Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1407 Fierce Firepower

The artillery of this era was very powerful, but at the same time it was also very small.

It is very powerful, compared to the fragile human body and the iron armor that has been used for thousands of years.

The power is very small, compared to the civil fortifications of this era.

Although the power of these "Hongyi cannons" should not be underestimated, when hit on the thick rammed earth city wall, the effect is not as great as many people imagined.

In the historical line of Zhang Shun's previous life, Hong Tai once led an army to surround Songshan Fort.

Then he recruited the left and right wings of Wuzhenchaoha and the "Three Shun Kings" such as Kong Youde, Geng Zhongming, Shang Kexi, etc., and operated dozens of Hongyi cannons to attack on all sides.

As a result, the gunpowder shells were finished, and 10,000 shells and 50,000 hu of gunpowder were brought from "Shengjing".

The attack continued for two months, but Songshan Fort remained motionless. Jin Guofeng became famous in the first battle and became a negative example of how to use Hongyi cannons to ram earth into cities.

As a result, "most of the soldiers of the Later Jin Dynasty were defeated, and several generals were also killed. Most of the people walking in the street looked anxious and unhappy. Far outside the city, in the streets and streets, the sound of crying filled the sky."

Not to mention what happened to Hou Jin, let us say that after Zhang Shun set up eighty artillery pieces, he looked carefully for a long time before giving the order: "As soon as Li Shi'an is here, gather fire in one place and focus on the northwest corner of Jiming Post until it is destroyed." As far as the corner of the city."

It turns out that most of the Chinese-style city walls of this era had a gravity dam structure with a narrow top and a wide bottom. If it were directly bombarded, it might not be effective. This was also the main reason why the Later Jin Dynasty failed to attack Songshan Fort in history.

Zhang Shun thought about it and found that only the structure at the corner of the city was relatively fragile and easily damaged.

Following Zhang Shun's order, a loud noise was heard and nearly a hundred iron balls flew out like locusts.

"Boom, boom, boom"

The iron balls hit two-thirds of the height of the city corner intensively. The bricks of the wall immediately shattered and clods of earth flew. The faces of the shocked defenders on the city turned ashen.

Fortunately, after one round of artillery fire, the northwest corner was still motionless, and Bolo and Turge were relieved.

Of course, it is impossible to bombard a city overnight.

Zhang Shun was not in a hurry, and Li Shi'an was not in a hurry. The two of them just commanded the gunners in an orderly manner and concentrated their bombardment on one point on the city.

After that area is destroyed, continue to direct the artillery to expand the "wound".

From morning to noon, I don't know how many rounds were fired, and I don't know how many missiles were fired. The people in the city had already entered a state of boredom from the initial panic and excitement.

And just when everyone was drowsy, they suddenly heard a "click" and a crack suddenly appeared in the dense area of ​​craters.

Then, like a snake, the crack climbed up diagonally, until it reached the top of the city wall.

Before the Houjin elite soldiers on the city understood what was going on, they saw the ground suddenly crack, and then their feet loosened, and they couldn't help but sink.

"Ahhhh~" The sudden change suddenly caused the defenders on the city to shout in shock.

However, it was too late for everything. In the eyes of the more than 50,000 troops outside the city, they saw that the corner platform on the northwest corner of the city wall was suddenly disconnected diagonally from two-thirds of the height.

The entire corner of the city wall slid down along the section, and then halfway through the slide, they fell over one by one and fell to the ground with a deafening crash. It was unknown how much dust was stirred up for a while.

After finally waiting for the smoke and dust to clear, I saw that the entire city corner and corner platform had already fallen many pieces, and large and small pieces were piled up in the northwest corner of Jimingyi, forming a rough gentle slope.

The corpses of the defenders who were originally standing there were no longer visible, and they didn't know where they were buried.

"Wow!" It wasn't until everything was settled that the rebels outside the city recovered from the shock and let out a roar like a mountain roaring and a tsunami.

Among these cries, there were exclamations, cheers, and excitement, but most of them were just meaningless venting of emotions.

The impregnable Jimingyi city wall just... collapsed like this? !

Unbelievable, absolutely unbelievable!

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, everyone would hardly believe their eyes.

Houjin Gushan Beizi Boluo was right. The Jiming Station was of course a standard rammed earth castle built by the Ming army and had strong defensive capabilities.

But after all, it is a product of the cold weapon era, and it can no longer cope with the bombardment of the red barbarian artillery in the new era.

"No, this is impossible!" Gushan Beizi Bolo was almost frightened. He looked at the missing corner of the city wall in disbelief and shouted.

"Beizi, everything is possible!" Only Nagushan'e Zhenturg was more cunning and had already stabilized his mentality.

He couldn't help but ordered in a deep voice: "Quick, drag the artillery over and prepare to resist the 'thieves' from attacking the city from the damaged area!"

The damaged corner of the city could be attacked from the north and east by Houjin artillery, essentially forming a crossfire effect.

If the rebels take the opportunity to attack from this gap, they will definitely suffer unimaginable huge losses.

Zhang Shun stood on a high place, looked at the city from a distance with a telescope for a moment, and couldn't help shouting down: "Bai Guangen, I will give you this first ascent. Can you catch it?" ?”

"Your Highness, just give it. If you can't catch it, don't call it Bai Guangen!" Bai Guangen couldn't help but responded loudly.

Today, Bai Guangen's troops will attack the city first. This is something that has been determined since the main force of the rebel army arrived last night. Naturally, the others have no objection.

"Okay, let's go!" Following Zhang Shun's order, Bai Guangen had already put on double-layered iron armor and led 500 elites to follow the siege ladder and attack the gap in the city wall.

The gap is certainly a gap, but without ladders and other siege equipment, it is still difficult for soldiers wearing heavy armor to climb.

"Fire, fire!" Just as Bai Guangen and his men were approaching the gap in the city wall, Gushan'e Zhenturge's order sounded from the city.

Immediately, three or five artillery pieces emerged from the gap in the city wall, aiming down the city from left to right.

The original intact city wall, with blind spots for artillery fire from above, has now become a gap in the gentle slope, and the blind spots almost no longer exist.

Seeing this, Bai Guangen couldn't help but feel his heart sinking, thinking that he would not be in a good position today.

However, Bai Guangen was just trying to find a sunken place to hide when the deafening sound of cannons suddenly rang out.

It’s over!

Bai Guangen ignored the words and threw himself on the ground in an attempt to avoid Hou Jin's shells.

But who would have thought that the sound of artillery fire, seemingly endless, would reverberate continuously throughout the battlefield.

Just when Bai Guangen was puzzled, a soldier kicked him and said, "Why are you pretending to be dead? General Bai rushed forward, how dare you be lazy and slippery here!"

Bai Guangen got up quickly after hearing this. When he looked up, he saw rebel artillery shells pouring onto the city like an endless stream, while the enemy gunners and artillery on the city had long disappeared.

It turned out that the artillery sound he just heard was not the sound of Houjin artillery firing, but the rebel artillery suppressing the enemy city.

Bai Guangen couldn't help but smile awkwardly, jumped up quickly, found a ladder and climbed up the city desperately.

It turned out that in this gap in the city wall, although the defenders had no blind spot for shooting, it also naturally meant that there was no cover.

Without cover, Houjin's gunners and artillery naturally became living targets.

When Bai Guangen climbed onto the city wall, all he saw were seven or eight battered corpses and five or six discarded artillery pieces.

The original defenders on the city were hiding in other towers and corner towers, shivering, and did not dare to come out to fight.

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