"Charge, charge!" Bai Guangen, who had already occupied the northwest corner of Jimingyi's city wall, saw the rear Jin soldiers huddled in the tower and the city, and could not help but attack along the city wall towards the west gate of the city.

For the siege party, it is important to climb the city, but what is more important is how to gain a foothold on the city and seize the city gate to let in the troops outside the city.

Although this Jimingyi city is not small, for the purpose of defense, only two east and west gates are designed.

Now that they have attacked from the northwest corner, the nearest city gate is naturally the west gate.

"Boom, boom!" Just as the rebels were about to approach the West Gate Tower, they heard only two cannon shots, and immediately three or five rebel soldiers were splashed with blood.

"Cannon, Tatar cannon!" Bai Guangen couldn't help being surprised when he heard the sound, and quickly ordered, "Don't be afraid, it has been discharged!"

"Boom, boom!"

"Nima, where did this dog Tatar get the cannon!" The top of Jimingyi's city wall was only a few feet wide. Once Hou Jin fired cannonballs from the cannon, the rebels would have no way to escape.

what to do?

what to do?

Is it going to fall short?

"Reinforcements, we need reinforcements!" Bai Guangen quickly ordered the messenger to communicate with the people below the city using flag language.

"What's going on?" Zhang Shun looked at the flags on the city with a telescope and couldn't help but wonder, "Where did these Tatars get the cannon?"

It was not that the Hou Jin soldiers did not bring artillery when they entered the customs, but most of them carried "gadgets" such as prisoner-killing cannons, flannel guns, and Baizi cannons, which were easy to carry but not very powerful.

However, judging from the meaning of the flags on the city, it is strange that the cannons that were bombarded by the soldiers who climbed the city were at least 500 to 1,000 kilograms.

"Your Highness, this... this Jiming Station also has city defense artillery!" Zhang Weishi, the former governor of Xuanfu, couldn't help but responded awkwardly when he heard this.

"How many?" Zhang Shun frowned and couldn't help but ask.

"Red...seven or eight red barbarian cannons, thirty Western cannons to destroy the captives, one or two thousand generals, second generals, Franjis and Yongzhu guns..." Zhang Weishi wiped the cold sweat from his head.

"Hongyi Cannon? How many kilograms of iron bullets can it fire!" Zhang Shun was startled. In view of the confusing classification methods of the Ming and Qing Dynasties, he had to ask carefully.

"There are two Hongyi cannons built by Wang Junmen, two thousand kilograms, which can fire thirteen and a half kilograms of iron bullets. There are ones weighing five hundred kilograms, which can fire one kilogram and four taels of iron bullets." Zhang Weishi responded quickly.

"Two thousand catties of red barbarian cannon?" Zhang Shun was shocked when he heard this and quickly ordered, "Be careful with Bai Guangen and tell him that there are two thousand catties of red barbarian cannon in the city!"

Wang Junmen is Wang Zunde, the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi. The rebel army had previously captured such artillery when they faced Wang Pu and Zhang Fengyi in Shanxi, so Zhang Shun was deeply impressed by it.

This kind of Hongyi cannon is about two and a half meters long and has a caliber of 14 centimeters. If it is used to fire shotguns to attack the rebel soldiers who are climbing the city, the consequences will be disastrous.

"What should we do, Your Highness?" Gao Qiqian was sweating when he heard this and couldn't help asking quickly.

"Let Bai Guangen wait for a while and set up a defensive position on the city." Zhang Shun thought briefly and said, "Let Li Shian concentrate his firepower and bombard the west gate tower."

"Okay, slave, let's go now!" Gao Qiqian quickly responded after hearing the words, and sent the order to the soldiers.

"One two, one two, let's work hard together!" While Zhang Shun and others were waiting outside the city and worrying, unexpectedly Gushan Beizi Boluo on the city was shouting slogans, directing his soldiers to lift the two thousand kilograms. Hongyi cannon.

It turned out that after the cannon was transported to Jimingyi, because it was too heavy, it was placed in the east and west gates respectively and used as city defense cannons.

As a result, unexpectedly, the rebels destroyed the northwest corner of the city wall, and the cannon facing west at the entrance suddenly lost its range.

Therefore, when Bai Guangen and his men launched the charge, they were only shot by the 500-jin Red Yi Cannon, so the losses were relatively small.

Naboluo now also knew that it was difficult to withstand the rebel attack with only the 500-jin Red Yi Cannon, so he also began to think of ways to move the 2,000-jin Red Yi Cannon, thinking it was his "killer weapon."

It's just that the artillery was too heavy and couldn't be moved for a while.

Naboluo had to call twenty people and work together to lift the artillery general.

"Boom, boom, boom..." Then, the moment the Hongyi cannon was lifted, the sound of the rebel artillery sounded again.

The heavy iron bullets crackled on the tower, making a sudden sound.

Some hit the wall, making a dull impact, and some were thrown directly through the window, only smashing the tables, chairs and benches inside.

Not to mention some unlucky people who happened to be scratched by the jumping iron bullets and suddenly lost either arms or legs.

For a moment, flesh and blood flew everywhere, and screams continued.

It didn't matter. The soldiers who were carrying the Hongyi cannon were immediately frightened.

There was only a loud "bang" sound, and the two thousand kilogram heavy artillery hit the ground hard again, and then rolled around, pressing down on the feet of several soldiers.

"Ah~" A burst of shrill screams echoed through the entire Xicheng Tower again.

"Is it over yet?" When Nagushan Beizi Bolo saw this, he was furious and couldn't help but stretched his head and shouted outside the city.

But as soon as he finished shouting these words, he saw countless more iron bullets hitting his head and face, which scared him so much that he quickly retreated back into the city.

The rebels fired fiercely for another hour, and when the sun turned westward, they finally knocked down the tower again.

Now the Jin soldiers had no choice but to open the city gate and retreat into the city.

When Bai Guangen saw that the Jin soldiers had left, he stepped forward and opened the west gate of Jiming Post, and let the rebel soldiers pass by.

However, just as the rebels were passing through the west gate, Houjin Gushan Beizi Boluo and Xiangbaiqi Gushan Ezhen Turge were leading the Houjin main force to leave from the east of the city.

You can't fight, you can't defend. If you don't leave now, when will you wait?

But just as these two people left Jimingyi, they suddenly saw two teams of cavalry approaching.

The men and horses under Bolo and Turge have already lost their courage. How can they still have fighting spirit?

The two sides fought hastily for several rounds, and after forcing the rebels back, the two men fought on horseback.

Li Zicheng and Fatty Zhang had lingering fears about the strength of Houjin's cavalry and did not dare to pursue them too deeply, so they had no choice but to ride back to the city for business.

When the two of them entered Jiming Station, the sounds of fighting in the city continued. Most of them were Hou Jin soldiers who had no time to escape and were stubbornly resisting.

The two of them didn't take it seriously and hurriedly went to see Zhang Shunjiao.

When the two of them met Zhang Shun, Zhang Shun was standing in the hall of the inn, looking at his map of Xuan Mansion densely filled with small characters.

The map was specially made for Zhang Shun by Xu Ziyuan based on the original Xuanfu map. It marked most of the cities, fortresses, mountains, rivers and other key points. Zhang Shun used this to reduce the use of his brain and avoid overuse of his brain.

"Oh, you are back, how are you?" Zhang Shun couldn't help but greet them when he saw them.

"Not bad, I captured twenty or thirty heads!" Li Zicheng and Fatty Zhang responded unsatisfactorily.

“I didn’t expect that the defeated Tatars would still be so difficult to deal with!”

"The morale is high and the will is firm!" Zhang Shun nodded and agreed, "If given time, he will become China's enemy!"

"Then... what should we do?" Li Zicheng hesitated and asked.

"There is no other way but to destroy it with artillery!" Zhang Shun said with a smile.

"Li Shi'an's artillery battalion performed well today. When the 'Qingtian General Artillery' and 'Fei Biao Gun' resist tomorrow, they will be even more unstoppable."

"No matter how many changes he makes, I can defeat him with just one shot!"

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