It was only forty miles from Bao'an City to Bao'an Old City. Prince Su Hauge led his 8,000 troops to arrive in only half a day.

This old Baoan City was originally the seat of Baoan Prefecture. After the Tumu Fort incident, in order to strengthen the defense in the direction of Xuanfu, a new city called Baoan City was built between Jimingyi and Tumu Fort in the second year of Jingtai. That's why.

The original city is called Baoan Old City, and it is the horn of each other.

This old city is located at the intersection of Yang River and Sanggan River, ninety miles west of Shenjingbao. It was the stronghold where Dorgon sent his soldiers to attack Shenjingbao in an attempt to enter Yuzhou.

Although this old city has become an old city, it does not mean that its geographical location is unimportant.

Compared with Bao'an New City, which is located between the east-west traffic artery from Xuanfu to Huailai, the old city is blocking the main road from Yuzhou to Bao'an. Obviously, the geographical location is also very important.

After Nahaug arrived in the old city, he sent people to take over the city defense and nearby piers and fortresses, and at the same time sent people to send scouts in the direction of Shenjing Fort to guard against being attacked by the rebels.

By the time everything was arranged, it was getting late.

After everyone had finished their dinner, Hauge selected five thousand elites and swore: "The only one who wants to fight for the world with me, the Qing Dynasty, is a thief of succumb."

"Now that he is bullying me with his red cannon, it is intolerable, but what is unbearable!"

"I intend to take advantage of the darkness tonight to attack behind it, and 'Your Majesty' will lead the main force to attack in front of it. If we can kill this beast, you will share the wealth for generations to come."

"Otherwise, we can also dampen his spirit and get promoted to a higher position, no problem!"

All the soldiers drank Zhuangxing wine together, and they couldn't help but responded: "Capture and kill the 'shun thieves' at all costs, and protect our 'Qing Dynasty' for tens of thousands of years!"

Immediately, the man held his hat in his mouth, reined his horse in his mouth, and headed north.

To the north of Baoan Old City is a mountain range called Ta'er Mountain.

The Ta'er Mountain is high and dangerous, rugged and difficult to navigate, with only one trail winding through it.

It was dark and the road was slippery, making it very difficult to walk.

In a short journey of more than ten miles, it took Hauge and others half an hour to climb Taer Mountain.

"Prince Su, look!" When everyone had just crossed the ridge of Ta'er Mountain, looking from a distance, they saw the Jiming Station on the north bank of Yanghe River.

"Ignore it!" Hauge couldn't help but shook his head and said, "The 'Shun Thief's' artillery is too powerful. Even if it is shot down, it will not be able to defend it."

"Only in night battles and field battles can we have a chance of survival!"

After saying that, it took everyone another half an hour to climb down Ta'er Mountain. They were already panting from exhaustion.

While Hauge hid in the mountains to rest for a while, he ordered people to find a place to cross the river along the Yang River.

This Yanghe River is a tributary of the Sanggan River, and the flood season is generally in spring, summer and autumn.

Among them, the melting of ice and snow in spring becomes spring flood, and the sudden drop of rain in summer and autumn becomes summer flood and autumn flood.

It was June, and with the continuous drought in the past two years, the water in the Yangtze River happened to be not very deep.

After a while, a soldier found the shoal and reported it.

That Hauge couldn't help but said with great pride: "A man cannot eat with five cauldrons, that is, cook with five cauldrons. You will fight to the death with me today. When I ascend to the great treasure, my Zhenglan flag will be the top three flags."

It turned out that when Hauge met Mrs. Hong during the day, the two parties finally reached an agreement to deal with Zhang Shun.

Namely: If Prince Su Hauge can work hard to defeat the "Shun Thief" Zhang Shun this time, Hong Tai will increase the strength of his subordinate Zhenglan Banner and publicly establish him as the crown prince.

It turns out that the Hou Jin Dynasty practiced aristocratic politics. Although the chief's children had a special status, they could not form a stable heir system like the Central Plains Dynasty.

For example, Tai Hong was originally the eighth son of Lao Nu. Although he was one of the "Four Belles", his strength was still relatively weak.

In the end, he was able to ascend the throne, which was actually the result of the mutual game between Zhu Pegasi and Baylor.

Although this Hauge is the eldest son of Mrs. Hong, whether he can ascend the throne in the future is still in doubt.

The Zhenglan Banner under his command was originally a white flag decorated with fifteen Niulu in Du Du's hand. Later, he received eight Niulu from his father Hong Tai, making a total of twenty-three Niulu.

Even though he has a lot of 23 Niulu in his hands, if he does not get the full support of Mrs. Hong, he will face competition from the Dorgon brothers, who have more than 90 Niulu, and the father and son Daishan Yuetuo, and the two red flags. There is no advantage at all.

The idea of ​​the father and son is very simple, they want to use this war that will determine the fate of the world to make another huge gamble.

If the bet is successful, Mrs. Hong will be able to take the opportunity to punish other flag owners who failed to fight well, and enhance the strength of herself and her eldest son Hao Ge.

Of course, if you lose the bet, all is lost.

However, the battle between the two sides has reached this point. Even if the father and son return to Liaodong and surrender, Hong Tai will not think that Zhang Shun will let herself and others go.

Retreating is also death, gambling is also death.

Since we are already destined to die early and late, why not give it a try?

This is life and death, wealth and honor are in heaven!

Thinking of this, Hauge mounted his war horse and led his five thousand elite troops through the water.

When Hou Jin's soldiers crossed the Yang River and were only a few miles away from the rebels, Hauge ordered his men and horses to pull out their armor, unsheath their swords, string their bows, and rush towards the rebel camp with murderous intent.

"Enemy attack!" After Zhang Shungang and Zhang Fengyi had a good time that night, they had just wiped themselves and were about to fall asleep, when they suddenly heard the warning sound of the sentry.

He couldn't help but jumped up and said: "Okay, I won't be able to sleep tonight!"

Zhang Fengyi quickly took the armor and was about to put it on Zhang Shun. Unexpectedly, he stretched out his hand and refused. Instead, he ordered, "Zhang Fengyi listened to the order and immediately led the troops to maintain order in the camp. Luo Shangwen, the emergency force, went to respond to the enemy. The others did not follow the order." Those who move will be killed without mercy!"

The most important thing in a night battle is not to fight, but to prevent "chaos".

How could a fortress with tens of thousands of troops be captured in an instant, even if a hundred thousand troops came to attack it?

If they cannot be restrained, the soldiers will shout for their lives, get into a mess, and trample on each other. Even if there is no enemy attack, unimaginable losses will be caused.

Therefore, Zhang Shun's first reaction when he heard the enemy attack was to stabilize order in the camp.

Zhang Fengyi was stunned when she heard this, and quickly put on the armor with Zhang Shun's help before taking the order and leaving.

"Master (Your Highness)!" At this moment, Wukong and Ji Longfeng broke in. Wukong was still shirtless with his armor in his arm.

It turned out that Ji Longfeng was on duty today, and Wukong had already fallen asleep. After hearing the noise, he rushed over in a hurry.

Zhang Shun was amused and moved when he saw it, and quickly ordered: "Wukong, please put on your armor. Ji Longfeng, you immediately order your personal guards to light torches and lanterns and stand outside to illuminate my tent."

"Didn't His Highness reveal his position in this way?" Ji Longfeng was surprised when he heard this and quickly reminded him.

"I am going to expose the location of the Chinese army's tent. Let's see who dares to come and kill me!" Zhang Shun couldn't help laughing and said domineeringly.

"Incompetent young men can't compete with me head-on, so they engage in sneaky things."

"I want to see how much he weighs today, and how dare he come to the tiger's mouth to stroke his beard!"

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