Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1413 Attack the Camp

"Kill, kill!" Seeing the darkness in the rebel camp, Prince Su Hauge couldn't help but leap on his horse and wave his sword, and rushed over first.

"Kill, kill, kill!" The elite Zhenglan Banner under Hauge saw their leader personally going into battle, and their morale suddenly surged.

"Ouch, who dug this hole!" Just when the Hou Jin soldiers were attacking the camp with great momentum, a discordant voice suddenly came over.

"Wo nest!"

"Straight bitch!"


Before everyone could react, a series of shouts and curses suddenly started to sound.


It turns out that when the rebels first established the camp, they not only built the camp wall, but also dug a trench outside the camp wall.

After that, Jin Bing had been pressed and beaten by the rebels before. He had no time to investigate carefully and suffered a big loss on the spot.

After that, Prince Jin Su and the leader of the Zhenglan Banner, Hauge, suddenly fell to pieces. Before he could get up, three or five more people and horses fell down, almost killing him on the spot in the ditch.

"Stop it, stop it, don't you still want to crush Prince Su to death?" Hauge's slave yelled at the cavalry behind him, and struggled to stand up tentatively.

"Enemy attack, enemy attack!" Before Prince Haug of Nasu climbed out of the trench, such movement had already awakened the sentries and patrol posts in the camp, and issued an early warning.

"Quick, quick, hurry in!" When Haug saw that the rebels had discovered what he and others were doing, he couldn't help but become anxious.

This damn trench is no longer possible if we try to play the trick of "a hundred cavalry rob Cao's camp" now. We can only abandon our cavalry and turn into a fierce attack when the time comes for a sneak attack.

"Kill!" Zhenglanqi got Hauge's order, and they all dismounted and crossed the trench to kill the rebel camp.

The rebel camp was not a huddled and haphazard camp, but a small city planned by Zhang Shunqin, who was a construction worker in his previous life.

The core of this city is Zhang Shun's Chinese army tent, followed by his personal guards, and third by Zhang Fengyi's 7,000 white-armed soldiers.

On the outer periphery are the cavalry and artillery camps of the four battalions of Li Zicheng, Fatty Zhang, Yang Chengzu, Li Shukong and Li Shi'an.

At the outermost edge are Yang Guozhu, Ashan, Li Fuming, Luo Shangwen, Luo Shangqian, Huang Degong, Zhou Yuji, Gao Qiqian, Zhang Rujing, Zhang Weishi and Li Guoliang's eleventh battalion.

Among the more than 50,000 people and horses, not only the battalions must be separated by low walls and trenches, but also the divisions and divisions and the teams must be separated.

Among them, fences were used between divisions and trenches were used between teams to prevent soldiers from wandering in and out at will and affecting the order of the military camp.

Then, a group of men, a toilet, and a tent were set up for each village. Without military orders, they were not allowed to move around or make noise at will. Anyone who disobeyed the orders would be killed without mercy.

Each team has a latrine and is assigned a dedicated person to clean it; each department has a team of inspectors to inspect whether there are any violations of the order.

Whenever there is a break, one division of each battalion must be left as a preparation team so that it can be ready for battle at any time.

Therefore, when the Hou Jin soldiers first entered the camp, the first people they encountered were the patrolling soldiers and the preparation team of the nearby camp.

"Kill over!" Haug looked at the rebel soldiers coming from the two camps on the left and right, and couldn't help but ordered quickly.

Fast, so fast, this "thief"'s reaction is really too fast!

Hauge has five thousand elite soldiers under his command, so naturally they cannot all be crowded together in one place.

Early in the morning, they were divided into five groups and attacked the rebel camp respectively.

Beyond the trench, there is the "city wall" of the rebel camp. These walls were first nailed into the ground with solid wood, and then filled with soil and tamped down with force.

Although it is not as strong as the city wall, it can barely be used as a defensive fortification.

Hauge and others did not have cannons in their hands, so they naturally did not expect to tear down the wall. They just fought their way in through several camp entrances.

Although the rebels resisted quite effectively, their combat effectiveness was inferior to others, and they were defeated steadily for a while.

At this moment, other battalions heard the news and couldn't help but get ready to go to support.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Fengyi sent his soldiers out early and loudly conveyed Zhang Shun's military order: "King Shun has an order to guard the gates of each battalion. They are not allowed to make noises or attack without authorization. Be ready to move!"

At this moment, Luo Shangwen led his Sichuan soldiers and rushed towards the west side of the camp at high speed.

"General Zhang, what's going on outside, do we need to take action?" At this moment, someone heard Zhang Fengyi's voice and couldn't help shouting.

"Don't talk too much and obey orders. Otherwise, if you mess up the camp, Your Highness will have to spare you!" Zhang Fengyi didn't give him any face at all, but scolded him sternly.

Only then did everyone realize that what the rebels lacked now was not the manpower for the battle, but a "reassurance".

When people are in panic, no matter how many people you have, once chaos breaks out, you will collapse without killing or fighting.

Thinking of this, the generals of each battalion quickly restrained the soldiers under their command and were not allowed to move or scream, so as not to miss the important event.

At this moment, a sudden fire broke out in the center of the camp. Everyone turned around and saw that the Chinese army's tent was brightly illuminated, and two hundred personal guards in iron armor were standing guard in front of them neatly and solemnly.

oh? That is where His Royal Highness King Shun is.

Everyone was stunned, and then realized that this meant that the camp center was operating normally, and there was nothing to worry about.

"Li Guoliang's camp preparation team immediately sent support to the Xun position, but the general soldiers were stationed in the camp and were not allowed to attack. The soldiers under his command were wearing armor and armed with weapons and were on standby!"

"Zhang Wei Shiying's preparation team will immediately report to..."

Seeing that people's hearts were stabilized, Zhang Shun's orders could not help but be passed on one by one, and troops were sent to support Hauge in turn.

At this time, Hauge had already noticed something was wrong, and couldn't help throwing fire cans and oil at the nearby camp, shouting loudly: "Where the fire shines, that's where the 'thief chief' is!"

"Where the fire shines, that's where the 'thief chief' is! Break the camp and kill the 'shun thieves'!" Upon hearing Hauge's words, the Zhenglan Banner elites couldn't help but screamed strangely.

Five thousand people shouted, and for a while the camp was noisy and flames were everywhere, which only made people panic.

"Brother, can't we just sit like this?" At this moment, Jiang Xuan, who lived in Jiang Xiang's camp, couldn't help but ask Jiang Xiang.

"Our tent was burned down in several places by the Tatars. Can't we just watch it?"

"You are also a man who knows soldiers, how can you say such words!" Unexpectedly, Jiang Xiang shook his head when he heard this.

"How many tents are worth how much money? If they are burned, they will be burned. King Shun will pay the bill."

"If chaos breaks out, once Hou Jin's main force comes to attack and kill them, then it will be a big deal!"

"I understand the truth, but...but isn't it because I feel so anxious?" Jiang Xuan couldn't help but said.

"That's why you can't do big things!" Jiang Xiang smiled when he heard this.

"Where are you? Jianlu's main force has not yet been dispatched. Why are you in a hurry?"

"If you are really anxious, just send the order first and let the soldiers in each camp wear armor and hold weapons, and be ready to go at any time."

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