Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1393 Death Place

"Who are you? Grandpa's immortal and unknown person!" Nanikan couldn't help but screamed when he heard this, not surprised but happy.

"Grandpa does not change his name in business, and does not change his surname in office. Datong Cao Wenzhao does the same!" Cao Wenzhao sneered when he heard this and took a step forward.

"Fire the arrow!" Nanikan couldn't help but ordered immediately when he saw Cao Wenzhao showing up.

Unexpectedly, Cao Wenzhao immediately took a step back after hearing the sound: "Raise your shield!"

Then several large shields were like umbrellas, covering Cao Wenzhao and the soldiers around him.

After that, although the Jin Zhan Bow could shoot long bows and heavy arrows and penetrate iron armor, it was extinguished when it encountered these large shields.

I only heard the sound of "winning". Dozens of heavy arrows that were like a spear were all nailed to the wooden shield in front of Cao Wenzhang.

If it weren't for this shield, Cao Wenzhao would have been killed on the spot with just this volley.

"What a shameless person!" Cao Wenzhao couldn't help but sneered and cursed, "Although he hurts people with hidden arrows, there is nothing he can do about it!"

Why do you think Cao Wen was prepared for this edict?

It turns out that although he is from Datong, he joined the army in Liaodong in his early years. He successively served with Xiong Tingbi, Sun Chengzong and others, and accumulated merits to become a guerrilla general.

During the "Jisi Incident", he followed Yuan Chonghuan to join King Guan Qin and made contributions to the defense of Beijing.

Later, after the main force of Hou Jin Dynasty retreated, he participated in the battle to recover four cities including Zunhua. Then he became the deputy commander-in-chief of Yansui East Road and participated in the military operation to suppress the rebels.

Therefore, he knew the "Donglu" very well and was quite familiar with the tricks of the opponent's "sniper general".

"Soldiers are deceitful!" Nikan couldn't help laughing disdainfully when he saw Cao Wen scolding him.

"Cao Wenzhao, as a veteran general, how can you say such childish words?"

"That's good. I don't know who the old friend is in person?" Cao Wenzhao smiled slightly when he heard this and continued, "Since I know you so well, I guess you won't mind if I cut off your return, right?"

"What?" Nanikan couldn't help being shocked when he heard the words. He was about to say something, but unexpectedly, a slave had already pointed out his soldiers and said, "Beizi, look!"

Nanikan heard the sound and looked back in the direction of the slave's hand, only to see a piece of fire shining in the dark night sky.

That is?

"Yes, that is the Guguan you just passed by!" Cao Wenzhao said with a smile.

"What?" As soon as Cao Wenzhao said this, the Hou Jin soldiers under the city were immediately frightened and almost collapsed.


It turns out that the ten-mile journey from Guguan to Guguan is mostly a dangerous terrain sandwiched between two mountains.

If the old pass is where the rebels are, it means that Nikan and all his eight hundred elite men are besieged by the rebels in the two passes, and they will definitely die!

"Don't lie to me!" Although Nanikan was horrified when he heard this, he said firmly, "Although the terrain of the old pass is dangerous, the city is low and in disrepair. How can you do it in a hurry? How many troops are stationed?”

"I will break through the old barrier today first, and then I'll have to say goodbye to you!"

After saying this, Nanikan actually gave an order and turned around to head back towards the old pass.

How could Cao Wenzhao allow him to leave calmly?

As soon as he gave an order, the gates of Guguan City were opened wide, and three to five hundred people came out and stood under the city to challenge the Jin soldiers.

Nanikan wanted to turn back and catch Cao Wenzhao off guard, but he was worried that it was a trick and might hurt the soldiers, so he had no choice but to let the rebels show off their power and retreat eastward.

Cao Wenzhao saw that he could not seduce him, so he hurriedly went down to the city and followed Nikan eastward with more than a thousand infantry.

The words are divided into two parts, not to mention how Cao Wenzhao and Nikan competed along the way, advancing and retreating, attacking and defending.

Let's say that Cao Wenzhao's deputy general Jiang Yiyang led a division of 500 troops and had already ambushed in the village near Guguan. However, when Nikan led the Jin main force and walked away, he put on iron armor and sneaked over with swords and guns.

But who would have thought that this group of Hou Jin soldiers was quite elite, and its leader Zhang Jing was also a veteran of hundreds of battles, and he had already set up sentries near the old pass.

As soon as Jiang Yiyang and his men approached the old pass, the other party noticed the movement.

When they met on a narrow road, the brave would win. With no choice, Jiang Yiyang had to change from a sneak attack to a fierce attack.

Everyone has two arms and two legs. If they are equipped with similar equipment and have the same training, even Jin elites will be difficult to fight against more than five times the elites of Cao Wenzhao's command in the future.

Just as Nanikan said, the old city of Nagu Pass is low and difficult to block.

As soon as the two sides started fighting, Jiang Yiyang discovered the shortcomings of Hou Jin's lack of manpower, and had already ordered two banner men and horses, one on the left and one on the right, to climb up from the city wall.

Hou Jin Zhangjing was weak on the left and right, and it was difficult to resist. Not long after, the rebels scaled the city wall with two banners and horses.

The two banners have a total of about 250 people, and Houjin only has 75 people. How can they resist it?

Not long after, they were killed and scattered, and they had to flee west of Gugu Pass in a hurry.

Jiang Yiyang did not give chase. Instead, he quickly ordered his soldiers to gather their horses and rush to a nearby village to transport artillery to defend the city.

They didn't have many artillery hidden in advance. Apart from various Franchise guns, Yongzhu guns and the Second General, there were only two relatively lightweight "field guns".

Jiang Yiyang ordered people to transport the two "Hongyi cannons" onto the city wall, one on the left and one on the right in a cross-fire structure.

The rebel army had just finished setting up here, and the defeated troops there who had been defeated by the rebel army had already merged with the main force of Nikan, and they were heading towards Gu Pass to kill the generals.

Eight hundred versus five hundred, the advantage is mine!

Although the situation was critical, Nanikan still did not take Jiang Yang and others seriously.

Based on his many years of experience fighting the Ming army, he believed that except for defending the city, the soldiers in the interior were almost useless.

Who would have thought that he had just arrived at the gate of Guguan City when he heard a loud noise, and then the elite troops of Houjin who were charging fell to the ground.

"Hey! Hongyi cannon, Hongyi cannon!" Nanikan was shocked and couldn't help but ask, "Where did this 'shun thief' get the red cannon?"

Although the mountain road from Guguan to Guguan is rugged and dangerous, the section from Guguan to Jingxing is still difficult to navigate.

According to Nikan's thinking, apart from the various small and medium-caliber artillery originally existing in Guguan City, the rebel theory is that it is impossible to have a powerful "Hongyi Cannon".

In fact, this matter really made him guess. It turned out that it was quite difficult for the rebels to transport the lighter wrought iron "field guns" from Pingding to Guguan.

The original configuration of ten horses and one cannon could not be transported at all.

As a last resort, Cao Wenzhao had to gather most of the animals in the camp and drag them by force, and then he pulled the two field artillery to the vicinity of the old pass.

"What should I do, what should I do?" The servants on the left and right were frightened when they heard the sound, and couldn't help but tremble.

Not to mention the rebels, even if they were the Ming army, they would not be able to break through this old pass in an instant if they relied on artillery.

"It's okay, I'll go back and kill him right away!" Nanikan was also a ruthless man and couldn't help but sneered when he saw this.

"The mountain road is rugged and heavy artillery is difficult to move. Now Prince Yu's 20,000-strong army is not far outside the pass. I want to see what these southern barbarians can do to me if I lose the Hongyi cannon!"

You can't beat them, and you can't get away. The only way now is to avoid the opponent's Hongyi cannon and defend for a few days.

As long as there is no news within two days, Prince Duduo of Yu will realize that something is wrong and will definitely send soldiers to come to the rescue.

By then, we still don’t know who will win!

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