Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1410 Liver and gallbladder split

Early the next morning, at dawn, Zhang Shun left Wei Zhiyou's first battalion to garrison Jimingyi and continued to lead the powerful rebel army towards Xibali Fort.

Ten miles away, chickens and dogs can hear each other.

It only took an hour for the rebels to arrive at Xibali Fort.

Of course, most of this hour's time is not spent on marching, but on setting up the formation.

With an army of 50,000, when the forward had arrived outside Xibalibao City, the Chinese army started to set off, while the rear army was still eating.

It took a long time to finally complete the formation. Zhang Shun looked up and saw that the camps outside the small Xibali Fort were dotted like stars over the moon, guarding Xibali Fort.

It turned out that the Xibali Fort was only 339 feet in circumference, and it was just a larger tent in front of tens of thousands of troops. How could it accommodate so many people?

Na Hongtai ordered the soldiers to build a defense system supported by the camp behind the trenches connecting the north and south.

"Your Highness, what should we do next?" Xu Ziyuan looked at the dazzling defense system of Xibali Fort in front of him and couldn't help scratching his head.

"As Li Shi'an directs the artillery formation, attack Xibali Fort first!" Zhang Shun ordered expressionlessly.

At this point, all the bells and whistles are of no use, and both sides can only see the real deal.

"Yes!" Not long after, Li Shi'an received the order and ordered the gun commander and gunner to use mules and horses to drag the artillery out and arrange them in a dense row.

When Na Hongtai saw them on the West Bali Fort, he was immediately shocked and quickly asked Gushan Ezhenturge: "How come there are so many?"

"I am also puzzled by this!" Turge couldn't help but shook his head and smiled bitterly after hearing this.

how could I know? If I knew this, how could I still be attacked by someone in one day?

"How to fight this?" Mrs. Hong couldn't help but feel troubled.

"King Sanshun" rushed from Miyun to Baoan with the Hongyi cannon, and it took him six or seven days no matter what.

It has been a total of two or three days since "Shun Thief" arrived at Jimingyi. How can he get there in time?

If he couldn't hold on for three to five days this time, I'm afraid the "Three Shun King" wouldn't be able to arrive at all.

If the "Sanshun King" cannot arrive in time, who can stop these many Hongyi cannons?

"Boom, boom, boom!" Following Li Shian's order, the densely packed artillery under the city suddenly spit out tongues of flame and made a deafening roar.

Densely packed shells came over like an overwhelming force.

Na Hong was so frightened that he hurriedly hid in the tower.

But I never imagined that the cannonballs were so powerful that not only did they shake down the entire tower, but some of them even hit through the windows and jumped wildly, which only frightened Mrs. Hong.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, this is not a place to stay for a long time. Please leave with me as soon as possible!" Nagushan'e Zhenturge was an experienced man. Upon seeing this, he rushed over and shouted loudly.

"Okay, okay, let's go, let's go now!" Hong Taizao was so frightened that his legs and feet became weak. He stammered in response, but he couldn't stand up for a while.

Seeing him left and right, they quickly went over to help him up, and then followed Turge to the left and right to escape under the tower.

But I never thought that as soon as I walked away with my front foot, another burst of cannonballs hit me from the back foot, making the whole tower tremble.

A round cannonball somehow jumped near the stairs of the tower, bounced down in front of Mrs. Hong, and then smashed through a soldier below.

"Ugh!" Mrs. Hong almost vomited on the spot, but also thinking about the rare opportunity, she quickly ordered to the left and right, "Quick, help me down, help me down, I don't want to stay here anymore!"

This Mrs. Hong is considered a veteran on the battlefield, so logically speaking, she would not be so timid.

However, as the leader of a country now, if he died here in such a cowardly manner, then the entire Houjin would be over.

"Slave, take orders!" Turge was also frightened by this. Fortunately, everyone was a step too late. If such a cannonball had really jumped down when going down the stairs, everyone would have been "candied haws on a stick". .

Following Hong Tai's order, Turge and a guard quickly carried Hong Tai and ran towards the city in three steps and two steps at a time.

Hong Tai was wide and fat, weighing more than 200 kilograms. The fat on his belly shook every time he walked, making it very difficult for him to walk.

Turge was so anxious that he almost wanted to kick him down, and then he jumped to the bottom of the city.

Everyone finally ran down the stairs, and when they heard another "boom", they couldn't help but shuddered and hid suddenly to the side.

After finally waiting until the sound of the cannons passed, I raised my head and looked at myself carefully. I found that there were no missing arms or legs, and then I laughed happily.

"Go, go, retreat into the house first!" Hong Taiyu was worried about himself and quickly ordered again.

"Okay, okay, okay!" Only then did everyone react and quickly supported Hong Tai and continued to retreat to the east.

After finally calming down, Mrs. Hong straightened her expression and asked: "The 'Shun Thief's' artillery is fierce, what can be done about it?"

"Except for the slaves, although the 'Shun Thief's' artillery is powerful, it can only bombard dead objects. It is better for your Majesty to send cavalry to harass, so that he cannot attack the city with peace of mind, and it may last for a while." Fan Wencheng answered first.

"Cavalry? Our cavalry may be able to take advantage, but the 'Shun Thief' has many cavalry troops, so it will not help at all!" Unexpectedly, Turge shook his head and said.

"The current problem is not how to fight, but how to defend. No matter how we defend, we can't defend. This is the biggest problem."

All warriors use right combination to win by surprise.

If you can't hold on on the front of the battlefield, how can you talk about winning by surprise?

Mrs. Hong obviously also understood this truth. He unexpectedly frowned and said, "I don't expect how long I can hold on. Even if I hold on for another three to five days, until the 'Three Shun King' arrives, I can take a breather!"

"If we want to persist for three to five days, I'm afraid we need to let the security guards build fortifications in Baoan City, Dongbali Fort, Tumu Fort, etc. as soon as possible, just in case." Gushan Beizi Bolo saw that this time he finally Being able to interrupt, he couldn't help but speak quickly.

Damn it!

Upon hearing this, Mrs. Hong glanced at Bolo and almost wanted to kill the guy with a knife.

I, the majestic "Emperor of the Qing Dynasty", penetrated thousands of miles into the enemy's territory. Instead of thinking about how to defeat the enemy, I spent all day thinking about how to defend the city. Do you think I am Zhu Youjian?

Just when everyone was at a loss what to do, suddenly someone hurried in and reported: "Prince Su, urgent report!"

"Oh? Hand it over!" Mrs. Hong rubbed her temples and ordered involuntarily.

Fan Wencheng heard this and quickly took it, checked the lacquer seal, opened it and handed it to Mrs. Hong.

Mrs. Hong opened it and said with great joy: "Okay, okay, now we are saved!"

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