Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1414 Night Battle

"This 'shun thief' really has some skills!" Just as Hauge was leading five thousand troops to fight with the rebels, "Emperor of the Qing Dynasty" Hong Tai, bachelor Fan Wencheng and others took advantage of the night to board the West Bali Fort Castle. , pointing at the rebel camp.

When it comes to professionalism, Zhang Shun is considered an amateur whether he is commanding a war or building an army and governing the people.

His true and complete education was in the construction industry in his previous life.

The construction industry is an industry with rough management, low quality of employees, and high requirements on construction period and quality.

Under economic pressure in his previous life, Zhang Shun naturally racked his brains to improve work efficiency.

Of course, the dumbest way to improve work efficiency in the construction industry is the so-called "Taylor method."

Completing tasks in a fixed, quantitative and regular manner sounds very good, but it is not applicable at all to the construction industry with complex processes.

And what is the most applicable method?

Naturally, it is necessary to prepare a construction plan including construction personnel, material preparation, construction site plan, and construction schedule.

A good construction plan saves time and effort, and can complete the task with quality and quantity.

A poor construction plan is time-consuming and labor-intensive, and only by working overtime can the task be barely or even impossible to be completed.

Zhang Shun, as a practitioner for many years, has a deep understanding of this.

However, this kind of shoddy management method was transplanted by Zhang Shun into the army organization, construction and operations of this era, and it turned out to be disadvantageous. It was beyond Zhang Shun's expectation.

Forewarned is forearmed, without prejudging the waste.

In Zhang Shun's view, the rebel army's combat operations are actually the construction of project after project.

Before each battle, he often makes a combat "construction plan" to ensure that nothing goes wrong.

Among them, in this decisive battle related to the fate of the world, Zhang Shun not only formulated a large number of "construction plans", but also made "refined plans" and "emergency plans" for specific nodes.

Among them, the emergency mobile force and preparation team set up in the camp are part of Zhang Shun's "emergency plan".

The camping of tens of thousands of rebel troops was part of Zhang Shun's "refined plan".

Zhang Shun personally drew plans for this purpose, and repeatedly deduced the enemy's offensive strategy with his staff and generals, striving to be foolproof.

Although Hong Tai was also a veteran on the battlefield, his marches and camps in the past were just additions and supplements based on traditional military manuals. How could he be as professional as Zhang Shun?

After all, Zhang Shun's camp was a complete set of defense plans specially designed based on the actual situation and combat needs.

"However, although this camp is very ingenious, it has a flaw. I wonder if you have noticed it, sir?" Hong Taishen understood the principle of suppressing desires before advancing, and couldn't help but smile.

"I really didn't see the flaw in it!" Fan Wencheng knew Tai Hong's habits very well. At this time, he couldn't say he didn't know. Even if he knew, he had to say he didn't know.

"Revealing its location, I will attack it with artillery fire." Hearing this, Hong Tai could not help but point to the bright spot in the center of the rebel army and said, "When the 'Shun Thief' dies, his power will naturally fall apart, so there is nothing to fear."

"Your Majesty is wise!" Fan Wencheng quickly complimented after hearing this.

Do you think he didn't see it?

He actually saw it, but now the rebel camp is more than two miles away from Xibali Fort, and Houjin's "Wuzhenchaoha" and "Sanshun King"'s Hongyi cannon have not arrived, so how can they reach this "Shunshun"? "Chief"?

In fact, Zhang Shun relied on the absence of Hou Jin Hongyi's artillery to deliberately expose the location of the Chinese army's tent in order to calm people's hearts.

How could Mrs. Hong not know?

He knew that Fan Wencheng was also dissatisfied with his words, so he couldn't help laughing and said: "Mr. Fan, don't know that our army does not have red cannons. In fact, our army has captured several of them when they captured Bao'an."

"However, this cannon is quite heavy and there is no artillery truck to transport it, so it has been delayed for so long."

"I have already ordered the soldiers to build it day and night, and also selected sixty oxen and horses to send together."

"One of them is 3,600 jin, one is 2,000 jin, and three are 5,000 jin. They have all been delivered to the fort. Tonight, sir, let's see how I kill their heads and defeat their army!"

Following Tai Hong's order, Fan Wencheng looked down and vaguely saw dozens of animals dragging something, struggling to move out.

Many more people and horses, taking advantage of the cover of night, crept toward the rebel camp.

"Your Highness, this... this is really unexpected!" Fan Wencheng couldn't help but look at Mrs. Hong in surprise.

"Haha, I've been feeling aggrieved for a long time. It's time for me to exhale and raise my eyebrows." Mrs. Hong couldn't help laughing. Then she remembered the sharp artillery of the "Shun Thief" and was afraid that her position would be exposed, so she had to hold her throat and lower her voice.

Not to mention how funny Mrs. Hong was, Zhang Shunduan was sitting in the Chinese army's tent and commanding the battle in an orderly manner.

Staff officer Xu Ziyuan was reporting a steady stream of intelligence to him: "Zhang Rujing's camp has been stabilized, and the entire battalion is fully equipped, waiting for orders to attack at any time. Because Li Guoliang's camp was newly built, it was suddenly attacked, causing chaos and rout. Fortunately, it was held back by Luo Shangwen's camp , no slaves can move forward."

"Boom!" Before he could finish his report, there was a sudden loud noise, which immediately overwhelmed all the sounds of fighting and resounded throughout the night sky.

"No, Jiannu has a cannon!" Xu Ziyuan was shocked and quickly pulled Zhang Shun and said, "Your Highness, Your Highness, leave quickly!"

"Why are you anxious? If there are cannons, then there are cannons. It's worth making such a fuss about!" Unexpectedly, Zhang Shun shook his head and said indifferently, "Go on, you continue to report to me!"

"Your Highness, the lights in the Chinese army's tent are now brightly lit, and the Jiannu cannon is obviously coming towards you." Xu Ziyuan said that Zhang Shun did not react, and quickly reminded him.

"It's a blessing, not a curse. It's a curse that can't be avoided. I want to see what the red barbarian cannon like Jian Nu can do to me!" Unexpectedly, Zhang Shun was very stubborn and actually refused.

It turned out that Zhang Shun was frightened when he heard the sound of Houjin's cannon.

However, fortunately, he had already heard from Jiang Xuan, Jiang Xuan's younger brother, that both Houjin's "Wuzhenchaoha" and "Sanshun King"'s Hongyi cannons were in Miyun.

Miyun is more than 320 miles away. Even if "Wuzhenchaoha" and "Sanshun King" don't eat or drink, and travel day and night, they can't get here in three days.

In this case, the Hongyi cannon used by Hou Jin was either a small-caliber cannon with double the gunpowder charge, or it was a Ming army city defense cannon captured from unknown sources.

According to the long-range accuracy of artillery in this era, what if it is not just three or five, but seven or eight?

If you want to use this thing to snipe yourself, it is like hitting a mosquito with a rocket. The chance of hitting you cannot be said to be zero, it can only be said to be close to zero.

If Zhang Shun was really killed by this thing, it was really destined, and there was no need to blame others.

Thinking of this, he didn't have to laugh and said: "Please pass on the order. I, the six gods of Liuding and Liujia, protect my body and are invulnerable to guns and bullets. I tell the soldiers to just fight with peace of mind and don't panic."

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