Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1395 Troubled Times

"There was a great famine in Nanyang, and there was a mother who cooked her daughter in Nanyang. General Xiao Qinhu of Zhennan and military advisor Niu Jinxing tried their best to provide relief. However, there was insufficient food and taxes, and they had to fight with Xiong Wencan, the governor of Huguang. Therefore, they first allocated 5,000 shi of grain from Henan Prefecture for emergency relief... ..." Xu Ziyuan, the staff member, read in a high and low voice the delivered calf.

"Five thousand stones?" Zhang Shun frowned and finally ordered, "Give him eight thousand stones!"

"Is this too much?" Zhang Fengyi's fingers massaging his temples couldn't help but pause, and then she said.

"Not much. I know about my second brother. Unless the situation is absolutely unavoidable, he would not say this to me!" Zhang Shun explained.

"Okay, as long as you know what's going on!" Zhang Fengyi nodded and started massaging him carefully.

It turns out that three months have passed since the rebels crossed the river at the beginning of the month. During these three months, there was not a day without fighting, a day when they were not scrambling for time, and a day when Zhang Shun was not racking his brains.

With great difficulty, they captured the two towns of Datong, Shanxi, and half of the Xuanfu. It was only thanks to the supercomputer Zhang Shun, the brains of the rebels, that they gained such an advantage.

However, before Zhang Shun could take a breath, the opponent's tactics suddenly changed again.

The battle of Longmen Guards that Zhang Shun had originally expected to happen did not happen. Instead, a large number of scout battles and mobile battles were infiltrated by small groups of post-Jin cavalry.

Zhang Shun immediately judged that it might not be that the opponent's tactics had changed, but that the opponent's coach had changed.

The famous Prince Rui, Dorgon, has been replaced, so the person who comes, as expected, is the "Emperor of the Qing Dynasty" Hong Tai.

From Chenzhou to Mengjin, from Mengjin to Liaozhou, then from Liaozhou to Henan, from Henan to Shaanxi, and from Shaanxi to Shanxi.

Zhang Shun traveled all the way and fought for many years, wasn't it just to defeat Hong Tai, the most powerful man in the late Ming Dynasty?

After guessing Mrs. Hong's arrival, Zhang Shun immediately cheered up and judged his opponent's movements in every detail.

But since then, the two cavalry battalions of Li Zicheng and Li Shukong sent out by Zhang Shun have been broken into pieces and engaged in an astonishing number of small-scale infiltration operations with Hou Jin.

A huge amount of battles naturally brought a huge amount of reports and intelligence.

Previously, due to the rapid expansion of the rebel army, Zhang Shun's men were severely lacking.

The talented people Hong Chengchou, Sun Chuanchuan, Lu Xiangsheng, Wu Aheng, etc. were all sent out by him to serve alone. Only Xu Ziyuan and a number of clerks and staff stayed with him.

It's just that most of Xu Ziyuan and the documents around him were useless, and Zhang Shun had to do a lot of work himself.

If he were called an older person, he would probably have fallen down from exhaustion.

Fortunately, Zhang Shunsheng can still support himself at a young age.

It's just that after all, he is a flesh and blood body. After going back and forth like this, he never thought that Zhang Bian would use his brain too much and get a severe headache and dizziness.

Although Zhang Shun may seem quite immodest, in fact, he wants nothing more than women.

However, this only hobby affected his sleep and aggravated his symptoms.

Now Li Sanniang, Hong Niangzi, Li Xiang and others are no longer around, and even the little maid Shishu has been left in Taiyuan to take care of Huang and Da Zhu's two pregnant daughters.

I saw that Zhang Shun was too tense and had no hobbies such as calligraphy and painting to relax his mood.

Zhang Fengyi was afraid that he would damage his body and affect the overall situation.

With no choice but to order people to buy a walnut, a big fish and other things to nourish him, she had no choice but to transform into a little woman and stay in front of him to take care of his daily diet.

In the past two days, she found that massage had a miraculous effect on relieving his symptoms, so she simply gave up her face and put Zhang Shun's head on her lap throughout the day, massaging him from time to time.

Obviously, Xu Ziyuan was already used to this, so he pretended not to see it, continued to take out a book and read: "General Lu Xiangsheng of the Northern Campaign has reported that epidemic diseases have recently been discovered in Yulin, Yansui and other places."

"At the beginning of the disease, the patient had a hard bag under his armpit and between his thighs. He soon vomited blood and died. It was difficult to cure with medicine and stone. As a result, relatives and friends heard about it and did not dare to mourn. The whole family died and no one was there to bury them. Please close the affected area and invite people to Doctor, don’t make a big mistake!”

"Alright!" Zhang Shun couldn't help but think about the epidemic prevention policies in his previous life, and couldn't help but add, "I asked Lu Xiangsheng to buy cloth, recruit farmers, and make masks as a precaution."

"Uh, what is a mask?" Xu Ziyuan asked confused.

"Masks, as the name suggests, are made of cloth and protect the mouth and nose." Seeing that he didn't understand, Zhang Shun drew a design of a mask and handed it to Xu Ziyuan.

"Uh, is this possible?" Xu Ziyuan asked uncertainly.

"Let's treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor!" Zhang Shun had a severe headache and didn't want to think deeply about the pros and cons.

In view of his experience in epidemic prevention before traveling, this kind of ordinary mask is actually difficult to protect against viruses spread through droplets and air.

But something is better than nothing. It is said that ordinary masks also have a blocking effect of 40%, which is better than nothing.

In fact, Zhang Shun did not know that the epidemics that broke out in Yulin and Yan'an this time were the famous plague.

In the original history, because Yulin and Yansui were the hardest-hit areas, with only ten houses and nine empty houses, this massive plague did not spread to a large area and spread to the Guanzhong area.

Instead, it was a blessing in disguise, as the population was sparse and left to fend for itself.

However, due to the emergence of Zhang Shun in this life, the plague will kill people in Yulin, Yansui and other places where the disaster has just been calmed down.

It can be said that it is a coincidence. In the original history, this massive plague first broke out in Shanxi, and then spread to Yulin, Yan'an, Henan, Shandong, Beizhi and other places in Shaanxi, which once affected the development of history.

Plague generally spreads in many ways, and the kind of plague that survived in the late Ming Dynasty was a virus that spread through air droplets and then caused pneumonia in patients.

The original doctors all used typhoid fever treatment, but the results were ineffective.

Only a doctor named Wu Youke personally experienced the epidemic, devoted himself to research, and wrote the book "Treatise on Febrile Diseases" based on his treatment experience, proposing the theory of "disease" causing disease.

The "Treatise on Febrile Diseases" and the "Dayuan Drink" contained in the book also made great contributions to Zhang Shun's fight against SARS and the new coronavirus in his previous life.

By coincidence, Zhang Shun, who had experienced fighting SARS and the new coronavirus in his previous life, used the knowledge he learned in his previous life to fight against the plague of this era.

The "plague" of this era happens to be a rare virus that spreads through air droplets and uses pneumonia as its main manifestation.

This is really a drink and a peck, could it be a predetermined decision.

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