Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1409 West Bali Fort Defense Line

"Bastard, Jimingyi was lost like this?" Hong Tai couldn't help but couldn't believe it when he saw Gushan Beizi Boluo and Gushan Erzhen Turge leading their men and horses to escape in a state of confusion.

"No... it's not that our army is incompetent, it's... it's just that the 'thieves'' firepower is too fierce..." Turge couldn't help but lower his head in shame.

"You still dare to quibble?" Mrs. Hong became even more angry after hearing this, and couldn't help shouting loudly, "You have six thousand elite men with white flags under your command, and Bolo has brought another five thousand."

"A total of 11,000 Mongolian elites, a total of 11,000, can't even hold on to a fortified city like Jimingyi for a day. How can you see me!"

"The red cannons of the 'thieves' are really fierce. They hit us so hard that we couldn't hold our heads up." Bolo was young and energetic after all, so he couldn't help but continue to argue.

"You dare to quibble!" Hong Tai was furious, "How many red cannons can they hit us so hard that we can't even lift them?"

"Eighty or eighty" Bolo felt guilty and couldn't help but mutter a number in a low voice.

"How many?"


"Are there really so many?" Hong Tai was stunned, thinking about the forty red cannons that his family had accumulated over several years, and couldn't help but say in disbelief.

"The two of us saw with our own eyes on the city, the 'thieves' lined up eighty cannons in red, and they destroyed the northwest corner of Jiming Post in just a few rounds, and it took a few more rounds to destroy the west gate tower." Gu Shan Ezhen Turge couldn't help but nodded seriously.

"The dishes, female walls, war tents and other facilities on the city wall were completely destroyed, leaving only a bare city wall. The soldiers really couldn't stand."

"Hey~" Hong Tai and the other Qian Houjin generals couldn't help but take a breath of cold air and couldn't believe their ears.

Eighty Gates, are you kidding me?

Houjin, who had backward productivity and poor supplies, could not imagine the concept of eighty Hongyi cannons.

It turned out that about half of the forty Hongyi cannons in Hou Jin's hands, except for the homemade ones, were brought from the Ming Dynasty by the "Sanshun King" and others.

That is to say, since the first year of Tiancong's acquisition of the "Zhenguo Dragon Tail General", combined with the self-casting and seizure, Houjin has been able to increase an average of two Hongyi cannons every year.

And how long did it take in total from the time Zhang Shun occupied Luoyang City to the time he left Shaanxi?

It’s only been twenty months in total, where did he get so many Hongyi cannons!

In fact, this is Mrs. Hong's way of judging others by herself, and she takes it for granted.

It turns out that since Zhang Daojun defected to the rebel army, he brought advanced iron-making technology from Yangcheng, Shanxi.

There is a blast furnace method for smelting pig iron, a crucible method for making armor weapons, and there is a hydraulic forging hammer to assist in forging. Naturally, weapons can be made at an amazing speed.

Especially after Wang Zheng joined the rebel army, Zhang Shun asked the two to divide the work and cooperate. One was in charge of smelting and casting, and the other was in charge of forging matters, which complemented each other even more.

No matter where else, the Lantian Iron and Steel Company under the control of Zhang Daojun alone could produce tens of thousands or even more than 100,000 kilograms of iron every day, pouring cannons day and night at an astonishing speed.

Not to mention the rebel artillery, Na Hongtai was shocked when he got news about the rebels from Bolo, Turge and others.


It turned out that Miyun was 320 miles away from the security guard. If we wanted to wait for Hou Jin's "King Sanshun" to arrive with the Hongyi cannon, it would take six or seven days no matter what.

If the rebels really had so many artillery pieces, could Hou Jin still wait for the Hongyi artillery to come to his aid?

Thinking of this, Mrs. Hong frowned and asked Fan Wencheng beside her: "Is there any news about Prince Su now?"

Prince Su, the eldest son of Tai Hong, Hauge, was the leader of the Zhenglan Banner. He originally led 10,000 troops to be stationed in Yanqing.

Now that the security war is urgent, Hong Taizao ordered him to move westward to relieve the pressure from the rebels on the security direction.

This time, among the 10,000 soldiers and horses he led, in addition to some Mongolian Niulu, there were about 6,000 Zhenglan Banner elites.

"Prince Su previously replied that he planned to leave two thousand men to garrison Yanqing and lead the remaining eight thousand men to cross Songshan and seize Chang'an Ridge." Fan Wencheng responded quickly after hearing this.

"It's only been a day now, I'm afraid it's still on the road."

After hearing this, Mrs. Hong became more and more irritable and restless. Ever since he led the elite Eight Banners to enter the border, everything had not gone smoothly, which really made people feel uneasy.

"Order to continue to strengthen the construction of trenches and cities near Xibali Fort. This time I want to see with my own eyes what the 'Shun Thief's' Hongyi cannon is like!" After pondering for a moment, Mrs. Hong couldn't help but said harshly.

The rebel army's attack speed was too fast. It only took one day and night to conquer Jimingyi, which put Houjin in an extremely passive situation.

If Hou Jin lost Xibali Fort easily again, Mrs. Hong couldn't imagine how big the blow to the morale of the soldiers would be.

Xibali Fort is only ten miles away from Jimingyi. Sure enough, after Houjin lost Jimingyi, rebel scouts soon came to Xibali Fort to protect him. When he looked up, he couldn't help but be surprised.

It turns out that trenches were dug outside the former small town of Xibalibao, and water from the Yanghe River to the south was injected through the trenches, turning it into a moat.

The higher terrain in the north of West Bali Fort, where river water cannot flow into, is connected to the Black Wind Mountain in the north through a trench.

It turns out that Xibali Fort is not only eight miles away from Baoan in the east, but also eight miles away from Yanghe River in the south and Heifeng Mountain in the north.

In order to prevent the rebels from invading, Na Hongtai actually had people dig through the north and south, cutting off the passage from Jimingyi to Baoan.

Not only that, behind this long trench, lookout towers and small camps were set up to prevent the rebels from passing through.

Upon seeing this, the scout quickly turned around and left, quickly returning to Jimingyi to report to Zhang Shun.

oh? Do you want to turn Jimingyi into Madrid? Zhang Shun smiled when he heard this and couldn't help but take it seriously.

If you want to deal with his artillery tactics, it is impossible to rely solely on traditional defenses. Otherwise, you will lose it if you hold on for a long time, and sooner or later it will be broken.

However, it was getting late at that time and the rebels were unable to launch an attack. The armies of both sides entered a rare rest time and entered into a fierce scouting battle.

Not to mention how the two sides competed, there was also a fierce battle taking place in the Chang'anling Fort sixty or seventy miles away.

"Kill, kill!" Prince Su Hauge held a sword and commanded the soldiers to attack the Chang'anling fortress.

It turns out that Chang'anlingbao is more than 60 miles away from Yanqing, but this road winds among Songshan, Ma'anshan and Baxian Mountains. It is rugged and difficult to navigate. Under normal circumstances, pedestrians would rather take a detour to Huailai and Tumubao and then go north to Chang'anling. From here we go over mountains and ridges.

Nahaug specially recruited guides in Yanqing and traveled over mountains and ridges to get here, just to catch him by surprise.

It turned out that Chang'anling Fort had a thousand-house guard station with about a thousand soldiers stationed there. However, the three towns of Xuanda in Shanxi Province fell one after another. People were panicked and had long lost their will to fight.

The defenders in the fort resisted for a while, then abandoned their weapons and surrendered. At this point, Hong Tai's initial idea had been realized, and the next battle between the two sides was about to begin.

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