When Li Shi'an, the artillery battalion commander, finally arrived at Xuan Mansion the next day with forty "Qingtian General Cannons", Zhang Shun finally made up his mind to launch the final decisive battle against Jin Dynasty.

Yes, now is not necessarily the best time for the Rebels.

If we can be like the Ming army, and based on the situation that Hou Jin has no foothold in the pass, he will be able to fortify the city and clear the country, which will naturally be a sure thing.

But for Zhang Shun, who has basically completed all deployments, it is better to strike preemptively than to wait for the backend to be fully prepared.

This is what Yue Sheng Emperor Yue Wumu said: "Fight in formation and then fight, the art of war is normal; the wonderful use lies in one mind."

When it comes to war, no one can be sure.

As an excellent strategist and military strategist, what you can do is to continuously improve your own side's winning rate and lower the enemy's winning rate.

Then, entrust everything to the conductor and let him perform on this basis.

Fortunately, Zhang Shun was originally the leader of a country and was in charge of the three armies. Whether it was the formulation, planning or implementation of the rebel strategy, he was in charge of it himself.

Now he is of course the supreme commander of this team, without any constraints or inconveniences.

Everything was ready, and early the next morning, Zhang incidentally issued an order to attack Li Zicheng, Fatty Zhang and Li Shukong.

After all, it was an unprecedented war, but the march of 100,000 people was a huge project.

It is impossible for Zhang Shun to reach the opponent's castle by just circling with the mouse like playing a game.

Therefore, at the beginning of the battle, Zhang Shun needed "far scouts" to cover the battlefield.

However, given that the entire Hou Jin army had war horses, ordinary scouts could no longer cover the battlefield, so Zhang Shun dispatched three battalions of cavalry as soon as he took action.

This is also an important reason why Zhang Shun refused to let go of the two battalions of Li Zicheng and Fatty Zhang when the military situation in Weizhou was urgent.

Good steel should be used on the blade, and good soldiers should be used at critical moments.

Following Zhang Shun's order, Li Zicheng couldn't help but feel refreshed and became excited first.

It was said that the three of them had just left the governor's mansion. Fatty Zhang couldn't help but wonder: "I saw that you were a boring gourd in the past, why are you so energetic today?"

When Li Zicheng heard this, he was stunned and couldn't help but shook his head and said: "Fat man, you don't know something."

"Since King Shun used his army, have you ever seen him send out his most important cavalry first?"

"Then... what does that mean?" Fatty Zhang thought about it carefully and it was true.

It turned out that because the rebels were in short supply of horses, Zhang Shun was accustomed to relying on infantry and artillery to attack the enemy in every battle he commanded, and only at the critical moment was he willing to send in cavalry to win or expand the results, as is the case today. , it is really "the first time for a big girl to get on the sedan chair".

"Then... what do you mean?" Fatty Zhang couldn't help but hesitated for a moment before he asked.

"The war is about to begin, and the outcome will be decided in one battle!" Li Zicheng lowered his voice and answered with absolute certainty.

What a good Li Zicheng, although his military skills are not as good as Zhang Shun's, he finally understood Zhang Shun's intention at this critical moment.

"Ah? Okay, that's great!" At this moment, Fatty Zhang and Li Shukong couldn't help but feel happy.

Maybe they don't have Zhang Shun's ability or Li Zicheng's vision, but since the Rebel Army's Eastern Expedition, they have seen everything Zhang Shun prepared, and naturally there is a feeling of naturalness in their hearts. confidence.

Sufficient food and sufficient troops, starting from Puzhou and ending at Xuanfu.

The food and salary transportation system established along the way; the layer-by-layer defense system established along the way; and the local governance and tax collection system established along the way.

One by one, they told them that as long as they fought well, they could win.

Sun Tzu said: If the temple is not the winner before the battle, it should be counted as more; if the temple is not the winner before the battle, it should be the less.

More counts will win, less counts will not win, and what’s more, nothing will count!

If I look at it this way, I can see the outcome!

Although the words are simple, they are the way to simplicity!

The more preparation you have, the more you will have to pay for it; the less preparation you have, the less you will have to pay for it.

The more preparations the rebels have made, the more temples the rebels have, and the higher their chance of victory will naturally be.

It is said that after Li Zicheng, Fatty Zhang and Li Shukong received the military order, they immediately organized their troops and divided into three groups to search for the security guards.

All the Houjin scouts and cavalry encountered along the way were strangled without exception.

Although the rebel cavalry were not as elite as the Hou Jin scouts, they were superior in numbers. Whenever they encountered an enemy, they would swarm them and beat their old master to death with their fists.

Just like this, along the way, the three cavalry battalions of Li Zicheng, Li Shukong and Zhang Fatty killed countless elites of Houjin before they could reach the foot of Jimingyi City.

The defenders of Jimingyi couldn't help but be shocked. They quickly closed the city gate and asked Hong Tai who was stationed in the security direction for help.

Na Hong received the letter so easily and couldn't help but be surprised: "How dare a 'shun thief' do this!"

No wonder Hong Tai was surprised. It turned out that since he arrived in Baoan Prefecture, he had used the characteristics of the elite Houjin Cavalry to launch scouting battles from time to time and made a lot of money.

Even Hou Jin's scouts once touched the walls of Datong City, causing quite a panic.

The Taoist priest of Hong Tai, Zhang Shun, was so poor that he could only hide in the city like the Ming army.

When the Hongyi cannons of his "Wuzhenchaoha" and "King Sanshun" arrived, he would raze Xuanfu City to the ground so that the world would know the power of the "Great Qing Kingdom".

But he never expected that before the Hongyi artillery arrived, the "Shun Thief" over there would actually launch an attack.

"That punch was so good, so wonderful. It hit me right when I couldn't breathe!" Mrs. Hong couldn't help but cursed unwillingly.

"Yue Tuo is incompetent. He has been holding on to a dense cloud for many days. He really deserves to die!"

The dense clouds remained, and even if the Hou Jin soldiers occupied Changping, they still could not connect with the outside of the Great Wall.

Although it is said that even if Miyun is in the hands of the Ming army, the Hou Jin soldiers can come and leave whenever they want.

However, the key question is that now that a war between the two sides is about to break out, what if the troops here are slightly weaker, and the Ming army and the defenders in Miyun City collude inside and outside, suddenly cutting off Hou Jin's retreat?

A crumbling logistics channel versus an impregnable logistics channel. It is easy to imagine which side of the war is under greater pressure.

"No, we can't wait!" After thinking for a long time, Mrs. Hong couldn't help but decisively ordered, "Leave 'Wuzhenchaoha' to continue the siege of Miyun, with the respectful king Kong Youde, the Zhishun king Shang Kexi, and the Huaishun king Geng Zhongming and their men. Artillery, come to security immediately, don’t delay at all!”

It turns out that Hou Jin Bing has gradually established his own "Wuzhen Chaoha" since Tian Cong built the cannon in his early years.

However, regardless of its level or the number of artillery pieces, it was still inferior to the "Sanshun King". Therefore, at the critical moment, Hong Tai had to let the "Sanshun King" quickly take over.

The author has written more than three million words from the beginning to the present. This article is coming to an end, and it is also about the long-awaited decisive battle with Hou Jin.

Who belongs in the world will be decided in one battle!

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