Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1402 Two Queens

It is said that Emperor Chongzhen Zhu Youjian scolded Queen Zhou, but when he saw that she was silent, he had to give up.

The two of them looked at each other in silence for a long time, and then Zhu Youjian smiled bitterly and said: "This is a big matter, and I can't decide it with just one word, so be careful later!"

The Queen of Zhou was raised in a deep palace, how could she know how powerful she was?

The two were silent all night. On the second day, Queen Zhou was spinning cotton in Kunning Palace when she heard a report from the palace maid: "Queen Yi'an is visiting!"

Queen Zhou was startled that week and quickly put down her work to get up to greet her. Unexpectedly, "Queen Yi'an" smiled and said: "My younger siblings are still so virtuous!"

"No, no, all I have to do is abide by women's virtues!" Queen Zhou was not sure what "Queen Yi'an" meant for a while, and she quickly greeted her with a smile.

It turns out that this "Queen Yi'an" is Zhang, the queen of Tianqi Emperor Zhu Youxiao.

When Zhu Youxiao died without any children, Empress Zhang was indispensable for Chongzhen to succeed his brother.

Therefore, after Chongzhen ascended the throne, he was revered as "Queen Yi'an" and had a pivotal position in the palace.

"Since the Queen knows the word 'women's virtue', how can she interfere in the government affairs and talk about moving south!" Sure enough, Queen Zhang suddenly asked, "These are all traitors who mistook the emperor's uncle. The ancestral temple and the tomb of the ancestors are here, why move to peace?"

"When I was choosing my concubine, I thought that you were not a virtuous person. You are young, weak, and respectful in appearance, but you have a treacherous heart. Today I found out that you are indeed the case!"

"Queen Yi'an" just said these words, which immediately made Queen Zhou's face turn white and her lips turn purple with anger.

However, Queen Zhang's status was aloof. Even though Queen Zhou was the Lord of the Sixth Palace, it was inconvenient for her to argue with her, so she could only say with a dark face: "Please don't send guests far away!"

After Queen Zhang left, Queen Zhou was still furious. She only saw a row of spinning wheels in the palace and couldn't help but ordered: "Burn them all! Burn them all for me! Come on, burn all these spinning wheels for me!" "

"Ah? Your Majesty, this...isn't the spinning wheel that you ordered the Suzhou manufacturing eunuch to send for us to learn weaving? Why did it burn when it was fine?" the maids on the left and right couldn't help but look at each other.

"Then will you learn?" After saying this, Queen Zhou became even more angry.

It turned out that she specially sent twenty-four spinning wheels and taught the palace maids to spin in person. After teaching for more than half a year, not one of them could learn it. It was like "rotten wood cannot be carved."

Not long after, when Chongzhen came down from the court, he came to Kunning Palace exhausted, and what he saw was the blazing fire.

Zhu Youjian jumped immediately and said that Kunning Palace was on fire. He was about to call for people to put out the fire, but then he realized that it was the Queen who was directing the palace people to burn something there.

Zhu Youjian couldn't help but walked forward, wondering whether to laugh or cry: "My Queen, when has this happened, do you still have the time to light a fire here?"

"Your Majesty? Your Majesty, you have to make the decision for me!" Queen Zhou complained quickly when she saw the backbone.

"Last night I just said, 'I still have a house in the south of my country.' But early this morning, 'Queen Yi'an' came to me to show off her majesty and said, 'The ancestral temple's tomb is here, move to An' and so on. .”

"I always knew that the emperor's sister-in-law was not used to seeing me, and she always treated me with courtesy. Unexpectedly, today she took the wrong step and humiliated me."

"What?" Zhu Youjian couldn't help being shocked when he heard this. He and the queen had just had a few gossips in private, and "Queen Yi'an" knew about it, and she couldn't help but feel intense in her heart.

"Wang Chengen, Wang Chengen, please immediately send someone to ask who sent the message to Queen Yi'an. There must be no mistake!"

"Yes, Your Majesty, I'll do it right away!" It was the first time that Wang Chengen saw Zhu Youjian being so angry with Queen Zhang, and he hurriedly ran out.

Zhu Youjian stopped Queen Zhou from continuing to burn the spinning wheel and said with a smile: "It was so easy to bring it in. It would be a pity to burn it. Let's keep it in the palace for now!"

"If you really don't want it, you can leave it to me as a gift."

"Giving it to someone? To whom, to whom?" Queen Zhou couldn't help but become jealous after hearing this, and she asked loudly because her anger was still lingering.

Come on, I might as well let you burn!

Where did Zhu Youjian decide who to give it to? After hearing the words and saying a few words of comfort, Queen Zhou gave up.

At this moment, Wang Chengen hurried over again and replied in a low voice: "Grandpa Qizou, Queen Yi'an refuses to say anything!"

"Ask again!"

"Still refuses to say!"

"Keep asking me!"

"She still refuses to say it, but if Your Majesty forces her again, she will hang herself to death." Wang Chengen, who sent people to run several times in a row, could not help but cautiously reply.

"Ha" Zhu Youjian was almost angry. Anyone can manipulate my feelings. It's really boring for me to be the emperor.

"Your Majesty, forget it, forget it, forget it!" Queen Zhou couldn't help but persuade her when she saw that things had reached this point.

Do you really want to force Queen Yi'an to death on the spot?

"Okay, okay, step back!" Zhu Youjian looked at Wang Chengen, who was still a little out of breath, and waved his hand in frustration.

After Wang Chengen and others left, Zhu Youjian smiled bitterly and said: "Queen, you saw it!"

"Everyone says that I am the Nine-Five Supreme Being, but everyone just wants to enshrine me and do whatever they want. I really want to do something, but how difficult is it to do it!"

The Queen Zhou had nothing to say when she heard this. She had been taught since she was a child how to be a good woman, a good wife, and a good mother, and no one had ever told her what to do if she encountered such a thing.

Even her husband, the emperor Zhu Youjian, couldn't do anything. What could she, a weak woman, do?

"Report, happy event, happy event is coming!" Just as the two couples were looking at each other speechless, unexpectedly Wang Chengen's voice sounded again. Not long after, he was seen holding a piece of paper and hurriedly rushed in.

"Why are you so flustered?" Zhu Youjian unexpectedly straightened his expression quickly and asked.

"On May 27th, I was in a hurry to attack Jinzhou. I first held firm and waited until I was tired, then rode on to defeat him. Then I went out of the city and formed an array. I hid my artillery in the array, waiting for the enemy to approach and fire. ." Wang Chengen unexpectedly read it quickly.

"When I found out where the captured army was, I personally led three hundred fine cavalry to attack it. I hit the eldest prince Gui Yongjie and broke his flag."

"When the captives saw that their flag was broken, they couldn't help but flee in defeat. I led the troops to pursue them for ten miles and then retreated. I got the head of the 123rd level, which has been handed over for inspection."

"Okay, okay, I can't help but be confused now!" Zhu Youjian couldn't help but said with joy after hearing this.

"How do you say this, Your Majesty?" Queen Zhou asked inexplicably.

"Queen, you don't know what's going on in the court. This is the battle between Liaodong Commander-in-Chief Zu Dashou to defeat the Jianlu army."

"This battle has been won. I can still mobilize the elite Qinwang of Liaodong. I may not be able to fight against the Jianlu and Western invaders by then!"

It turns out that the so-called "eldest prince Gui Yongjie" of the ancestor Dashou is the great beile Daishan.

Ever since Hong Tai led the Eight Banners elites to enter the Pass, he had always wanted to open up the Shanhaiguan Passage and connect the interior of the Pass. Therefore, he ordered Dai Shan to lead the remaining troops to storm Jinzhou.

Unexpectedly, this good old man was cunning, cunning and old-fashioned, and had worked hard for several months. Instead, the commander-in-chief of Liaodong, Zu Dashou, found a flaw and made him lose his armor. Only then did he have today's victory.

Logically speaking, this good news was supposed to be a happy event, but it turned out to be delivered at a critical point in the southward migration discussion, which strengthened Zhu Youjian's determination to continue to hold on to Beijing.

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