Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1397 Poison from Thousand Miles

Dorgon was a complicated man. In the original history, on the one hand, he was a bloody executioner, and on the other hand, he was a "treacherous minister" with great achievements.

On the one hand, he vigorously promoted the strategies of shaving off hair and changing clothes, running horses and enclosing land, and surrendering as fugitives. On the other hand, he eliminated the long-standing abuses and trusted Han officials.

Compared with other "Manchu-based" Manchu aristocrats, at least he knows how to reward "traitors" generously for my use.

But now Wang Rujin is knowledgeable and understands the reality of the rebel army, which immediately makes Dorgon have a new liking for him.

So, he didn't bother to rest and talked with Wang Rujin for a long time, and understood the reality of the rebel army in Shaanxi, and then he smiled and said: "To be honest, sir, I have just arrived at Guihua City after traveling thousands of miles."

"Now we are short of men and horses, and the naturalized Tumut troops have not yet been recruited. We must wait until tomorrow before setting off. Sir, please wait patiently for a day."

"Tomorrow?" Wang Rujin couldn't help but be overjoyed when he heard this, and he quickly smiled and said, "Ahem, it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter. It just so happens that I will take the opportunity to recuperate before I can go on the expedition with Prince Rui."

The two of them were polite and did not mention anything. When Wang Rujin resigned and Dorgon retreated, people gathered around him and reported in low voices: "Just now I heard that the 'Shun Thieves' have advanced to Datong and Xuanfu. I fear that Zuo Zhuguo, my mentor, and others are already in dire straits!"

"Oh, cough!" Wang Rujin had mixed feelings when he heard this. He couldn't help but cough violently again, and then spit out a mouthful of phlegm.

"Zijian?" Zuo Zuo couldn't help but turned pale when he saw this. It turned out that he had coughed up a large amount of bright red bloody phlegm.

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, state affairs are important!" Wang Rujin shook his head firmly and said, "If I can't invite Hou Jin's soldiers to go out this time and relieve the court's difficulties, how can I stand between heaven and earth? ?”

"Zijian is so righteous!" Upon hearing this, the followers couldn't help being moved by his courage and loyalty, and they all worshiped him.

As a result, I never thought that Wang Rujin would cough up blood that night, suffer from chest pain, and almost faint.

The followers wanted to hire a doctor for him one after another, but Wang Rujin shook his head and said with a smile: "Now that I am in Mongolia, isn't it true that a 'Mongolian doctor' was hired for me?"

It turns out that due to limited conditions, the Mongolian tribes in this era generally did not seek medical treatment from doctors for minor illnesses.

Whenever people go to seek medical treatment, their condition is usually serious. Therefore, the treatment methods of Mongolian doctors are relatively rough, using fierce and heavy medicines, which is quite the style of "killing one thousand enemies and damaging oneself eight hundred".

Therefore, over time, "Mongolian doctors" appeared in areas closer to the frontier fortresses, which became a derogatory term.

Everyone saw that he was still thinking about joking, so that was all.

Early the next morning, King Rujin reluctantly got up, and sure enough, he saw that Prince Narui, Dorgon, had summoned thousands of troops. The military was so grand that it was unprecedented and unheard of.

Wang Rujin couldn't help but feel at ease, and quickly managed to hold on and went over to praise: "Although I am a scholar, I see Prince Rui has many soldiers, including both men and horses. How can he resist this little 'submissive thief'?"

Dorgon was also quite proud after hearing this, and couldn't help boasting to Wang Rujin: "I have led three thousand elite Manchurian cavalry, and now I have also transferred three thousand naturalized Tumote troops on both wings. Led by Guruge and Hanggao.”

Seeing that Dorgon had great trust in him, Gushan'e Zhengu Luge and Hanggao couldn't help but come forward to meet him.

Dorgon saw that Wang Rujin's health was getting worse and worse, so he couldn't help but ask: "We are going to leave immediately, but I don't know about your health."

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter!" When Wang Rujin heard this, he waved his hands quickly and said, "Don't think that I have been seriously ill in the past two days. In fact, I will be fine if I survive these two days!"

Why did he come all this way? It was not to "borrow prisoners to suppress the bandits". How could there be any reason to retreat at a critical moment?

Although Dorgon was quite worried about his condition, he considered that the opportunity could not be missed and would never come back.

Although Hong Tai, the "Emperor of the Qing Dynasty", led an army of 50,000 to confront the "Shun bandits" in Xuan Mansion, due to the equal strength of both sides, Houjin Wuha Chaozhen never arrived, and he was at a disadvantage for a while.

If this time he could break into Shaanxi, the heartland of the "Shun Thieves", it would definitely cause the "Shun Thieves" to either be eager to fight or have to retreat.

For the main force of Houjin, who has tight logistics and cannot last long, this is a once-in-a-century fighter opportunity. How can he let it go?

Seeing that Wang Rujin reluctantly climbed onto the war horse and then took the lead to beat the horse away, Dorgon then gave the order: "The whole army listens to my order and follows this king!"

How could Dorgon not know that these three thousand Hou Jin Jingqi and three thousand Tumote Jingqi were the ultimate force that the "Qing Dynasty" could use in the Tumote area. After this, they would definitely escape death.

However, it's all worth it, ahem!

It is said that after everyone left Guihua City, they traveled both ways and arrived at Tuotuo City in just one day.

The so-called Tuotuo City, later Tuoketuo County, is located on the north bank of the Yellow River at the southern end of Tumochuan River. It is an important ferry from Guihua City to Yulin.

The Manchu and Mongolian cavalry traveled 1,780 miles in just one day, and were already exhausted. After Dorgon arranged for the soldiers to dismount and rest, they went to find the king like gold.

This time he has traveled such a long distance. As a Han Chinese, I wonder if he can withstand it?

"Woo. Zijian, Zijian, wake up!" As soon as Dorgon approached the Han people, he heard someone crying.

Dorgon was stunned when he heard this, and quickly stepped forward to push aside the crowd and saw a follower holding Wang Rujin and crying.

Dorgon looked at the king's golden state again, and saw that his eyes were closed tightly, he had fainted, his skin was turning black and purple, and he was dead.

"What. What's going on? Ahem!" Dorgon couldn't help but said in shock.

"Plague, it's a plague, it's a plague!" A Tumut soldier saw Wang Rujin's symptoms and couldn't help shouting in panic.

"Nonsense, nonsense, cough, how could this be a plague?" Dorgon couldn't help but said angrily.

Although Manchu was born in the bitter cold land of Liaodong, he actually suffered less from the plague. It was normal for him not to realize it for a while.

But how could those tribes living on the Mongolian grasslands not realize the seriousness of this plague?

It turns out that since ancient times, plague will always follow a major disaster.

The fundamental reason is that when there is not enough food, humans have no choice but to dig rat holes in search of food.

As a burrowing creature, rats often have a reserve of food ranging from hundreds of kilograms to dozens of kilograms.

Once the hungry people find the location of the rat burrow, they can basically feed them for several days or even half a month.

However, because rats often carry their own infectious diseases, they can easily be transmitted to humans, causing plague.

The Mongolian tribes on the grassland have the habit of catching rat sparrows and have quite a lot of experience in this, so they recognize this disease.

"Ahem!" Dorgon coughed a few more times, and couldn't help but ask Guruge and Hanggao with a look of fear, "What's the cure for this disease?"

"No medicine can cure it." The two of them looked at themselves in horror, but replied helplessly.

"No, no, it's you, it's you!" Dorgon couldn't help but be stunned when he heard the words, and then he reacted, pointing at Wang Rujin and the three or five followers on his left and right and said, "How dare you throw poison from thousands of miles away? 'Submissive' spy!"

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