While Gushan Beizi was fighting desperately in the valley between Guguan and Guguan, the vanguard led by Prince Duduo of Yu had just arrived at Jingxing City.

Jingxing is located east of Guguan, facing the exit of Guguan, so its geographical location is very important.

According to the old practice of the Ming Dynasty, generals were generally appointed at important checkpoints, such as Zijin, Daoma, Longquan, etc.

Only Guguan is an exception, because Huolu County, east of Jingxing and not far from Guguan, is where the Jingxing Admiral Sanguan Military Preparation and Inspection Envoy is stationed.

To the east of Huolu County, the governor of Baoding, the garrison eunuch, and the deputy envoy of the Daming Military Preparation were stationed. They could support Guguan at any time, so no generals were set up here.

It is precisely because of this that the rebels were able to enter and exit Guguan at will, and Houjin was like entering a deserted land.

There were no soldiers guarding the Jingxing City, only the young men summoned by the magistrate to guard the city, so Duduo expected that the city could be conquered in one fell swoop.

However, just as he selected two Niulu and prepared to send them out to attack the city, suddenly some soldiers hurriedly brought one person with them.

When the man was brought to him, he was seen with a bare head, a "rat tail" and a lining on his body, looking ashen as a man.

"What are you doing?" Duduo couldn't help but asked with a puzzled look on his face.

"Prince Yu, His Highness the Prince!" When the man saw Duduo, he couldn't help but burst into tears and said in a sad voice.

"Gushan Beizi fell into the trap of the 'Shun Thief' and was trapped in the mountain. He can't attack or retreat. Please send troops to rescue him in time, otherwise he will be in danger!"

"What?" Na Duduo was shocked when he heard this, and couldn't help asking, "I know that Na Nikan has always been safe, how could he be like this?"

The soldier quickly described Nikan's arrangements and experiences in detail, and then Dodo understood what was going on.

"That's right!" Duduo couldn't help but nodded after hearing this, and then ordered, "Where is Baya Lajia Lazhang Jingtulai? Immediately lead the Baya La camp to rescue Gushan Beizi Nikan!"

This Tu Lai was born in the Guarjia family. He was the seventh son of Fei Yingdong, the famous founding general of the Later Jin Dynasty, and the cousin of Obai, a powerful official in later generations.

In Zhang Shun's previous world line, he participated in important battles such as the Battle of Daling River, the Battle of Songjin, and the Battle of Shanhaiguan. He even captured Emperor Hongguang and Emperor Longwu of the Southern Ming Dynasty from Duduo. His military exploits were outstanding and he was awarded the title of First Class. Duke, nobility to the limit that heroes with different surnames can achieve.

Of course, he is not so famous now, but he is also a veteran, so he is deeply trusted by Dodo.

"Slave, take the order!" Natu Lai quickly received the military order and immediately led the Bagala camp to the west.

Houjin's Baya La camp is all elite, and only 17 people are selected from each Niulu. Each banner has about 1,500 Manchu and Mongolian elites.

Not only are each of them a brave and brave soldier, but their organization, discipline and mobility are far superior to other Eight Banners soldiers.

Twenty-five miles from Jingxing to Guguan, Natu Lai received the military order and rushed to the place in only two quarters of an hour.

When he came to the old pass, he looked up and saw that the pass city was dilapidated and overgrown with vegetation. There were three to five hundred soldiers on the city, who were setting up muskets and artillery to defend the city.

"Kill him!" As the saying goes, "Saving people is like putting out fire." Tu Lai was waiting impatiently, but Nikan probably couldn't wait.

Following Tu Lai's order, Houjin Bayala's elite couldn't help but put on heavy armor, separated three Niulu and attacked the city in three columns.

In addition, three Niulu were assigned to raise muskets and artillery under the city to suppress the firepower of the rebels on the city.

The urban rebels were also unequivocal and immediately used firecrackers and artillery to fight back. The two sides were inextricably linked for a while.

After finally waiting for Hou Jin Baya La to attack the city, the two sides started a close hand-to-hand battle, and then the defenders on the city dispersed, and Natu Lai was able to enter the city.

After entering the old city, Tu Lai took a cursory look at the traces of battles in the city and couldn't help but be surprised.


It turned out that there were a lot of signs of battles from inside the city to the outside of the city, and there were even two signs that looked like Hongyi artillery bombardments.

"Master, look at this, this, and this..." Several veterans pointed to Tu Lai, "These bullet holes are quite dense. Could it be the traces of shotshells fired by the red cannon?"

"Not necessarily, the General Cannon and the Crouching Tiger Cannon may not be able to produce the same effect!" Of course, some veterans objected.

"No matter, let's leave two Niulu to guard the city first, and the other three Niulu will go in with me to rescue Beizi!" Tu Lai frowned and said.

In fact, whether the "Shun Thief" carried the Hongyi Cannon, the General Cannon, or the Tiger Crouching Cannon was not good news for him.

However, the master is the master and the slave is the slave. Now that the master is in trouble, how can he, as a slave, sit back and do nothing to save him?

Later, Tu Lai led three Niulu Bagara and marched all the way from Gu Pass to Gu Pass.

Along the way, I saw Houjin soldiers lying dead on the side of the road from time to time. Their armor, weapons and clothes had been removed by the "shun thieves", and they were still naked on the side of the road.

"How long have you been dead?" Tu Lai had a bad feeling in his heart.

"Probably... he's been dead for about two or three hours!" A veteran stepped forward to check and quickly responded.

"Let's go, keep going!" Tu Lai's face became increasingly grim.

After walking for another three to five miles, they suddenly saw corpses in pieces, and the strong smell of blood drifted in the wind.

Nabagya Lajia Lazhang Jingtulai felt a thump in his heart, and quickly ordered his soldiers to be on alert, while personally taking people to check.

"Ugh... vomit!" Tu Lai and others came forward to see that it was okay, and many people vomited on the spot.

It turns out that there are no corpses here. They are clearly pieces of meat sauce and pieces of meat. The tragic state of its condition was clearly the result of being bombarded with the "Red Barbarian Cannon" at close range.

"No, let's go, let's go!" Tu Lai couldn't help but his face changed, and he shouted loudly.

But where can I get it?

With the sound of a cannon, many rebel soldiers rushed down from the mountains on both sides of the valley, surrounding Houjin Baya's elite soldiers in the valley.

"I don't know which Tartar chief came to die this time. Cao has been waiting here for a long time!" Cao Wenzhao, who had been lying in wait for a long time, couldn't help laughing and shouted loudly.

"Just you?" Tu Lai couldn't help but sneered when he heard the sound, "If you have a good appetite, it also depends on whether you have good teeth!"

"Prince Duduo of Yu is twenty-five miles away. Reinforcements suddenly arrived. I still don't believe you dare to pull out your teeth, so you just ate up my 'Baya La' camp!"

"Baya La? That's incredible, that's incredible!" Cao Wenzhao couldn't help being surprised and happy when he heard this, and couldn't help laughing.

"If it were a real sword or a real gun, grandpa may not be your opponent, but I have a cannon!"

Following Cao Wenzhao's order, a harsh "squeaking" sound was heard, and then two "Red Yi Cannons" appeared in front of the rebel formation.

"Come on, follow me and charge back!" When Tu Lai saw this, he didn't know that he had fallen into the "Submissive Thief"'s trick this time. He immediately rushed towards the rebel soldiers who were blocking him behind at all costs.

It wasn't that he acted recklessly, but that this time he knew that he might have a narrow escape from death.

The reason why Nanikan, Ta Turai, and even Azig dared to take the initiative was that the roads in the mountains were narrow and it was difficult to transport artillery. Therefore, even if the Hou Jin soldiers were unsuccessful in attacking the city, they could retreat unscathed.

However, no one expected that the rebels not only brought the "Hongyi Cannon", but also dared to pull out the tiger's teeth and decided to "eat" them just twenty or thirty miles away from Prince Yu.

"Boom, boom!" As Tu Lai led Houjin Baya's battalion to rush forward, the rebel army's "field artillery" also made a deafening noise.

Pieces of bagaras fell down, and waves of bagaras rushed up.

Fight to the death, fight to the death!

Whether it was Houjin Baya La or Cao Wenzhao's Biaoying, both sides aroused the desire to die.

One is to survive knowing that he will die, the other is to kill quickly and quickly to gain merit.

Although the former has stronger morale than the latter, the latter has Hongyi cannons that the former does not have.

The fine armor and sharp blade, the will and courage, were like paper, without any resistance in front of the Hongyi cannon that was struck in the face.

The two sides fought for more than an hour from morning to noon, and the rebel army finally eliminated Tu Lai and the three Niulu Bagalas led by Tu Lai due to their absolute superiority in strength.

In this way, in the original history, Nikan, one of the three political kings of the early Qing Dynasty who was beheaded by Li Dingguo, and Tu Lai, the once all-powerful first-class meritorious officer, died in frustration on the mountain road leading to Guguan. Just like the opponents and people who had died in vain in their hands, they were extremely miserable.

"Cao Wenzhao, Cao Wenzhao, I will kill you, I will kill you!"

When Gushan Beizi Nikan and Baya Lajia Lazhangjing Tulai were beheaded by the rebel army, the news that three Niulu elites and three Niulu Bayala of Houjin were almost slaughtered by the rebels reached the people who had just captured When Duduo, Prince of Yu of Jingxing, heard this, he couldn't help but roar with anger and gnashing of teeth.

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