Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1405 Fighting Jimingyi again


"Boom, boom, boom!"

Following Li Zicheng's order, the rebel artillery fired loudly.

Driven by the gunpowder, the round iron balls flew out and hit the city wall of Jimingyi violently.

"One, two, three,...eighteen, nineteen, twenty!" The soldiers on the city couldn't help but turn pale in shock, "Twenty guns, the 'thief' has brought twenty more 'Red Barbarian Cannons'!"

It turned out that although Zhang Shun sent three battalions of Li Zicheng, Fatty Zhang and Li Shukong this time, most of Li Shukong's men were stragglers and new battalions, so they were not equipped with corresponding artillery.

Only the two battalions of Li Zicheng and Fatty Zhang were equipped with one flag artillery each, with a total of ten field guns and ten golden cannons.

After that, the Jin soldiers, like the Ming army, were unable to distinguish the models of the rebel artillery with the naked eye, and could only make inferences from the shells fired by the rebels.

The rebel field artillery fires ten kilograms of iron bullets, and the golden cannon fires twenty kilograms of iron bullets. Although the muzzle velocity is not as good as the red barbarian cannon, the power is still considerable. How can the watchers on the city tell the difference?

Soon, the news that the rebels used "Hongyi Cannon" to attack the city reached the ears of Niu Gulu Turge, the guard general of Jimingyi.

Naturge was the son of Niu Hulu Eyidu, one of the five founding ministers of the Later Jin Dynasty. He is now serving as the official post of Gushan Ezhen with a white flag.

After Hong Tai came to the throne, his father was qualified to share the imperial palace with Fei Yingdong, and his younger brother Bilong was Zhang Shun's auxiliary minister in the Kangxi Dynasty in his previous life, which shows that his status was extraordinary.

After hearing this, Turge couldn't help being shocked. He quickly climbed to the city and took a look. He saw the rebel cavalry covering the sky and covering the mountains and valleys. Twenty more "Red Barbarian Cannons" were lined up and fired at Jimingyi one after another. Shooting on the city.

Not long after, a soldier picked up an iron bullet and offered it to him.

Turge weighed it with his own hands and found that it was exactly twenty pounds.

"It seems that the 'shun thief' has jumped over the wall in a hurry!" Turge pretended to avoid the important point and made a light comment. He quickly ordered the soldiers to defend the city while sending an envoy to report to Hong Tai.

There is something strange about Jimingyi City on Thursday. The city is three feet and five feet high and has only two east and west gates. It is the standard castle shape in the late Ming Dynasty.

There will be no situation where the city is too big to defend, nor will there be a situation where the city is too small to accommodate enough troops, people and supplies.

This time, Erzhen Turge, who was in Gushan with a white flag, served as the vanguard, leading an almost completely mobilized Gushan.

Dorgon's white flag originally had thirty Niulu, but this time for the southern expedition, he mobilized more than 9,000 of his men at one go.

Three thousand of them were taken to Guihua City by him, and now only six thousand remain in the city.

In addition to these six thousand, there were also 400 soldiers and 300 to 500 men from the Ming army.

Although it is far inferior to Li Zicheng's group of 9,000 people, he is not without the ability to fight back.

Nagushan Erzhen Turge thought for a moment, and then ordered: "This time we can't just sit back and be beaten, prepare to go out of the city to fight!

As the saying goes: Things are dead, people are alive!

Since Houjin's artillery was inferior to humans, if he huddled in the city, the rebels would use artillery to destroy the city wall bit by bit, but the killing generals would enter.

Therefore, those who know how to fight generally like to go out of the city to fight as long as conditions permit, so as not to fall into a passive situation.

The Hongyi cannons of this era generally weighed from two thousand to ten thousand kilograms and were more than ten feet long.

Although such artillery is powerful, it also has shortcomings such as difficulty in loading and difficulty in adjusting the firing angle.

In other words, like the white-armed soldiers in the bloody battle in Hunhe, they limited their mobility. Otherwise, the tactic of bombarding the enemy with red cannons would become miserable as the enemy moved and avoided.

Therefore, when Hou Jin came out of the city to fight, he also had the intention of avoiding the rebels' superior firepower.

Following Turge's order, the city gate of Cockcrow Post opened wide, and elite cavalrymen with white flags filed out.

When Li Zicheng saw the Hou Jin soldiers emerging from the "turtle shell", he was not surprised but overjoyed, and quickly ordered: "Let the gunner adjust the target and bombard the enemy's formation!"

The general "Red Barbarian Cannon" is indeed difficult to use in field battles, but the rebels' "Field Cannon" and "Golden Cannon" are not.

These two kinds of artillery are two types of large-caliber field artillery specially designed by Zhang Shun and tested in practice.

Both types of artillery have short barrels, large calibers, and are easy to move, load, and fire.

The former has a magnification of about fifteen and is a field cannon capable of firing ten kilograms of iron bullets, while the latter has a magnification of about ten and is a cannon, howitzer and shotgun integrated into one, capable of firing twenty kilograms of iron bullets. plus howitzers.

When Turgebendao left the city, it was away from the rebel attack. Who would have thought that as soon as the Houjin soldiers came out of the city gate, they were suddenly fired by a volley of rebel artillery.

A round iron bullet slammed into the cavalry who was leaving the east gate of Jiming Post.

The black iron ball was like the black god of death, hitting it from the city gate. It was easier than tearing through fragile pieces of paper, and it penetrated the fine iron armor, the handsome horses and the Houjin elite who were proficient in eighteen kinds of martial arts on the horses. .

From beginning to end, the largest one penetrated about twenty riders, and the smallest one killed or injured three to five people.

More shells hit the wall of the city gate and bounced out, still killing five or seven people.

"Damn it, go back, go back!" How could they still shout in Turge? How could the Houjin cavalry dare to step forward when they saw such a bloody scene?

Suddenly he roared, turned around and ran away, even forgetting to close the city gate.

Turg was frightened and quickly called on his bodyguards to fight back desperately. Then he blocked the city gate and made the rebels laugh.

"The straight bitch fell into the trap of the 'dog thieves'!" Turg cursed and had no choice but to wait for help.

Li Zicheng, Fatty Zhang and Li Shukong were overjoyed when they saw it. They quickly ordered the gunners to continue "pounding the turtle shell" while working harder to intercept Houjin's scouts and messengers.

The two sides fought from noon to the afternoon, or to be more precise, they "knocked on the turtle shell" until the afternoon. They only smashed the west gate of Jiming Post and razed to the ground all the defensive facilities such as the plate, parapet, and war sheds on the city.

After the attack, the Jin soldiers could no longer stand on the city wall and had to hide in towers, turrets and other places to tremble.

Finally, when it was getting dark, the rebel forwards and the Houjin forwards arrived at Jimingyi.

Not to mention the rebel army, let us say that the person leading the Hou Jin forward was none other than Gushan Beizi Boluo, the third son of Rao Yubeile Abatai.

Despite his young age, this man only looks like he is in his mid-twenties, but he has already achieved great success in battle and is quite famous.

Because he heard that his father Abatai was "trapped in the hands of thieves" and was eager for revenge, he asked Mrs. Hong to take the initiative and led the vanguard to arrive first.

"How is the battle going?" When Nagushan Beizi Bolo saw Turge, he couldn't help but ask.

"The situation is not good!" Zhenturge, who was wearing a white flag on his forehead, shook his head and replied with a heavy face, "The thieves brought twenty 'Hongyi Cannons', which were extremely sharp. They only hit us so hard that we couldn't even lift our heads." .”

"Now the city's facilities such as the plate, parapets, and war tents are almost completely destroyed. We will not be able to defend it tomorrow."

The meaning that Turge must not be able to defend certainly does not mean that Houjin will not be able to defend Jimingyi.

Rather, it was said that the facilities on the city were damaged, and Hou Jin would not be able to defend the city by fighting again tomorrow, so he could only fight with his back to the city.

"Don't worry, wait until tomorrow, and the army led by His Majesty will arrive!" Naboluo frowned and couldn't help comforting him.

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