"Boom!" With the continuous bombardment of the rebel artillery, the towers on the West Bali Fort finally couldn't support it, and finally fell down and turned into ruins.

For Zhang Shun, who was accustomed to seeing various scenes of old buildings being demolished in his previous life, this was nothing.

However, for both the enemy and us in this era of "rare and common", the collapse of a building is still a very shocking thing.

"Long live, long live!" The rebel soldiers, who had long become believers in the "Grand Artillery Doctrine", couldn't help but cheer excitedly when they saw this. For a moment, their morale was like a rainbow and they were unstoppable.

It seemed that even if Mount Tai stood in their way and the Yellow River lay in the wild, these people dared to rush forward and compete.

When Yang Guozhu saw this, he couldn't help but take the initiative and said: "Your Highness, the enemy's tower has fallen. Please lead the troops to attack the city immediately. If you can't climb first, I am willing to act according to military law!"

"Okay, you go try it first. Don't act recklessly!" Seeing the high morale of his subordinates, Zhang Shun couldn't help but nodded and smiled.

Of course he knew that this guy jumped out just to grab credit, but it was better to boost morale than to let it down.

As the leader of the three armies, he naturally cannot easily dampen the enthusiasm of the generals.

When the man saw this, he couldn't help but feel annoyed and regretted that he was too honest and allowed Yang Guozhu to take the advantage.

Yang Guozhu smiled proudly at the other generals, walked out swaggeringly, and then led his soldiers to attack the city.

Since the rebels were progressing smoothly, they still did not build overly cumbersome siege equipment, only some ladders and even simple long ladders.

Yang Guozhu didn't care about this. He just carried the ladder with his soldiers and waited for Li Shi'an to make a move.

Sure enough, after Li Shian received the military order, he ordered his soldiers to load the artillery and shoot towards the city one by one.

There are also defensive facilities such as discs and parapets on Xibali Fort, but none of them can withstand rebel artillery fire.

In just two or three rounds, the rebel artillery cleared the fort completely, and then began the tactic of "after the artillery bombardment, the infantry charged, and after the infantry charged, the artillery bombardment" began.

The tactics are simple, but simple does not mean easy to deal with.

Yang Guozhu and others only charged for two rounds, and they defeated the Jin soldiers behind the fort in misery.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, we can't live in this city!" Jia La Zhang Jingsa Bihan could not help but go to the "palace" in person and cried.

"If there is no other option, we can only abandon the city wall and fight the 'thieves' in the city." Na Hongtai had already experienced the power of the rebel artillery and couldn't help but hesitated.

"Your Majesty, you must not do this!" Unexpectedly, Fan Wencheng heard this and hurriedly admonished him, "If the city wall is acquired by 'thieves', and if the thieves fire cannons from the top of the city, I will die without a burial place!"

street fighting?

What kind of street fighting?

This Xibali Fort is not big. The highest point in the city, apart from the watchtower, is the city wall.

If the "shun thieves" really took over the city wall, would they still want to engage in street fighting?

We'll count ourselves lucky if we don't get called out one by one.

When Mrs. Hong heard this, she immediately took a breath of cold air and couldn't help but ask: "Then what do you think, sir?"

"I have an alternative solution!" Fan Wencheng pondered for a moment before speaking. "The only thing thieves rely on is cannon."

"This cannon can be straight but not curved, so it can hit the outside and top of the city wall, but it cannot hit the north side of the city wall."

"In this case, why don't I follow the method of defending artillery outside the city, dig a hole to avoid it, and wait for it to climb up the city wall. The two sides will fight together, and the artillery will be useless!"

"Yeah, why didn't I think of that!" Na Sa Bihan was stunned when he heard this, couldn't help but put his palms up and laughed.

Not only the rebels could think of the method of digging trenches and avoiding bomb craters on the wide city wall, but others could naturally think of it as well.

Sure enough, at a critical moment, Bachelor Fan Wencheng thought of this solution.

Immediately, Najia Lazhang Jingsa Bihan hurriedly resisted the rebel attack while sending his soldiers to dig trenches on the back half of the city wall.

Now the two sides fought for two more rounds, and the Hou Jin soldiers suffered an unknown number of casualties, and finally finished digging the trench on the west side of the city wall.

Since the two sides have been fighting, the soldiers on the city wall have already seen clearly.

When Hou Jin finally finished digging the trench, Zhang Shun also got the news.

"Hey, there are talented people among these Tatars!" Zhang Shun couldn't help but sigh.

"Your Highness, what should I do?" The disgraced Yang Guozhu asked unwillingly.

"It's easy to do, but I'm afraid it won't be possible today!" Zhang Shun shook his head and said, "We'll make him look good after the 'Qingtian General Cannon' and 'Fei Biaojun' arrive tomorrow!"

This time, before Yang Guozhu could express his position, Jiang Yu and Huang Degong jumped out together and said, "We will attack the city tomorrow, and the general will go there!"

When Yang Guozhu heard this, he became anxious and shouted quickly: "Brother, what do you two mean by this?"

"Brother, I'm playing well, why do you want to take the credit from me!"

"You are incompetent and have been unable to attack for a long time. How can you ask King Shun for battle again?" Jiang Quan and Huang Degong sneered at each other after hearing this.

"You..." Yang Guozhu was so angry that he almost fell out with these two people on the spot.

"Okay, okay, stop trying!" Zhang Shun waved his hand and said, "Yang Guozhu has been attacking for half a day today. The soldiers are tired. We will have a day's rest tomorrow."

"Tomorrow morning Jiang Quan will lead his men to attack the city. Huang Degong is on standby to take over. The others are waiting in formation."

"If you are dissatisfied, there will be others who will agree with you."

"Uh" Then Yang Guozhu and Huang Degong looked at the generals on the left and right who were eyeing them eagerly, and had to give up.

Let's say that the rebels saw that Hou Jin had a way to crack it and no longer made unnecessary sacrifices. The battlefield temporarily calmed down, and the Hou Jin army in the city also temporarily got a chance to breathe.

At this moment, a light cavalry arrived at Xibali Fort.

The leader was dressed in blue. When he saw Mrs. Hong, he couldn't help but bow quickly: "My son, Hauge, I have met my father!"

"Get up, I asked you to take a detour and sneak attack on Xuanfu City. Why are you here?" Hong Tai frowned and couldn't help but ask.

"Going back to my father, from Chang'an Ridge to Xuanfu, you have to either take the security guard or the Longmen. I have found many guides in the middle, but there is no small path to follow!" Hauge couldn't help but said awkwardly.

It turned out that this Hauge was eager to make a contribution. After receiving orders from Hong Tai, he proposed a plan to cross the mountains and reach the Chang'an Mountains, and then cross the mountains and ridges to surprise Xuanfu City.

I never thought that there is a trail from Yanqing to Chang'an Mountains, but there is no trail from Chang'an Mountains to Xuanfu. It suddenly became awkward.

In desperation, Hauge had to rush to Xibali Fort as soon as possible to apologize to Mrs. Hong.

"Forget it!" Although Mrs. Hong was angry, it was the time when she was employing people, so it was not easy to criticize him harshly.

He couldn't help but smile and said: "It can be considered a blessing in disguise. I finally found a way to resist the 'Shun Thief' artillery, and I feel worry-free for a while."

"You came at the right time today. I have something entrusted to you. If you complete it well, I will ensure that the 'obedient thief' dies without a burial place!"

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