Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1398 Chapter 368 Destiny

Wang Rujin and the three or five followers around him all died. They died miserably and in despair.

Even until his death, Wang Rujin could not wake up from his coma.

However, it was too late.

Like the "SARS" and "new coronavirus" in later generations, pneumonic plague quickly spread among people through air droplets.

This is an infectious disease with an acute onset, short course, high mortality, strong contagiousness, and rapid spread.

The general incubation period is one to six days, and in individual cases it can be up to eight to nine days.

Without intervention and treatment, the mortality rate is between 70% and 90%. He also has a more famous name in Europe, called "Black Death".

Even in later generations, it was a Class A infectious disease alongside cholera, which shows how terrifying it is.

In the original history, Yulin, Yansui and other places suffered a significant decrease in population due to successive natural and man-made disasters. This terrible plague did not cause too serious consequences for the time being.

Guihua City is nearly a thousand miles away from Yulin and other places. According to the normal incubation cycle of the plague, it is difficult for sick people to reach here in a short time, so there is no cross-regional infection.

However, in Zhang Shun's life, everything was in chaos because of his changes to the world line.

The epidemics in Yulin and Yan'an, which were originally unable to spread on a large scale due to their sparse population, became even more powerful, and the unintentional actions of Wang Rujin and the three or five followers around him spread the epidemic.

According to common sense, the herdsmen are already a high-risk group. Even if it is spread, the people will be too scattered to cause too serious consequences.

In order to deal with the rebels, Dorgon not only led 3,000 Houjin elites, but also recruited more than 3,000 naturalized Tumote tribe members, and all of them became "contacters" at once .

"No, no, we won't be so unlucky!" Dorgon ordered quickly while comforting the left and right Mongolian Gushan Ezhen Guluge and Hanggao.

"Come here, burn these thieves carefully. Don't see any bones inside."

"Everyone else has kept their mouths shut, but anyone who dares to offend will be shot without mercy!"

"This, that, then we are still marching south?" Guruge couldn't help but ask after hearing this.

"Go, why not go?" Dorgon sneered when he heard this, "If we didn't get tricked, wouldn't it be ridiculous to go back like this?"

"If we fall into the trap, wouldn't it be harmful to ourselves and our family if we go back like this?"

"In this case, why don't we try our best to march south, if nothing happens, we can also make a lifetime of achievements."

"If something happens, it's the 'submissive thief' who should be punished!"

After hearing this, everyone's morale was restored and they stayed overnight by the Yellow River.

Nothing happened all night except for the sound of coughing coming and going.

Early the next morning, Guluge and Hanggao found Dorgon with dark faces.

"Prince Rui, cough cough, six people died last night. They died in the same manner as the 'submissive' spy yesterday!"

"Ahem, so fast?" Dorgon felt a slight pain in his lungs.

How could a thief like Wang Rujin survive for so long, while some people couldn't survive even a day?

Poor Dorgon didn't know that everyone's incubation period is different. After Wang Rujin was infected, the incubation period was longer, and the outbreak was delayed until Guihua City.

And some have very short incubation periods and can die in just one or two days.

"What should I do? Ahem, we both started to cough too!" Guluge and Hanggao said with frightened faces.

"Don't I cough? Ahem, you two stay away from me. Ahem, stay away!" Dorgon couldn't help but become more irritable after hearing this.

I am only twenty-five years old. I am still young. I still want to enter the Pass and become the king. I want to achieve unparalleled achievements. I don’t want to fight here to the death!

After finally finishing the solemn breakfast, Dorgon couldn't help but give an order: "Cross the river and set off!"

He decided that this time he would die on the land of "shun thieves".

You can throw poison from thousands of miles away, why can't I throw it back again?

On the evening of the next day, Dorgon led the army and marched nearly two hundred miles to the intersection of Huangfuchuan and Husigou.

This is where the water and grass in Aoerdusi are quite abundant. Dorgon let Guluge, Hanggao and others graze here while he set up camp here hastily.

However, he lay down in the tent and looked at the roof of the tent with blank eyes.

Inexplicably, he suddenly remembered Song Xiance's original assertion that Mrs. Hong was "fateful and unlucky to make wedding clothes for others!"

He also asserted that Qian Baile "had the order of a prince but not the talent of an emperor."

Could it be...could it be that God's will is so bad?

"Your Highness had previously saved thirty thousand households in the Aoerdusi. Ahem, Jinong paid tribute to Sanghur's promised life. Unexpectedly, when he came back today, he was ungrateful and refused to come to see him." At this moment, Guruge said. He couldn't help but ask for instructions.

"I would like to send troops to fight against him as a warning to others, cough cough."

"No need, cough cough, just concentrate on going to Yulin, don't worry about anything!" Dorgon responded feebly after hearing this.

He knew what he was thinking, but now that his life was not long, he had to find a way to cause some trouble for the "Shun Thief".

"Your Highness..." Naguluge continued to speak, but saw that Dorgon looked like he didn't want to continue talking, so he had to give up.

"Ahem, how's it going? What did His Highness say?" Hang Gao couldn't help but said as soon as Gu Luge withdrew.

"No!" Guruge shook his head and said.

"No?" Hang Gao couldn't help but said in a too loud voice.

"There is no way, who knows that his life is not long, ahem, naturally he will not consider your thoughts and mine!" Guruge shook his head and said.

"Don't think about it?" Hang Gao couldn't help but smile when he heard this, and asked in turn, "Does it look like the two of us will live forever? Ahem."

"What do you want to do?" Guruge hesitated after hearing this and asked in a low voice.

"We can't leave, so can the young men under our command not be able to leave?" Hang Gao couldn't help but sneered, "Now that there's an epidemic in the army, many soldiers die, cough cough cough, and then some people run away and join other tribes, cough cough, it's also very serious A normal thing, right?”

"You mean" Guruge suddenly understood after hearing this, and couldn't help but warned again, "Ahem, be sure to spread the people out and vote for as many tribes as possible, ahem!"


It turns out that although these two people relied on the power of Hou Jin to become the left and right officials of the Tumed tribe, they were not without selfish motives.

Now that he, Dorgon and others have contracted the disease, they are probably dead.

After this blow, I am afraid that the Tumut tribe, with only the old, weak, women and children left, will soon be annexed by other tribes, and then disappear on the Mongolian grasslands where the weak have been preying on the strong since ancient times.

However, these two people were not reconciled.

After thinking about it, the most likely threat to the Tumote Department now is the Aoerdu Department entrenched in the Hetao.

In this case, why not strike first and poison them from thousands of miles away!

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