeed pregnant and is said to have given birth to a baby girl.

A baby girl is a baby girl. As long as she can give birth to a baby, will she be able to give birth to a boy sooner or later?

As a result, as soon as he received the good news from home, he received Zhang Shun's transfer order behind him.

Since Cao Wenzhao took refuge with Zhang Shun, due to status issues, Zhang Shun wanted to use it but did not dare to use it, and Cao Wenzhao wanted to make meritorious deeds but did not dare to do so.

It was not until the rebel army became more and more powerful that Hong Chengchou, the governor of the five provinces, Lu Xiangsheng, the governor of Yunyang, Zuo Guangxian, the commander-in-chief of Shaanxi, and Yu Chongxiao, the commander-in-chief of Yansui, all turned to Zhang Shun, and Cao Wenzhao was deeply loved as a "direct lineage". Reuse.

However, the rebel army at this time had swelled to "300,000". Even if Cao Wenzhao was extremely talented, due to his limited qualifications, it would be difficult to command more than 50,000 troops in combat.

Therefore, he had to act as a general and led four battalions to participate in the "Eastern Expedition".

In this battle, he successively captured Puzhou, teamed up with Li Xin to conquer Luzhou, and a few days ago killed Azige, the famous king of the Later Jin Dynasty, which can be said to be unparalleled for a while.

However, no matter how prosperous he is, Cao Wenzhao ordered his family to know their own affairs.

Today's Pingding Prefecture is far away from the center of the two battlefields in the north and south. Things like Azig's "waiting and waiting" are rare.

If nothing unexpected happens, the battle that determines the life and death of the rebels may not end with him in the end.

However, who would have imagined that just when Cao Wenzhao was sighing, things suddenly turned around and he immediately received an order from Zhang Shun.

"Okay, good nephew, uncle is going to be prosperous this time!" Cao Wenzhao shook Zhang Shun's handwriting at Cao Dingjiao and said excitedly.

"How do you say this?" Cao Dingjiao didn't know why, so he couldn't help but ask quickly.

"King Shun is going to transfer me to Xuan Mansion and let you stay and pacify it." Cao Wenzhao explained.

"Congratulations to uncle, congratulations to uncle!" Cao Dingjiao felt a little disappointed when he heard that he was not involved, but he still couldn't help congratulating him.

"Okay, let's not talk anymore. I will organize my troops and go to Xuan Mansion!" Cao Wenzhao couldn't help but laugh.

"Uncle. Where do you want to rush from?" Cao Dingjiao hesitated for a moment and asked involuntarily.

"Of course we will go to Taiyuan, then go all the way north to Datong, and then east to Xuanfu." Cao Wenzhao put away Zhang Shun's handwriting and couldn't help but responded.

"If we take such a detour, we have to travel 1,200 miles." Cao Dingjiao frowned and said, "If we travel fifty times a day, we still need more than twenty days of work."

"I'm afraid the dishes will be cold by the time uncle arrives!"

"It doesn't matter, I'm going to lead Qingqi, the servant around me, and let him go with Biaoying!" Cao Wenzhao couldn't help but laugh.

"In that case, why don't uncle disguise himself as a businessman, leave Guguan in the east, and then go all the way north, passing Maguan, Guangchang, and Yuzhou to reach Xuanfu?" Cao Dingjiao couldn't help but suggest.

"There are only 900 miles from north to south, which is 350 miles less than the detour to Taiyuan. It saves several days of work."

"Oh? That's true!" Cao Wenzhao pondered for a moment and nodded.

He has always been bold, but now the rebels are spreading across the north and south. The Ming army in North Zhili has already been in chaos and is on the eve of collapse.

If he led two to three hundred personal guards, lightly armed and fast horses, all the way north, no one with an open eye would dare to intercept him.

In this way, it only takes him four or five days to reach Xuan Mansion, which is really tempting.

"In this way, you immediately select for me thirty to fifty capable scouts and spies. They will leave Guguan in the east and go to Pingshan, Lingshou, Xingtang, Quyang and other places to Daomaguan to detect intelligence." Cao Wenzhao thought for a long time, and finally decided to.

"I'm going to pick up the fast horses for my bodyguard. I'm going to have a good night's rest and then rush to Xuanfu early tomorrow morning."

"Okay!" Cao Dingjiao nodded after hearing this and took the order.

Not long after, as expected, thirty or fifty rebel scouts established Pingding City, passed through Guguan all the way east, and entered Jingxing County.

Early the next morning, before dawn, Cao Wenzhao jumped up, dressed neatly, and went to look for Cao Dingjiao.

Cao Dingjiao Shang was sleeping again, and he pulled him up and asked: "How is the situation in Beizhi? Are there any scouts coming to report?"

"Uncle is now fully dressed and has brought his personal guards, ready to set off right now."

"Ah? It's still early. None of the scouts sent yesterday have returned yet," Cao Dingjiao said in a daze.

"No one has come back yet. Is it possible that you haven't been sent out?" Cao Wenzhao didn't believe it when he heard this. He said that it was Cao Dingjiao who was lazy and slippery.

"Really, how dare I be careless about such a big thing." Cao Dingjiao had just finished speaking, when his whole body suddenly trembled and he was completely awake.

"No, the situation is not right!" The uncle and nephew could not help but look at each other and said in unison.

It is not the first day for Cao Wenzhao and Cao Dingjiao to use troops, and the scouts under their command are not refugees and bandits. How can this be a child's play?

From yesterday to this morning, for most of the day, no matter how lazy and slippery the scout was, there was no reason not to come back and report.

Unless they are all intercepted and killed!

Thinking of this, Cao Wenzhao and Cao Dingjiao both saw the shock in each other's eyes, and couldn't help shouting: "Command soldiers, command soldiers, immediately summon all the soldiers in the city, wear armor and carry guns, and go to Guguan."

"Anyone who disobeys will be killed without mercy!"

After Cao Dingjiao issued the order, Cao Wenzhao added two more sentences: "Immediately send an envoy to Taiyuan and report to Sun Chuanting who is staying in Taiyuan."

"Don't send one person, go south to Liaozhou to summon Wang Guangen of 'Huaguansuo', then go to Luzhou to inform Commander Zuo that Li Xin knows, there must be no mistake!"

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