Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1417 Shun Township

The hills, high and low, seem endless.

Everywhere is bare and earthy, with almost no vegetation or fields.

Zhang Sanbai had been walking for half a day, and he was getting impatient. Suddenly he saw a horse riding back quickly. He was refreshed and quickly asked: "What's going on ahead?"

"Come on, Commander Zuo, we saw another castle ahead. The people in the castle claimed that our army could not attack, so the officers and soldiers sent me to ask for instructions from you." The soldier had not arrived yet, but the voice came first.

"It's a joke. Just believe him when he says you can't attack officials and appease the people? Are there any castles in this world that our rebels can't attack?" Zhang Sanbai said indifferently.

But then I thought about it, the officials and the people were not ignorant of military affairs. Could there be some ulterior motive behind it?

Thinking of this, Zhang Sanbai said: "Forget it, lead the way, I want to see which god it is."

It turned out that since the rebel army began to march towards Bao'an, Zhang Shun had already sent an envoy to mobilize three hundred of Zhang's men to help.

There were seven battalions under Zhang Sanbai's command, plus Li Guo's battalion sent by Zhang Shun earlier, there were a total of 30,000 troops.

As a result, Prince Duduo of Yu led 20,000 troops southward, and only Prince Zheng Jierhalang, with 10,000 troops, confronted him.

The road from Guangchang to Weizhou is narrow and the terrain is difficult. Zhang Sanbai has 30,000 troops and cannot use them. To a certain extent, it is a waste of troops.

Therefore, after much deliberation, Zhang Shun decided to transfer Zhang's 300 troops to 20,000, and first use the superior force to eat up Hong Tai's main force before making any calculations.

Lingqiu was four hundred miles away from Xuanfu City, and it took two people to deliver the order.

After Zhang Sanbai received the order, he gathered his troops and went all the way along Shengchuan, Yuzhou and Taohuabao.

Zhang Sanbai left the three battalions of Zhang Tianlin, Chen Jitai and Li Guo behind, and led the Biao battalion and the four battalions of Guan Fumin, Zhang Rukui and Dang Shousu to march in the direction of Bao'an.

It is more than 300 miles from Lingqiu to Baoan Old City, and Yuzhou is 180 miles away from Baoan Old City. Therefore, Zhang Sanbai asked Guan Fumin, Zhang Rukui and Dang Shousu who were previously stationed in Yuzhou to go first. He led his subordinate Biaoying Do both ways to catch up.

It happened to be noon on the fourth day, and it was almost time for the former army to resist Baoan Old City. But the officials and the people asked for instructions because of this trivial matter?

Zhang Sanbai murmured in his heart and hurried forward.

Not long after, I saw a large group of people stopping by the road to rest, with some passages exposed in the middle.

Zhang Sanbai didn't waste any time and just passed by.

Not long after, as expected, Guan Fumin, Dang Shousu and Zhang Rukui came to greet them in person.

"What's going on? It's just a civilian fort. If you want to surrender, surrender, if you don't surrender, fight. Where did all this nonsense come from!" Zhang Sanbai yelled at the top of his head.

Although Guan Fumin, Zhang Rukui and Dang Shousu were not happy after hearing this, they knew that this guy had always been domineering and arrogant, and they did not want to get into trouble with him, so they had to respond: "It is easy to say that beating is easy, but the key point is that these are a bit of a beating." No."

"Why can't we fight?" Zhang Sanbai couldn't help but asked impatiently.

"Because...because this place is called 'Shun Xiang Fort'." The three of them couldn't help but smile bitterly.

"Shun Xiang Fort? His Royal Highness King Shun is from Chenzhou, what does this place have to do with it?" Zhang Sanbai frowned and asked in confusion.

"Commander Zuo!" Guan Fumin couldn't help but clear his throat before telling the story.

"It stands to reason that it doesn't matter if this place is called 'Shun Xiang Fort', but the old people in the fort keep claiming that this fort is the 'Hometown of Emperor Shun'."

"If our army is really King Shun's army, there will be no reason not to surrender.'s just that they are afraid that we are officers, soldiers and bandits, so they dare not open the door."

"He said it's Shun Township, is it Shun Township? Didn't you fall into someone else's plan to delay the attack?" General Zhang Sanbai said doubtfully, "Take me forward and let me meet the old man in the fort."

Shun Township and Yao Township, according to Zhang Sanbai's idea, just kill the generals along the way.

It's just that as a surprise soldier, he shouldn't make a big show of it. Zhang Sanbai hesitated for a moment, and finally decided to find out the truth before talking about it.

Not long after the soldiers passed the news, they saw a trembling old man appear on the Shunxiang Fort.

Zhang Sanbai then stepped forward and said: "Old man, you don't believe that we are King Shun's soldiers, and we don't believe that you are King Shun's city. What do you think we should do about this matter?"

"Easy to handle, I prove that we are King Shun's city, and you prove that you are King Shun's soldiers, then we will naturally open the city gate and welcome you into the city!" I replied angrily.

Good guy, he is quite old, but he is in good health and courageous.

"Okay, then you prove it to me first!" Zhang Sanbai couldn't help but sneered.

"It's easy to say, it's easy to say. There is a saying in ancient books: Shun's capital is also called Puban, or Pingyang and Pan." The old man shook his head and said.

"Puban and Pingyang are known to everyone; only Pan, many people don't understand their meaning."

"The so-called 'Pan' refers to Pan County in the Han Dynasty, which is located in the ancient city of Xi not far to the west of here!"

"There is the ancient Panquan in the city, and there is Lishan Mountain three miles north of the city. It is the place where Emperor Shun worked hard. It is also called Busan, and it is also the place where the Yellow Emperor coincides. I wonder if this can be used as evidence?"

The old man's words immediately made the three hundred and one others look at each other in shock.

If Zhang Shun is said to be uneducated and incompetent, the generals under his command are actually not much better. Although they know a few words, they are actually no better than being blind.

Now that the old man was quoting scriptures, no one in the army could answer him.

Zhang Sanbai pondered for a moment and thought to himself: "This statement must be a local legend. Ask a few elders to compare it and you will know the truth. I don't think he will lie to me."

"But now he has proved in a few words that this is Shunxiang Castle. How can I prove that we are King Shun's soldiers?"

From Puban to Pingyang, and now from Pingyang to "Pan", even if Zhang Sanbai didn't care about Zhang Shun's identity as "King Shun", this time he would inevitably feel strange.

As the saying goes: over and over again, twice, never three.

It was normal for the rebel army to pass by Puban and Pingyang during this western expedition, but now a "Pan" appeared out of nowhere, which really shocked everyone.

"Is it true, this is really a 'Pan' land?" Everyone couldn't help but started whispering to each other and seeking confirmation from each other.

"Yes, it's true. I asked a nearby villager before. They also have the legend of King Shun. It is said that there is Shun Temple and Fuhuang Temple at the foot of Busan."

From Lishan in Yuanqu to Puban, from Puban to Pingyang, and from Pingyang to today's "Pan Zhe".

This journey is like Moses leading the enslaved Israelites out of Egypt to the Promised Land;

It's like the Red Army's long march of thousands of miles, going through all kinds of hardships to reach northern Shaanxi.

Everything seemed to be destined, Zhang Shun also led his people to worship King Shun all the way to his promised land.

Well, the protagonist is finally reaching his last "holy place"!

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