Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1416 Unscathed

Its daybreak.

The Hongyi artillery that had been "rumbling" all night on the Houjin side finally stopped, but the rebel artillery suddenly sounded louder.

The originally precarious battle situation suddenly turned around.

"Boom, boom, boom!" The "God of War" once again dominated the battlefield, and the rebels used the power of artillery to fight back again.

The elite soldiers of Houjin who captured several camps were immediately beaten and retreated, unable to resist.

"Let Haug and Turg withdraw, lest the elite of our army be sacrificed in vain!" "Emperor of the Qing Dynasty" Hong Tai couldn't help but ordered with a gloomy face as he saw the whole situation being reversed.

"This slave accepts the order!" Fan Wencheng secretly glanced at Mrs. Hong's face and quickly agreed honestly.

"By the way, where's Bolo? Let him come and see me later!" Mrs. Hong said another sentence, turned around and walked off the bare city wall of Xibali Fort.

"Yes, I understand!"

"Your Majesty, Bolo kneels down to greet you!" Not long after, Nagushan Beizi Bolo rushed over and said tremblingly.

"Is Chief Shun still there?" Hong Tai asked expressionlessly.

"I ordered the artillerymen to fight all night last night. I am sure that I will definitely die." Bolo quickly responded with his eyes rolling.

"You bastard, you dare to quibble!" Mrs. Hong almost died. "I have been observing the city all night, and I have never seen any panic in the 'Shun Thieves' camp. How could I die!"

"How could I know this?" Bolo couldn't help but knelt down and said, "I just let the shooters fire last night without stopping."

"Due to excessive firing, a 500-pound red-coated cannon exploded on the spot, and another cracked later and became unusable."

"A total of 1,785 kilograms and six taels of gunpowder and 307 cannons were consumed before and after."

"It's so dark that it's hard to see. I wonder if the 'shun thief' will live or die."

"So you still have merit!" The more Hong Tai thought about it, the angrier he became. Just for such a thing, how many troops were dispatched and how many men were killed last night, and this is the result.

"This matter may not be Beizi's fault!" At this moment, Gushan'e Zhenturge couldn't help but suddenly interjected, "Maybe the Han and I were not of the same mind and deliberately missed the target."

"Please kill that gunner as a warning to others!"

"Oh?" Mrs. Hong glanced at Fan Wencheng, whose face was ashen, and couldn't help but sneered, "What about the gunner?"

"Well, the gunner died unfortunately because the cannon exploded." Bolo couldn't help but said in embarrassment.

"I can't deal with you anymore?" Mrs. Hong's expression became more and more serious.

"I acknowledge my guilt." Bolo was suddenly frightened and sweating profusely.

"Boluo failed to fulfill his orders and specialized in bullying, causing our army to lose troops and generals, and missed important events. Immediately remove the title of Viscount Bei, and temporarily stay in the army to serve as punishment!" Mrs. Hong couldn't help but said coldly.

And just when Hong Tai was punishing Gushan Beizi Boluo, in the rebel camp, a group of people were looking at the Chinese army's tent in amazement, whispering: "Sure enough, His Highness is so blessed that he has Liu Ding. Rokko protects you!"

"What's wrong? The war has just ended, and the Jianlu have not gone far, and the danger is not gone. You are not doing your job properly, why are you standing here pointing fingers?" Zhang Shun stayed up all night, and when he heard the noise outside, he couldn't help but come out and scolded.

"Your Highness, look!" At this moment, Zhang Shun's new personal guard general Ji Longfeng pointed to the surrounding situation and signaled to Zhang Shun.

"Oh?" Zhang Shun looked carefully and was startled.


It turned out that last night it was all a fool's errand, and Houjin's gunner couldn't see where the shells would land, so he just fired randomly.

Unexpectedly, dozens of artillery shells were scattered around the tent of Zhang Shunzhong's army, but none of them hit the tent, which surprised everyone.

In fact, although the artillery of this era is not that accurate, if it is carefully adjusted, it may not be able to hit a target as large as the Chinese army's tent.

However, due to weather conditions, correction could not be made.

In addition, after the experienced old gunner was killed, the other gunners were even more incompetent and unable to hit the target. This gave everyone the illusion that Zhang Shun was protected by the "Six Ding Liujia God".

"Okay, okay, let's all disperse. This is a military secret. You must not share it with a third person, otherwise you will be dealt with according to the military law!" Before Zhang Shun could react, Song Xiance couldn't help but stand. He came out and warned sternly.

The rebel army has always had strict military laws. When everyone heard that they wanted to be "handled by military law", they were immediately frightened and went back to their camps.

"Sir, you are really..." Zhang Shun didn't know what to say for a while.

Originally, the words "Six Ding Liu Jia" were the rhetoric he used to stabilize the morale of the military.

As a result, now that Song Xiance is trying to cover up the truth, it is estimated that the soldiers will really regard this as the reincarnation of "Emperor Shun" in the future.

Many things in the world are so strange. For example, the more you keep it secret, the more likely it will become known to everyone.

Song Xiance made such a verbal threat, but the actual punishment was not achieved, which made people believe him even more.

"Military strategy, military yin and yang, military situation, and military skills are the four schools of military strategists. Now that the yin and yang of military affairs are combined, why not?" Song Xiance couldn't help but smile after hearing this.

"Okay!" Zhang Shun thought for a while and finally nodded.

To be honest, I have led the rebels to this point now.

Although they have gained a strategic advantage over Houjin, no one dares to say that they are sure of success until the last moment.

Especially last night, Hou Jin's killing move really caused a lot of damage to the rebel army, which made Zhang Shun, who was already quite complacent, become cautious again.

His family knows his own affairs. Although the situation of the rebel army is very good now, most of his important ministers and famous generals are surrendered ministers of the former Ming Dynasty.

If anyone really gets mad and suddenly surrenders the enemy, the whole situation may collapse.

In this case, promoting "the divine right of kings" and "the destiny of heaven is mine" is still a good way to stabilize the current situation.

Thinking of this, Zhang Shun couldn't help but shook his head and said: "The art of yin and yang is not a legitimate method. Please use it with caution in the future."

The two of them had decided on their plan and did not mention the matter.

Zhang Shun then returned to the tent, washed his face with cold water, and continued to deal with government affairs.

"Your Highness, Li Zicheng has just sent an envoy to report that the men who attacked our camp last night have been found. They crossed Ta'er Mountain from the direction of Bao'an Old City." At this moment, Xu Ziyuan hurried in and said.

"What? When did the Tatars mobilize their troops to the old city?" Zhang Shun frowned when he heard this.

The old Baoan City is only twenty miles away from Jimingyi. If we leave things alone, things may be in trouble if the two sides come out again during the decisive battle.

"Let's take down the old Baoan City first, and then attack the new city!" Zhang Shun pondered for a moment and finally decided.

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