Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1406 Ladder Configuration

Just when Gushan Beizi Boluo and Gushan Ezhen Turge were eagerly expecting Hong Tai, the "Emperor of the Qing Dynasty", to lead the main force to Jimingyi, they did not expect that Xibali Fort, ten miles away, was east of Jimingyi. The neighborhood is bustling with activity.

"Quick, work quickly. Don't be lazy. If you are lazy, you will be killed!" The supervisors with "money rat tails" on their heads waved their whips and yelled loudly.

Under their scolding, those who were working hard to dig trenches and ditches were the young men captured from the local area and some coats and slaves.

It turned out that after Hong Tai sent Gushan Beizi Boluo, he did not immediately organize all the troops to march westward. Instead, he personally led more than 10,000 troops and more than 10,000 slaves to Xibali Fort.

Xibali Fort, as the name suggests, is a castle located eight miles west of Baoan Prefecture, ten miles west of Jimingyi, and with a city wall of 139 feet.

On weekdays, there are only 85 officers and soldiers stationed in this small fort. At most, it can be regarded as a larger pier.

But when Mrs. Hong saw this place, she immediately had an idea.


It turned out that Mrs. Hong was indeed the most powerful man in the world. Based on the short information sent by the messenger, he immediately judged that the rebels were going to launch a massive attack.

The timing of the rebel attack was coincidental, as it was during the Hou Jin Dynasty when "the old strength had gone, but the new strength had not yet been born."

Originally, when Hou Jin entered the pass this time, his troops were divided into three groups and mobilized a total of 130,000 troops. It can be said that the troops were strong and the momentum was unprecedented.

It’s just that I never thought that Azige on the west route went all the way deep into Taiyuan, and his whereabouts are unknown; Jierhalang and Duduo on the east route are now going down Taihang to capture Yuzhou, Pingding and other places.

Only the main force of Hong Tai's command was 70,000 men, and Yue Tuo's 10,000 troops attacked Miyun, Shuo Tuo's 5,000 troops were stationed in Changping, Hao Ge's 10,000 troops were stationed in Yanqing, and Dorgon's 3,000 troops went to naturalize. Now there are only 40,000 troops stationed there. Baoan, Jimingyi and Baoan Old Town.

With such an even distribution, how could Hong Tai have so many troops to fight the rebels?

You can't fight if you don't defend.

Since the "shun thieves" are out in force this time, there will definitely be no shortage of troops.

As the saying goes: Before the soldiers and horses move, food and grass go first.

Mrs. Hong was also a cunning and cunning person, and she thought to herself: "Successful thieves" are more than two thousand miles from Shaanxi to here.

As the saying goes: if you wear a hundred thousand pieces of armor, you will spend a thousand pieces of gold every day. If it goes on for a long time, the "thieves" will be out of food and grass, and the soldiers will be exhausted. Then I will surprise and defeat them, and they will be defeated!

Thinking of this, Mrs. Hong came up with a strategy of "layers of defense, resisting every step, and then breaking through when they are exhausted."

First use Jimingyi to resist the first wave and buy time.

Then use Xibali Fort as the second line of defense, dig ditches and rivers, and wait.

If Xibali Fort still cannot be defended, retreat to the security guard as the third line of defense.

If the security still cannot be defended, he can retreat to the next best thing, and then use Huailai as the core, Dongbali Fort, Liangtian Tunbao, and Tumu Fort as the defense line, and continue to resist, wasting his wealth and troops.

As the saying goes, "Become invincible first, then wait until the enemy is victorious."

Not to mention Mrs. Hong's calculations, early the next morning, Zhang Shun finally led the main force of the rebel army to arrive outside Jimingyi City.

Li Zicheng, Fatty Zhang, Li Shukong and the pioneers Bai Guangen, Liu Zongmin and Hui Dengxiang who arrived at Jimingyi first came to see them.

"How is it?" Zhang Shun looked at the almost bare Jimingyi city wall and couldn't help but smile.

"The city is not good, but the people are amazing!" Fatty Zhang couldn't help but smile as he was familiar with Zhang Shun.

"Without King Shun himself, Brother Li, Brother Li and I would have beaten them to the point of being unable to retreat."

"It's just that the Jinba Banner elites are really powerful. Once we send people to the city, they will quickly drive them back and we can't get in."

"Have you tried the 'infantry and artillery coordination'?" Zhang Shun frowned upon hearing this and couldn't help but ask.

"We've tried it, but the firepower density is limited. Once our troops board the city and the Tatars rush up to fight melee under artillery fire, it will still be difficult to gain a foothold on the city." Li Zicheng couldn't help but responded.

"That's it!" Zhang Shun nodded, realizing that Hou Jin Bing had indeed discovered the shortcomings of the "infantry and artillery coordination" tactic.

After all, the artillery of this era was not the "explosive ammunition" of later generations, and it was impossible to form an indestructible "firepower network."

Once the enemy has a firm will to fight and rushes over with the threat of being hit by solid bullets, the two sides will ultimately have to rely on hand-to-hand combat to win.

"In that case, let the Tatars in the city open their eyes!" Zhang Shun couldn't help laughing.

"Come here, put all our field artillery on display and give the defenders a show."

Following Zhang Shun's order, all battalions and artillery flags immediately moved into action, dragging heavy artillery pieces up and densely deploying them outside the city west of Jimingyi.

"Hey, Longdong, how many artillery pieces are there?" Not only did the "Tatars" in the city open their eyes, but also the rebel soldiers outside the city opened their eyes at the same time.


It turned out that although the rebels had 70,000 soldiers inside and outside Xuanfu City, Zhang Shun could not bring them all out in one go.

In fact, this time he left 5,000 people from Xu Quan and 7,500 people from Xuanfu to guard the camp, and brought out all the other troops.

Among the 55,000 soldiers led by Zhang Shun, only the seventh battalion of Li Zicheng, Fatty Zhang, Yang Chengzu, Wei Zhiyou, Zhang Fengyi, Luo Shangwen and Zhang Rujing were equipped with field artillery.

However, since Zhang Fengyi's men numbered seven thousand, he was equipped with ten more gates.

Therefore, this time Zhang Shun suddenly opened up eighty field cannons and golden cannons outside Jimingyi City.

"This fucking 'shun thief' is crazy, he. Where did he get so many Hongyi cannons?" Gushan Beizi Bolo, who was still high-spirited, was suddenly frightened and couldn't even speak.

Not to mention Bolo, even the 30-year-old Gushan'e Zhenturge was frightened.

Fortunately, he is a few years older after all, and his temperament is calmer than that of young people.

, although he was obviously frightened in his heart, he said firmly: "Beizi, don't worry, although the thieves have many artillery, I don't know how many cannons they can get?"

"As the saying goes, a cannon fires worth ten thousand taels of gold. I have already had the Hongyi cannons used by the 'Shun Thief' inspected by others. They are all heavy cannons of ten or twenty kilograms."

"According to the habit of Illuminating people, use multiple doses of medicine. A single shot will require twenty or forty kilograms, and a single salvo will cost three, eight, two, and four hundred kilograms."

"If it were fired ten times or eight times, the twenty thousand kilograms of gunpowder would probably be gone. Even if this 'shun thief' gathered all the gunpowder in the three towns of Xuanda Shanxi, how many twenty thousand kilograms could it be fired?"

"Uh Turge, what you said makes sense." Nagushan Beizi Bolo couldn't help but nodded and asked stammering, "It's just that I have a question?"

"Beizi, please speak!"

"How many of us and our city wall can withstand 20,000 pounds?"

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