Two mountains stand on the wall, with a river in the middle. The two mountains are green and the river is trickling.

At this time, there were three or two birds, chirping and noisy on the branches; there were also three or five wild ducks and wild cranes, leisurely and contented, making waves of clear waves in the river.

Some fish couldn't bear the loneliness at the bottom of the water, so they jumped up and splashed an unknown amount of water with a "pop" sound, and then returned to calm.

Suddenly there was a rapid sound of horse hooves, completely breaking the tranquility of the valley.

For a time, birds, ducks and cranes flew together, and the fish sank to the bottom of the water with a "pop", waiting with bated breath.

"Drive, drive!" Not long after, a rider broke in from the shelter of the green mountains and entered the valley that had become calm.

However, as this cavalry galloped past, three or five more cavalrymen rushed out and followed closely behind.

"Where to go?" The cavalry following him saw the distance between the two sides approaching. He couldn't help drawing his arrow and nocking his bow. He just said "hit" and the knight in front fell to the side of the road.

Due to the narrow road in the valley, the man rolled twice after landing, and half of his body was immersed in the water, which temporarily dyed the originally clear river water red.

"This guy can really run!" Not long after, the cavalryman who was following him arrived, jumped off his horse, used the longbow in his hand to poke at the knight's body, and couldn't help but sarcastically said.

"Let's go, return to Ezhen as soon as possible!" One of them confirmed that the knight was dead, and then lifted the helmet covering his head, revealing a bare head.

"It's so hot today!" Seeing this, the others couldn't help but follow suit and took off their helmets, revealing their bare heads.

When they turned around, a "tail" trailing behind the bald head was revealed.

It turns out that they are all Jurchens. Of course, if we talk about it carefully, they should be said to be "female dummies."

It turns out that some of these people are Han people from Liaodong, and some are descendants from Liaodong. Since becoming naturalized as Jurchens, they have shaved their heads and changed their clothes and sold their ancestors, so they can speak fluent Chinese.

And precisely because of their "specialties", every time the Hou Jin soldiers entered the pass, they often used them as a guide to detect the enemy's situation and hunt down the Ming army scouts.

The people these people killed just now were rebel scouts.

Due to Hou Jin Duoqi, Prince Duduo of Yu vigorously sent people to hunt and kill him this time in order to keep his actions secret. Therefore, Cao Wenzhao and others never saw any of the scouts return.

And just twenty or thirty miles behind the scout who died in battle, a large army of cavalry was winding its way like a long snake.

"Prince Yu, I'm afraid we will be able to reach Guguan one day!" As the Houjin scouts in front turned back to report, Nagushan Beizini couldn't help but take a few steps forward to catch up with Prince Yu Duoduo to report.

"How many miles are there?" Duduo's young face was unmoved and asked calmly.

"There are still forty miles to Jingxing ahead. After Jingxing and fifty miles to the west, we will reach Guguan!" Nikan said with a smile.

"In this way, I will divide you into three Niu Lu. You can immediately double your skills and win this level for me. This battle will be your first achievement!" Duduo ordered after pondering for a moment.

Even though Duduo is quite young, he is certainly an extraordinary person to be one of the "Four Little Belles" of Houjin.

Duduo means "fetus".

At the age of seven, he was named "Heshuo Ezhen" by the old slave; before he was ten years old, he ranked seventh at the congratulatory ceremony of the Later Jin Dynasty.

When he reached the age of thirteen, he was named Heshuo Baylor and commanded the Zhengbai Banner.

In the fifteenth year of the year, he made great achievements in the campaign against the Dorote tribe from Hongtai, and was given the title "Erke Chuhur".

Later, he made meritorious service in several battles during the "Ji Si Change" and participated in almost all the battles between the Later Jin Dynasty and the Ming Dynasty.

In the fifth year of Chongzhen, he joined the Han'er tribe; in the seventh year, he attacked Xuanfu, besieged Longmen, defeated the security guards, and attacked Shuozhou; in the eighth year, he defeated the famous general Zu Dashou and gained a lot of gains.

With such illustrious military exploits, he certainly didn't pay attention to a small Guguan at all.

Based on his understanding of the Ming army, he estimated that once he and others conquered Guguan, they would be able to march straight into Shanxi again as if they were in an uninhabited territory.

"Cha!" Nagushan Beizi Nikan had never fought against the rebels, so naturally he didn't take Guguan seriously either.

Not long after, he led three Niu Lu to leave the main force and took the lead along the Yehe River Valley towards Guguan.

Guguan, originally named Guguan, was moved ten miles westward and a new city was built because "the bandits in Taiyuan were close to the ancient pass. Although the pass was an important location, the old city was not safe enough." , called "Gu Guan".

The Ming Dynasty once established the Deputy Envoy of Jingxing Military Preparation here, which also took charge of the defense of three passes, namely Daoma Pass, Longquan Pass and Jingxing Gu Pass.

Of course, the military preparations for these three passes are actually of little use. Not to mention facing the army of the Later Jin Dynasty, when Zhang Shun started his army, he went all the way north along the eastern foot of Taihang Mountain to capture Daoma Pass, which shocked the capital. How could he withstand it? live?

Therefore, Nanikan led three Niulu Jurchen elites, and after a day's work, they arrived at the old pass that night.

This old pass has long been abandoned, and only the old pass city is here.

The city is covered with vegetation and mostly in ruins. However, the mountains outside the city were high and the valleys were deep, which was quite dangerous, which made Nikan feel uneasy.

He couldn't help but order: "Leave one Dadan to guard, while the others wait, take a short rest, and immediately join me to steal the city at night!"

The so-called "Dadan" is the establishment of Jinniu Lu. Generally, one Niulu has four "Dadan". Each "Dadan" has about seventy-five people. There is a commander in charge of the capital, and a group of subordinates. Supervise the treasury clerk.

It is roughly equivalent to the basic organization of the "post" of the Ming army or the "flag" of the rebel army.

However, both the "posts" of the Ming army and the "banner" of the rebel army were larger than the "Dadan" of the Later Jin Dynasty.

The former generally has a staff of about 100 people, while the latter adheres to Zhang Shun's idea of ​​"when the elite is not enough, just make up the numbers" and has a total of five teams of 125 people.

Not to mention the organization of the Three Kingdoms, Nanikan let the soldiers rest for a while, eat some food, then put on their armor, leaving most of the horses behind, and went all the way to Guguan along the mountain road.

The Gu Pass is known to be dangerous, and the road between the two is even more rugged and dangerous. In addition, it was dark and the road was slippery. Nikan and his eight hundred elite troops marched for another half an hour before they could reach the outside of the Gu Pass. .

Nikan couldn't help but be overjoyed when he saw that the Nagu Pass was completely dark and there was no one patrolling or guarding him. He quickly ordered his soldiers to wear iron armor and went to attack the city.

Who would have thought that when they arrived at Guguan Pass, they only heard three cannon shots, turned off the lights, and suddenly saw how many soldiers appeared in the pass.

Only one person could be heard laughing and saying: "Dog Tatar, why are you so late? Fortunately, Grandpa, I have been waiting for a long time, but I didn't expect that I just arrived at this time!"

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