"Your Highness, Zuo Guang, the right commander of the Northern Route Army, has sent reinforcements from the three battalions of Bai Guangen, Liu Zongmin and Hui Deng. Sun Chuanting, who was left behind in Taiyuan, has sent reinforcements from the two battalions of Zhang Damou and Jiang Xiang. They have all entered the city!" Xu Ziyuan reported to Zhang Shunhui.

"Fifteen battalions, fifteen thousand people!" Zhang Shun couldn't help but muttered after hearing the words, "Based on this, there are more than 70,000 soldiers gathered in Xuanfu City."

"Now coupled with Lu Xiangjin stationed at Longmen and Zhang Sanbai's 30,000 troops stationed at Yuzhou, it can be said to be an army of 100,000!"

"If you don't take into account battle losses and escapes, the actual amount should be around 110,000." Xu Ziyuan was worried that Zhang Shun was overthinking, so he couldn't help but responded quickly.

"Among them are five battalions of horsemen: Li Zicheng, Yang Chengzu, Zhang Fatty, Li Shukong and Li Guo, with about 15,000 horses."

"However, only the headquarters' cannons are fully staffed in the city. There are about 110 field cannons and golden cannons. The other Feibiaoqiang and Qingtian General cannons are too heavy, so Li Shi'an recruited oxen, horses and mules from various places to drag them. Arrive the day after tomorrow.”

"That's it!" Zhang Shun rubbed his temples after hearing this, then tapped his fingers on the table and said, "Both the Bai Guang'en and Zhang Damou battalions in the reinforcements are equipped with a flag of artillery, and the total number should be about one hundred and thirteen."

"It seems that the time for a decisive battle between our two armies is coming!"

From early March to mid-June, it lasted three and a half months; from Shaanxi to Shanxi Xuanfu, a journey of two thousand miles; from a white man in Zhangjiacun, Chenzhou, to the now famous "King Shun", he has experienced nearly a hundred scenes.

Only then was he qualified to compete with Hong Tai in the Central Plains. He had waited for this moment for too long, and everyone in the world had also waited for this moment for too long.

Don't underestimate these 100,000 soldiers of varying quality, but they are supported by the hard work of nearly ten million people in Shaanxi, most of Shanxi, and western Henan who dig for food from the soil.

It was Zhang Shun who worked hard, every soldier, every officer, every general, and brought it out with one hand.

In the southernmost Nanyang Mansion, Xiao Qinhu and Niu Jinxing were gritting their teeth and facing the disaster with Xiong Wencan, the governor of Daming Huguang.

In Kaifeng Mansion to the east, Cao Bianjiao and Zhao Lizi were leading more than 10,000 troops to attack Kaifeng City, the strongest city in the Central Plains, day and night.

In the Shangdang and Damingfu areas in the northeast, Hong Chengchou, Li Xin and Cao Wenzhao led a Ming army with 50,000 troops, and they were fighting endlessly with the Ming Dynasty Yang Sichang, Zhu Dadian and Hou Jin Duoduo.

To the north, Lu Xiangsheng and the Yulin generals struggled to support themselves. While doing their best to fight the epidemic, they also used the few troops in their hands to deter the Mongolian tribes in the north.

In the Gansu area due west, Gansu Governor Zhang Yingchen and others such as He Jin, Ge Lin, and Wei Congyi were also fighting in the east and west, trying to maintain the situation.

In the land of Hanzhong, Sichuan and Shu in the southwest, Zhang Xianzhong, Zhang Kewang and others, as well as Huang Long, Liu Zhe and other "Thirteen Yao and Huang families" worked hard to support it.

And on the basis of all this, he was able to arrange it calmly.

Using his main force stationed in Xuanfu and Zhang Sanbai's troops stationed in Yuzhou as the battlefield, with Datong Town stationed by Ye Tinggui as the backing, this was his first-level arrangement.

The third battalion of Wang Jinyi, Lu Xiangguan and Zhang Ding, the northern governor of Wu Aheng who was in charge of grain and political participation, was in the vertical column; the three battalions of Zuoguang's first governor Li Daliang and Lu Youzhu were stationed in Piantou, Bajiao, Ningwu and Yanmen in the horizontal column. layer layout.

The third-level layout is composed of the four battalions of Taiyuan's left-behind Sun Chuanting governor Wang Zhong, Shen Jingbang and Ren Liang as the core.

Backed by 10,000 troops from Pingyang Magistrate Lei Chong and Commander-in-Chief Yu Chongxiao, Pingyang Mansion was the fourth floor layout.

The last line of defense composed of Shaanxi Governor Lu Weiqi, Zhenxi General Chen Changzhen, Henan Governor Zhang Shenyan and General Soldier Liu Cheng was the final layer of the layout.

These five are not only to control the important areas that support Zhang Shun's 100,000-strong army in the northern expedition, but also to prevent the infiltration of Hou Jin, the infiltration of Ming Dynasty, and the fire in the backyard of the rebel army.

All this involved a total of 350,000 troops, and it took Zhang Shun four years of hard work to arrange it.

He didn't believe that anyone in the world could resist, not even Hong Tai, Khan of the Kingdom of Jin.

Only ten thousand, no chance!

"Your Highness, Commander-in-Chief Jiang Xiang wants to see you." Just as Zhang Shun was immersed in the overall layout of the rebel army, Gao Qi sneaked in and reported carefully.

"Oh?" Zhang Shun finally came to his senses, "Okay, let him come in!"

Jiang Xiang?

To be honest, he always felt that this name was somewhat familiar.

However, the poor historical knowledge in his previous life was not enough to support him in recalling the details, so he had no choice but to give up.

"General, I will pay my respects to His Highness King Shun!" Not long after, Jiang Xiang led a man in and bowed deeply to Zhang Shun.

"Get up, I wonder why Mr. Jiang wants to see me?" Zhang Shun has a lot of affairs now, so naturally he doesn't talk too much and goes straight to the point.

"This is my brother Jiang Xuan. He was formerly a military commander at Juyong Pass in the Puppet Ming Dynasty. I have admired His Highness for a long time. I planned to invite His Highness to enter the Pass as soon as the rebels arrived." Jiang Xuan quickly pointed to a person next to him who had a face that was sixty-seven percent similar to his. road.

"Unexpectedly, Jianlu suddenly advanced eastward, and my brother was caught off guard. The two sides fought hard for a long time, but the soldiers were inferior to the others, and the city fell."

"Since my brother had no face to see His Highness, he traveled across mountains and rivers, went through all kinds of hardships, and went into Changping, Miyun and other places to find out the true and false gold, and report back to King Shun based on the truth."

"Oh? Talents are rare!" Zhang Shun glanced at Jiang Xuan, who was looking embarrassed, and couldn't help nodding and laughing.

Of course, Jiang Xiang’s words cannot be fully believed.

The words "I have admired you for a long time" are just words for the occasion.

It was probably because of the fall of the city that he had no choice but to join the rebels.

"Your Highness, Changping Town of the Ming Dynasty and the Puppet Ming Dynasty has been lost, but Dumiyun is still holding on." Jiang Xuan was surprised at this man's youth and couldn't help but show off.

"The last general saw him outside the city. Houjin's 'Wuzhenchaoha' and 'Sanshun King' were both there, with about 30,000 troops."

"It carries about forty 'Red Barbarian Cannons' and countless other large and small artillery pieces, including general cannons, Western cannons, and prisoner-killing guns. Your Highness, please be careful with them."

"Oh? Forty Hongyi cannons? It seems that Mrs. Hong has spent a lot of money this time!" Zhang Shun smiled when he heard this, but he actually didn't care about these cannons.

"Your Highness?" When Jiang Xuan saw Zhang Shun's disdain, he couldn't help but explain quickly, "The Hongyi cannon is more than ten feet long, with a caliber ranging from three to five inches. It can shoot ten to twenty kilograms of iron." Pill, destroy the city and break the formation."

"Okay, okay, I know." Zhang Shun couldn't help but smile, "The information you provided is very important to the rebels, and you should make a great contribution."

"I will grant you the post of Commander-in-Chief for the time being. When there is a vacancy, I will give you the additional troops to make up for it. What do you think?"

"Ah? Okay, okay, the general knows!" Jiang Xuan was still not finished. Before he could say anything, Jiang Xiang grabbed him and thanked him profusely before leaving.

When the two of them went out, Jiang Xuan couldn't help complaining: "King Shun doesn't know how powerful the Hongyi cannon is. I'm afraid he will suffer a loss."

"King Shun doesn't know? I think you don't know!" Jiang Xiang was almost angry at his younger brother. "His Royal Highness started out as an artilleryman. He once used cannons to beat Zhu Xieyuan of Zuozhu State and Zhang Fengyi, Governor of Xuanda, to the point of being unable to carry him. To begin with, why don’t you know how powerful the Hongyi Cannon is?”

"Is such a big Hongyi cannon worth the little finger of His Highness King Shun?"

"Ah?" Jiang Xuan was dumbfounded when he heard this, "Then my trip was in vain?"

"I didn't run in vain, I didn't run in vain. Without you, how would King Shun know the authenticity of Hou Jin?" Jiang Xiang said with a smile when he heard this.

"Just be optimistic, the opportunity to make a difference is coming soon!"

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